Diablo 4 will flop without endgame economies and trading

And if D4 had open trading, what would stop this happening there too?

Not saying people will buy items with money (some will of course do that).

But a lot of people will use third party trading sites to find items they want to trade. it is called the internet. Quite the convenience feature these days.
There will be AH-like sites out there, no matter what Blizzard do. Except bu not allowing any trading at all, which is what they should do.


This part is 100% true as you already said. d2JSP So that is a fact that third party sites infest games with open economies.

The rest of it is opinion from people who did not like having those third party sites.


Maybe blizzard doing their job would help?

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Sure! When they can control every single process on your computer legally! Oh, they can’t. Detecting programs that run on a player’s computer that mimic mouse and keyboard actions is actually kind of hard without running into privacy laws.

I am sure you don’t want game companies all up in every file and process you have! Your privacy is protected by laws for a reason.


They only infest the game because blizzard is too incompetent to manage their own servers

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Why is this a bad thing though? It’s not different than sitting in the d2 chat and requesting trades all day

Bots don’t run on Blizzard’s servers. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how they work. They run on the player computer. They mimic the keyboard and mouse commands normally typed by a human. They operate totally outside the game servers.

You did know that right? I never used a bot and even I know they don’t touch servers.


So your telling me if we have 100% open trade. Tell me please. Enlighten me how blizzard stop somebody going to a 3rd Party website . buying an item with real money , then trading for it in game . When Blizzard cant monitor what so ever the 3rd party website. As far as in game it looks like there just new friends and one person gave away an item.
Tell me how me dropping $200 on GG gear and becoming end game viable in minutes is fair.

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if you don’t understand why 3rd party sites are bad that is on you. Although maybe you do know…and this new account is not for a new person, I suspect. I could be wrong of course. :socks: :japanese_goblin:


I don’t really care if a fraction of the playerbase uses third party sites as long as the game still functions for everyone else. It sure as hell beats the alternative of a dead and boring game


So when you wana leaderboard push and it takes you maybe a full day of just back and forth to complete and get Rank 1. Then i come along go . Whatever . Buy gear more GG then your own to the point i walk all over your record.
To me that doesnt remotely sound fun at all.
Not to mention to elitest spam your going to get of people refusing to play with you cause you dont have X item and recommend it you wana do end game content with us. Go to X site therefore reducing available pubs in game.

That sounds like something maybe 0.5% of the playerbase would worry about. And again, blizzard should be capable enough to monitor accounts tied to third party sellers.


Well we know already OPEN Blanket Trade isnt coming so you wont need to worry about it cause you wont be playing D4

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Why is it a bad thing when people discuss trades on a message board but it’s okay when they do it in the battlenet chat?


You want Blizzard monitoring the network traffic and every website players visit? Because that is what it takes to do that. I feel that ins invasive and, in many places, illegal.

Blizzard does not run the internet. They have no idea who is making what deals on third party sites. Nor can they close down sites that are outside the legal reach of the US or the current laws.

Much easier to just remove the market for the most part.

You want to trade? Play with people you want to trade with and give them stuff! Low level stuff you can freely trade whenever.

No third party sites, no spammers, no account theft to sell off what you have via the large third party criminal rings, no financial data theft. etc.

It is not perfect. It does however allow players to PLAY with friends and trade without allowing the bad elements in.

There are market simulators out there in other places. Oh, and Torchlight 3 won’t have open trade either - made by Max Schaefer who was a creator of D2. For the same reason.

EDIT - making the game about discussing trade on the IN GAME message board is also poor gameplay. It take away from actually playing the game. It is part of what people HATED with D3. Trade should not over shadow gameplay.

End game is best gear. Devs want to control that rate of acquisition to control game length. To control gear rates they consider all sources, including trade. To keep gear rates at the rate they want, they end up lowering in game drop rates. Meaning…PLAYING is not how to get gear. It is trading.

BOOO. That is part of the HUGE push back against D3 Vanilla. So glad that is gone. I want gear from playing the game and maybe even playing with friends and giving them stuff.


I’d much rather play a market simulator than a pure slot machine simulator. At least the market simulator incentivizes playing with other people


Be careful making obvious statements around here, people will call you a troll for using your brain.

So does:
-Increased experience playing with others
-Increased drop rates playing with others
-Ability to trade with those you are playing with in game
-Increased currency when playing with others (not that currency matters much)
-Ability to accomplish more as a group than alone.

Spamming a trade channel until you get a buy, going to a game and opening trade, and leaving -is not meaningful multiplayer GAMING. Nor is going to a third party site to set up the transfer.

Again, there are games that are economy simulators. Those might be more your speed. Economy should not be a major part of a hack and slash monster killer game, in my opinion.


Buffing drop rates and exp for joining a party is not social gameplay. There is no direct interaction going on between players. Giving you the option to add bots would be just as effective in terms of social gameplay