Diablo | BlizzConline Community Feedback Thread

Im with you
Probably gonna be a play through for me and that’s it
We will see
I’m just happy for Mr llama he can finally play another game every single day xD


With D2R launching in Q4 (most likely) this year, it seems they aim Q4 2022 for D4 too, which is another 2 Blizzcons and 5-6 quarterly updates before release.

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If we are lucky
Could easily be 2023

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2023 would mean some serious delay, which at this point of development cycle I completely toss aside.

Next Blizzcon they’ll show the last class (all beloved Paladin), and on the Blizzcon before release they’ll tease the juicy endgame plus trading for the whales so that the sales and MTX purchases rain from the sky.

Besides that I hope they at least make some self-found servers (even if we have to pay for these to enjoy them privately).

There is only 1 February left till December 2022
This is February 2021 already
Also game systems are still heavily in development (I hope at least because they are not finished at all)

D2R looks amazing! Some scenes look even better than D4 IMHO. Both games still lack some GI (or at least better AO).

Another feedback I have for D2R right now: Please rework all potion icons. They are off some how. Also gems look strange in some screen shots (unfortunately I can’t post the screenshots).

But overall, great job VV!

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Diablo II Resurrected Deep Dive
The Diablo II Resurrected Deep Dive has totally blown me away. Such respect and care for Diablo II, it’s amazing. I feel the right design decisions were made for Diablo II Resurrected. Please share your research on Diablo I and Diablo II with the Diablo IV team. If Diablo II Resurrected works out then you guys are true heroes.

Be sure to communicate about any difference in user experience for current Diablo II players that would like to stick to the old Diablo II LoD, not Resurrected. For example, should the old battle net platform for Diablo II be replaced with a new, up to date, platform make sure to communicate that to the community, even if visually nothing changes. Leave nothing out and communicate in a timely manner.

Launch day peak
Make sure server capacity is more than enough for the launch day of Diablo II Resurrected, because there’s a good chance a lot of players and streamers will rise to the challenge.

Is there really no Mac Version for Diablo 2 Resurrected?


Will Diablo 4 be available for Mac?

Please do NOT force us to play PvP. I really do NOT want to be killed permanently by other groups. In my Opinion, there should be absolutely no disadvantage for players that do not want to join PvP! But since we will get rewards for playing PvP this is not hte case.


Please do NOT implement game events, that take place at certain times (like every 3 hours). I have played lots of games in past with similar game events that take place at certain times (for example Worldbosses).

It is just horrible when a game dictates you when and what you have to play. At 6 pm do this. At 7 pm do that. and so on…

But as and adult with little time to play I was barely able to join these game events. No events of course means no progression in game.
So please do NOT implement such time events!

I want to play when I have time for it and when I wanna play. And the game has to support me and my decisions. It must not be the other way around.


What I’ve seen and heard so far, it doesn’t look good, and here is why.

1. Luis Barriga | Game director saying that, been in a group, the players will experience more freeze and chill effects.

  • NOW, this is something that was talked over and over again. If players can have more benefits from paying in a group, what’s the point of Single play? Playing in a group with friends or randoms it’s by default fun, no need to add “special effects” to it. Maybe, just maybe, this freeze and chill thing is mandatory. But if it gives advantage, no GG to D4.

2. Buttons and skills!
What I’ve seen so far from the demos, there were only 7 SEVEN skills on your screen that you can activate, and two of them were by clicking your mouse. I don’t know if you realize but not having skills and the limitation of the character control is a vary bad decision. You need to take this game to the next level, where we’ll have at least 10 skills to play with. That will bring more diversity to the game, it will demand more control from the players, that demands more player skill to play this game. This is my personal opinion from my 24 yeas of active gaming - Diablo 4 will be less fun and will be limited game if you don`t give it skills and things to use in our fights.

3. Bugs

  • This is something that you`ll just have to do the best job in creating and polishing this game. DO NOT release this game by any means to early. Better to wait for one or two more years, and release it like it should be, rather then make a disaster out of it, with bugs and exploits. Exploits… hmm next on my list.

4. Exploits

  • Now I’ve been playing WoW for some time, have spend a lot of time in D3 as well, and what I’ve seen is that ppl are using Bots, Resetting areas with one click, Slaying just one boss with some kind of a bug, Exploiting XP and Gold farm… etc. All of this and many more will ruin this game from the very beginning. If you don`t create a system to get rid of the bots, if you don’t get rid of all bugs and exploits, there will be no point in focusing on game play and itemization.

5. Balance between classes

  • Since you announce PvP and even in the PvE this is by far the biggest challenge. If some of the classes have advantage in slaying monsters, grinding, farming… or in PvP like range, slow, to long CCs, D4 will be a game full of one class players and it will ruin all the other classes. Maybe it’s better to have Arena based PvP, rather than open world PvP. Or even no PvP if you can’t balance the classes.
    Also you’ve said that PvP will give you rewords and we’ll have to survive the attacks of other players, but if this is again a group thing, Single player players will suffer, they’ll must team up, even if they don’t want that, so that again brings the advantage of playing in a group rather then single.

Sorry if I was not clear enough. Hope this reaches some of the devs and directors.

This is all based on my personal experience, many ppl will have different opinion bout this, and I respect that. So GG and HF. Hope D4 will be game that we all been waiting for.

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So far, I like what I saw pretty convincing good news that potentially seamless and hard to not deliver if you keep the plans. I just donno if I’m any willing to buy anniversary pack but whatever.

  • Diablo II Resurrection:

I was expecting you to shove DRM into people’s throats and remove features. It had no meaning back in Reforged but I thought it’s your “business policy” from now on. Regardless, “anti-piracy” doesn’t even make sense for an old game, decades after. For the sake of preventing a copyright issue with DotA it was imminent I guess.
I hope I didn’t get it wrong because re-releasing the game on old consoles simply means no potential DRM would ever hold and forcing online would be a disaster for anyone involved. So pleased to say, you didn’t ruin it at the first step to leap over the rest of them. I’ll still await the main reveal to expect a few cut features here and there and hold off my urge to pre-order anything. You didn’t say anything about cut features while talking about Warcraft 3 Reforged either.

Apparently we still have a trading system which magically you didn’t touch, left the stamina bar in and PvP intact. Another bunch of good news. To top it off, we now have auto pickup gold and shared stash? That’s amazing.
However I still have huge doubts about you holding your stance instead of caving to criticism so I again choose to wait the final product for another reason. What VV achieved with previous remakes is irrelevant to me; I have seen developers cave into criticism for the most weirdest reasons. Worst can happen that you’d lost some old fans, but who cares. Right?

Two questions:

  1. How auto gold affects the multiplayer? I didn’t hear a separate loot feature at least don’t remember. Anyone activating it would vacuum all gold drops? Is this a gist for encouraging close combat?
  2. Are there cooldowns on problematic skills that cause too much calculations now or you solved this issue?
  • Diablo IV:

There are many to cover here. Rogue reveal caught me by surprise, so did the PvP zones. I’m amazed how you didn’t step back at the face of fanbase complaining about lack of “challenges” but refuse PvP or countering PK as a challenge. It feels like you thrive to get back to Ultima times.
I get that you’re bored of serving stale treadmill content with high scale and aim to limit the difficulty scale but push the challenge by community interactions? That’s another good news for me as it emphasizes good design was NOT bound by luck.

So I get the borders between PvE and PvP equipment is rather vague and there won’t be PvE leaderboards at all. I admit, cleansing ritual is a highly innovative idea and I hope you keep your promise on it.
Do not be afraid to disable or alter skills in player versus player interactions if you fail to balance them out. It’s only a natural cycle as no one should expect to win everytime. I believe you can come up with an idea to create a crafting material to deduce or prolong the cleansing ritual’s duration depending on cleansing performing player’s approach.

To note, the rogue we see in the class reveal scene, seem to be missing her right ear as well. Do that means there’s a small lore bit behind being resurrected after a PvP match to death? Are we going Dark Souls here?

Imbue is interesting but I fail to see the difference between them besides “cosmetically cool death effects”. Okay, so cold damage finally causes some freeze without relying on control impairing procs from other sources, but where the poison differ from fire or shadow damage?
Weapon damage efficiency like always? 250-300% damage, 2000% damage over 6 seconds, 5000% over 10 seconds? No absolute modifiers or special affixes to divert them from each other? Ain’t that a bit stale? All the skills shouldn’t be about pure damage without any characteristic or depth to it. You shouldn’t bank on diverting the elemental skills with legendary powers on the fly this time just because you strip them off from characteristics.

Whatever you plan, I ain’t gonna stop and stare at a recolored version of the melting scene in Wizard of Oz or shadows grasping at bad people in The Ghost, while surrounded by demons and undead. What’s the catch here? Enemies possessing resistance?
Comical death animations give the game some allure, I’m sure, but there must be something beyond seeing blood splatters if they offer no gameplay element or utility.

Customization is also highly intriguing, seeing tatooes, scars and clothes. Back in D3 you could transmogrify everything regardless of your playstyle, how would that work here? How clothing and style of a character will reflect the path they chose though?
Another impression is how do you plan on achieving this diversion between playstyles? Stat thresholds and passive bonuses I hope. I’m not keen on the idea of being enveloped by class restrictions and stereotypes again. If I wanted a shield, I should be able to bear a shield as rogue or sorceress, or at least use a throwing knives/axes/potions to mix things up besides wielding a bow or 2-handed staves on close combat classes.

Camp zones is another eye-catching feature. While campzones is a really interesting mechanic, I fear that the rewarding would be lost on player if level scaling items exist. Player must feel rewarded to be able to cleanse such areas just to have quick access to lucracious farming spots nearby.
I do wonder though, when you clear the area how do you populate them? You need to bring blacksmith or a merchant there, or do they just push themselves into existence once you clear the area? For a follow up quest, would you consider an escort the cart mission?

Another remark is combat. While I’m highly excited about the pacing and elite fights. I’m kinda neutral towards the dynamic combat with area denial attacks scouring the entire screen. Reason being, it allowing power creep, encouraging faster pace and in the end has the potential of tipping the balance scale in the favor of PvE. I still have worries about if you were to repeat the same cycle as Diablo 3.

So I can’t stress this enough but please do NOT separate damage from utility for the sake of keeping things simpler if you plan to emphasize dynamic combat. If power foundation of character is built strong from the start, I believe power creep will not budge the scales on the upcoming changes, years after release.
To achieve this, please do not neglect the character’s power for the favor of binding 100000% more damage or automatically hitting 50 enemies 10 times on the items. Doing so will kill the PvP right away with immense critical damage and will flush everything you talked about in this introduction as design pillars.

What I liked the most about combat is that you’re looking to include some sort of higher ceiling at skillplay. I feel that’s an answer to most (which includes me) thinking ARPGs requiring pretty narrow assortment of personal skill. Impressive, yet again this is still widely based on reflexes as a reminiscence of quick time events or watching a duration cycle just like the speed demon times of D3.

I think the only skill that requires commitment in that class reveal video is the Shadow Realm. If you tweak SR, it could be a double edged sword that reward the player for dragging the right enemies into the realm or punish them harshly for picking poorly and exhausting resources early.
I like that idea more than QTE twist on Inner Sight with critical hits from Reveal Weakness. I’d like to see more spells on different classes that offer high stakes if you give crucial decisions to exploit enemies positioning or aggression.

I’m also curious how vertical advance differences will change the combat. Will positioning, wind and gravity hold no weight if I were to stand on a rock, 10 meters above monsters to rain down arrows as a Rogue. Leaping down as a Barbarian from 20+ meters must create a bigger circle of dust on impact with damage fall off at the outer ring if falls don’t hurt.
There must be penalties damage or accuracy penalties for elevation differences. Else, we’re looking at some imbalanced position abuses at PvP or ambushes being very cheap ways for catching someone off-guard.

From the positioning in combat, I’d add another late remark; mounts. The idea is pretty interesting and first time implementing something like this in the series, besides Crusader’s Steed skill I guess. I hope you’re able to keep it as a way of initiate in the combat like introduced instead of making it an alternative run or manual dodge animation as a get outta jail free card.

Questions for D4:

  1. Item randomization seems scary enough for a game with in-game trade orientations. Any plans to diminish this? Will we get to be bound to 6 random affixes 'till the end of time because nothing beats 6 random affixes in terms of “swag”?
  2. Will endgame have PvE activity or leaderboards and what’s your stance for the trading’s impact on PvE side?
  3. Any plans to split PvP and PvE? Would my purpose of picking loot for the character change with hatred corruption levels I got?
  • Diablo Immortal

Not much to say about it. I’m not even sure my new phone would be able to play it. It was harsh for mister Wyatt but things changed fast. It’s obvious it was a kneejerk reaction so it doesn’t worth paying mind to that for too long. Reveal was badly timed, badly hyped and approached the wrong audience too early.
I expected some news about emulation for PC and NSwitch which could turn this bad impressions around but instead I get to hear about bluetooth controllers after two years. That was odd.

I’m impressed with what the engine could do with limited resources but I still have quesitons about battery life and overheat of devices while computing all these rendering.

Questions for DI:

  1. Emulations? Is it possible to play D:I on android emulators? I know smart phones can share screen with smart TVs but emulating it would be convenient for some.

Diablo 4 - Rogue

:grinning: I like

  • Gorgeous landscapes. Breathtaking. Dungeon Siege-like !
  • The Arrow Rain - I’d like an item to boost duration / cooldown
  • The Shadows Ream - I’d like an item to boost duration / cooldown
  • The Spikes Field - I’d like an item to boost Area & Poison spikes
  • The minimalistic, immersive UI. No portrait.
  • Character level integrated in bottom bar
  • The shorcut keys always displayed - But I’d like an option to hide
  • Zombies that explodes in a myriad of spiders, disgusting
  • Skeleton Ballista, please more abominations like this

:face_with_monocle: Improvement Suggestions

  • Most of the time, the Rogue is doing body contact with its bow. I believed a bow was about hitting at distance, acting like a sniper. I understand that Rogue can be versatile by chaining bow with daggers, but still. Maybe it is because bow basic attack is bound to left click, I hope bounding basic to keys 1-5 will have a different effect. By the way, players shall have a skill to boost push back monsters on hit, so we can keep efficiently the distance between player and monsters, especially in closed quarters combats.
  • Rogue seems to take hits rather than evading. I expect an agility master to be able to avoid hits from lower monsters. The dodge effect must be visible, like Neo escaping bullets.
  • The shadow clones aiming. They should auto-target ennemies, especially when there is only one ennemy, rather than hitting nothing in straight line. Looks like a waste of mana somehow, and players tend to not use useless skills. I propose a more generic Shadow clone power that replicates the next 5 attacks. And we can invest in that power to increase the number of clones. More like Last Epoch rather than Wolcen. In Last Epoch there is a rune to create Shadow Clones from The Shadows Ream. Might be an idea for a future implementation.
  • The electric ray power used by the red monster “One Eye The Regurgitated”, that comes from nowhere. I don’t buy it. This lower monster does not seems capable of this. I’d expect that monster put some mini-trap on the floor that produces the desired effect, giving the player the choice to destroy the trap to cancel the effect.
  • The horse that seems to fly over the ground. Needs shadow, sounds (walk + horse nose) and ripples to increase realism. I want to feel the horse.
  • Dead maggots corpses are disappearing way to fast, after only 2 seconds : https://youtu.be/bE3_7_qUT-Y?t=379. When I kill monsters, I want to be able to see the result of the battle. Seeing a pile of dead monters on the battlefield is rewarding for adventurers, it is a totem of their might.
  • Same observation applies for blood. It should stack and stay longer on screen.
  • Generic deaths. I want ennemies to be dismembered like Soldier of Fortune. It is not Alice in Wonderland, it’s Diablo. I want plenty death effects, see monsters burning to death, suffer from poison when they die, loose parth of their skin, reveal bones and internals, melt in pain, shatter in tiny ice cubes, being terrorized by your tremendous power, etc. You know, the sadistic part of being a hero.
  • Empty landscapes. More wild life. Okay turtles are easy for the demo because they move slowly, we get it. But I want fishes (ex: salmons in rivers), crabs, birds (ex: ravens, vultures), …etc. It is a living world.
  • Passive vegetation. Vegetation shall be source of danger. I want carnivorous / brambles plants for fun. That could be whole dungeon with a powerful plant boss at the end. Vegan jokes guaranted.
  • I want a monk class. Not the asian one. I mean the western medieval monk, like in Dungeon Keeper. You should get inspired by Dungeon Keeper for you bestiary, both demons and heroes.
  • I want an Absorber class, a hero that takes hits from monsters and heroes and, at each hit taken, has a percentage chance to learn the monster or hero skill, and once the skill is learned, a percentage chance to increase level for this monster or hero skill (and also resistance, which makes harder to be hit by the skill or to level the skill). This way this class would be able to perform unprecedented combos, from both monsters and heroes skills.
  • Seamless style change during character selection. Currently it seems to reset the breathing animation loop, which cause an undesirect effect of “jump” when you change for example the hair color.
  • 1080p Gameplay videos. We miss something. We need 4K videos.

Diablo 2 Resurrected

I just pre-ordered it.

:+1: Generally speaking, GREAT UPDATE

I noticed that in the few shots I spotted were the rare weapons (sword, dagger, bow) with their affixes/stats being shown that there were some slight changes since the December blog post which I found interesting.

For one it looked like all three rares only had 4 affix slots instead of 5. Was this a coincidence or did it get reduced from 5 to 4?

I noticed how large of a number the bow gives to stat points (compared to the items in the Dec Blog) which was 140 Dex, 76 to ALL, 132 to Willpower but even the sword and dagger gave some high values too around the 40’s to ALL. This makes me wonder how high the stat point breakpoints are for the skills where we were shown the barbarian example with requirements of 150 dex and 225 str/dex but will there be even higher ones around 500, 1000, 2000 depending on if all item slots can give that many stat points as the bow example or perhaps its to allow more flexibility with other affix choices on gear.

Is this also a way that the item tiers can be balanced where legendary’s don’t get the benefit of having such high stat point affixes while of course having the advantage of a legendary power. Blues, being the items to have fewer affix slots but higher ranges, I can only imagine how much higher the stat points could roll on blues then.

Also, the rain of arrows was cool but I would think covering that much space (aoe) seems like it should only be possible with some legendary’s or uniques?

I feel the same.
They just break the atmosphere of this dungeon.


I can agree. Maybe just spikes that spin instead like a wheel. Because at least the spikes would blend in more with the environment and are realistic.


There is no reason this would be the case :slight_smile:
That said, I have issues with the design of that ability, as it really encourage you to gather a bunch of enemies, D3 style. That is the case with or without cooldown though. Maybe if it could only bring max 3 enemies into the shadow with you.
Or even better; each enemy brought into the shadow realm consumes 20% of your mana or similar, making it a more tactical choice how many enemies you want in there.

Hype on the forum seems way higher for D2R right now :smiley:
Probably because of how little was shown from D4.

2023 would not mean a delay.

Yeah, they really need to balance this.
It should be harder to CC enemies in a group.

I like the laser concept (as in rotating dmg), but yes, how it is shown graphically does not matter to me, so if it was changed to a rotating blade or similar, that would be just fine too.

thats the point…
sry for the rant :frowning:

So you cant gather a group every second. Or go into shadow realm, attack, get out, bring the same enemies/boss into the shadow realm instantly, for all eternity.
As in balance.
As you say, you wont use this ability every 10 second just because it has a 10 sec cooldown. Since it would be pointless to use it if there are not at least 1 enemy around, and more realistically you would want multiple dangerous enemies around.

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R E S O U R C E S : (
(this IS a sentence)

I dunno about D2R. I watched some gameplay and I am not hyped at all for it (I haven’t even sign-up for the beta). I may not buy the game at all since Q4 2021 new aRPGs would already exist and that will be enough until D4.

I thought Blizzcon was great overall, especially as a Diablo fan. I will agree with others that I was hoping for more Diablo 4 information in the sense of skill trees, itemization, end game, new features, etc. But I realize that they did announce a new class, mount information, PvP and showed new world areas, so I guess I cannot complain too much.

D2R is looking phenomenal so far and as long as it lives up to what was shown, is a day one purchase for me.

D2R changes I want to see:

  1. optional hot buttons for skills. Meaning if I want to assign teleport to Q and Blizzard to W, I can click Q and it will instantly teleport, then W and it will instantly cast blizzard. I love Diablo II, but always having to right click for everything and have two steps to do so (F key shortcut then click) is archaic and gets tiring on the wrist.
  2. Make the maggot lair wider or change player collision. I know this is starting to tamper with the core game, but really it is the one place everyone hates and causes many headaches and glitchy doors.
  3. Amazon less masculine. Can look strong and doesn’t need to be a supermodel, but she looks too hard faced.
  4. Include the features talked about in their Q/A with Llama. Have item comparisons (what is on and what is being looked at) and quick transfer shortcuts for moving items between inventory and stash rather than dragging the items. Another wrist killer, especially when mixing gems.

Diablo IV is also looking great overall. I love that they are leaning into classes feeling/looking/playing different.

D4 change I want to see:

  1. Monster affixes should not look and feel like D3 copies. Currently I see monsters lobbing molten balls (not the worst one though) and random ice balls and lightning rays spawning all around. Not only does it make me feel like I am playing Diablo III again, but those affixes don’t make it feel connected to the enemy. For most champion/elite mobs, the affixes should feel like they are coming from the enemy. Whether it is them casting something, something occurring when you hit them, they hit you, when they die, etc. Having random element dangers spawn that are the same, regardless of the enemy type you are fighting, just feels like you are fighting random elements rather than an enemy.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the purpose. I think having dangers that require you to think and be mobile at times, is a great thing, but I think it can be done better and it a way that feels fresh and more connected.

Hoping to here more about enemy affixes, skill tree setup, and itemization (affixes and drop rates) at the Q/A.