Diablo 4 will flop without endgame economies and trading

No, that’s not the reason.


You are telling me that incentives to play together are not social gameplay? Playing together is literally way more social than trading (no speech and done in 2 mins).

That is like saying that paying my cover fee/admission for a location is more social than spending the day out with besties. I don’t consider my transactions to be more social than spending the day out with friends at a venue.


Why do you all pretend that the majority of trade interaction are from deals made out of the game? The vast majority of time spent trading is browsing other people’s stuff in whatever game you are in. Most of the time you don’t even make a deal but the social aspect of meeting other players this way is crucial to the enjoyment of D2. This also leads to other activities like quests or certain boss runs.

I mean you can keep going on about how evil trading is but I’m sure you must wonder why D2 is still so popular after all these years don’t you?


D2 is a fantastic game. It is what got me hooked on gaming, to be honest. I was on dial up and got up after midnight when I could get the least lag. I did watch the trade channels, back in the day, before the bots and JSP existed. It was the same as every other trade - someone spams an item until they get a whisper. Most trades were fast single game things. MAYBE you made a connection and gamed with someone. It was rare though. I got more interaction by hanging out in the Class channels and helping people. We would have good chats and good runs in games.

Trading is transactional, not a primary social activity. I have no idea why anyone frames it otherwise. If you want to have genuine social interactions go PLAY with people.


LOL another credit card warrior presenting us with his doom & gloom.

Because people can still make cash from duped/hacked items.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Diablo is all about items. Loot, hunt, farm items.

u CAn talk about story, quests, adventure - its just for a while and after all only items matters.

Game without open trade where loot is most important part is auto-fail and will be lol’ed like D3 foreverer.

D4 will have full trade.
Any other option is just pathetic.

I beg u be quiet already. I dont even wanna know reasons u wanna keep boa - boa was a reason D3 fall so fast and will be synonym of “FAIL” forever. All about no trade.

We dont even need to talk about D2 and its full trade system, game with boa is good for “I PLAY 2 HOURS EACH SUNDAY PER WEEK” and peoples who like to just "I SLAY DEMONS.


Topic can be closed cuz resolved.


Yes close this stupidity already. Play the game and get the loot. D4 should not be an entitlement program for lazy “players.” Zaven: "Our underlying philosophy here is we think it is the best when you can kill a monster, and get loot that way."


If D4 has open trading, then I want Blizzard to open their own cash shop for D4 then.

There is literally no different buying your stuff from chinese traders or from Blizzard Cash Shop because I am basically paying for victory here. The only difference is that the money I spent on Blizzard Cash Shop will support the D4 future development.

It is funny that people dissing P2Win games, especially mobile games but completely ignoring the fact that open trading game has P2win element too.

Ingame trade is usually without real money taxes
Just gold/items for items

But I wouldn’t mind if you just could change some dollars for a lot of gold via MTX and use that for trading.
You will see that most dedicated traders obviously won’t do that. Because that has nothing to do with the trading game but simply with lazy P2W

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The only lol’ed part about this is your complete cluelessness.

The loot is the most important part and it’s supposed to come from KILLING MONSTERS, which is the point of games like Diablo.

Not spamming d2jsp or Ebay or discord or ingame chat with ZOMG LOOK AT THIS KILLER PRIMAL = $100 GET IT WHILE ITS HOT.



My thoughts exactly. And apparently his points are so important that he absolutely had to create yet another thread instead of using one of the 57 trillion existing threads on the subject.

D4 will have trading but with restrictions. Blizzard has already confirmed this. Some items will untadeable because Blizzard actually wants you to play the game and earn them, not buy them. Some items have limited trades and some are completely unrestricted.


It shows that trading is not a social activity. It shows that trading is not time consuming or difficult. An AH means trading will be easy and semi automated.
Which is not good for the game.

There is no direct social interaction going on when playing a game together??
Granted, if the game is too easy it might not require much. Still more than trading does though.

Anyway, droprates and XP should not be higher for groups. Play together because it is fun to play together. That is all there is needed.

Because it is guaranteed to be that way.
Convenience wins.

Indeed. So let it be about loot and keep trading out of it.

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Yeah you will. All the people saying they won’t buy it are just blowing smoke. :yawning_face:


I actually hope they don’t. That way, if Blizzard only allow people with a D4 license to post on the D4 forums, all these guys won’t be able to fill those forums with threads about D2.


trading the loot, tho :v

That doesn’t seem to be required to make it about the loot :slight_smile:

Honestly, Diablo can also be too much about the loot, as seen in D3. Bring back character builds mattering more!

thats the point
some people want to do it and theres nothing you would lose

Not this time. Luckily blizzard are smart and giving us a d2 remaster. Wouldn’t be surprised if the player base ends up bigger for d2r than d4


WTB link to Blizzard blog confirming this.


Have you got any proof of this or just unconfirmed rumours from that french website that hasn’t had any previous spoilers of anything confirm. Hell if you have a blue post please do share it