Diablo Hell's Ink, early access to D4 beta

It appears that some of the people who participate in the Diablo Hell’s Ink event will be receiving early access to the D4 beta and a digital copy of the game. The Diablo Hell’s Ink event will conclude in September.

So, what do you think D4 beta in Q4, 2022?

Hopefully someone will get a tattoo of the in-game shop “anchored around” cosmetics…


This is sick in the original bad way.

To have a tattoo inked on your body for D4 blows my mind about stupidity.

I have no doubt a bunch of duds will blast this post of mine.


Good thing you don’t have to do it. Should let people enjoy what they enjoy.

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Going for an Ice Cream or learning to play the piano, yeah that’s all fine.

Doing something that one will regret for the rest of their life and removal is not so easy and painful is another thing.


omg can they stop and let the woke sites die? just announce on the forum. guess they have no choice, still located on commifornia-soil.

it´s weird, i just kinda decided on a tattoo before visiting the forum now.

but newbloodzzard won´t like it. the motif is simply the Amazon by the fire as is, minus the fire. that´s as pin-up as it gets for me.

hopefully the event won´t be a fraction as cringe as the american ink shows on tv…

Just because you would regret it doesn’t mean others will. Stop making value judgements for others.


I am hoping we get Beta later this year, but not quite holding my breath about it.

As for tattoos, not my thing. I have zero, also zero piercings besides my ears for earrings.

What others do that make them happy though, is up to them. Some of the artwork is amazing and if they like it, cool. I still feel like getting access to a game Beta + digital copy of a game is an odd reward for a lifetime permanent mark on your skin. It just feels ick. Then again, a lot of the tattoo options were not explicitly Diablo related or branding.

Event announcement

Example of the free “flash event” tattoos

Examples of the Custom tattoos which people won. This necro is pretty interesting.


So it is not encouraged like; “ get a d4 tattoo and get a cool reward”? Then its fine in my book

No, it was not advertised that way. The “rewards” were announced after the contest and results went out. People showing up did not know they would get Beta as well as a tattoo. I suppose people now might now, but not for the first batch.

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I doubt many will blast your post. Personally I wouldn’t participate in this event, simply because I don’t like tattoos nor the idea of getting it. That said I wouldn’t hold it against anyone who would want to get a tattoo or who’s willing to get one solely for this event as it’s their choice.

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I got a new Taetew of D4 over the MasterCard/Visa cross

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800% value tattoo on my weiner. Is that beta? Heck, that should be alpha! :beers:

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D4 beta is late Q3 2022, D4 release date is Q1 2023.

But what if it’s a hell cat?

Should be September, no?

I hope you are correct, but you are usually wrong, so we will see.

Be careful posting about new games @Avalon…:slight_smile:

Boy did you ever smack yourself in the face on your last furious posts of D:I.

Or like the ol’ adage about the snake coming back to bite one in the ***.


With the usual releases often being in late January/early February or late July/early August, it seems most reasonable that a preview could appear 2-3 months before then, so ideally mid-October, given that December is a pretty dead month and any changes/bugfixes would likely not be addressed - it might make a good test zone, though, but the shizz needs to solid before warez hitz gold.

People who like Immortal enjoy it. People who do not like Immortal will vent. Bring on D4 already.

Some look cool. One waitress rhat waited on me had a Moogle (FF) on one arm and Sarge (halo) on the other. Along with Mario and others.

I do find it as an interesting form of perpetual advertisement. I just hope it doesn’t go the way of the Jar-Jar (Fan Boys)

Never regretted any of my tattoos. Would I have made them all today as opposed to a few decades ago? Maybe not, but I don’t regret them.