Diablo 4 - Who want to hear more about PVP?

I’m all for PvP conditionally:

Please don’t make PvP centric items drop in normal gameplay. I don’t want to have a whole list of auto salvage gear because I don’t PvP.

Please don’t force me to participate. PvP areas should be clearly marked and easily avoided. You should have to be purposefully heading into a PvP zone. IE: at the end of a dead end road. That way the only way you “wander into” that zone is on purpose.

Absolutely NO hostility button in PvE areas. I don’t need some jack wagon thinking it’s funny to interrupt my good time with his PvP nonsense that I have absolutely no interest in.

Please no PvE necessary items as rewards for PvP. BIS gear for PvE shouldn’t drop in a PvP setting. And vice versa. You should get gear for the game you’re playing, not the one you don’t want to play. Especially if they’re going to nuke trading.

I think that about covers my concerns. I’m all for PvP. I’m all for you guys getting multiple awesome arenas, game modes, your own line of custom gear, etc. Just don’t force me to participate. I have no interest in it, and will only get frustrated.


I agree with just about everything you say, and I’m one of the folks who would like pvp to be in Diablo 4.

I agree, the PvP sniping in D2 was not fun for me as I play HC.

Which will ruin all other aspects of the game.


They don’t have to think about PvP as long as they keep trading scene fluent. Community will find a way to make PvP work as long as it’s practical and not an imbalanced mess due to power creep. The only thing they have to mind is NOT allowing quadrillion bloated numbers just like in D3 or adding special restrictions for you to duel one another.
They don’t have to scrap anything and mutual response PvP is not PK; get your terms straight. If you both agreed to duel and you lost, at least do it gracefully and don’t call your opponent a PKer.

If someone killed you on one sided hostility with a stat stacking, mass summon/absorb PvE build or hacked character, it wasn’t PvP it was PK. Getting killed to a hacked character as you turned a corner is not the fault of “PvP”, it’s the game’s infrastructure and it’s no more after well past two decades of coding under developer team’s belt.
PvP builds in D2 get to have restrictions due to imbalanced powers of most classes and they can not use certain skills as they have a BM (bad mannered) list too. It’s all community fueled to for a fit all model to keep people having fun. If you never played PvP in D2 or D1, please at least try not to be ridiculous.

With a casual match making system, it’s obvious nobody will have any PK options without mutual response; developers will not allow this to begin with. You’re thinking of worst, deeming developers thoughtless for even mentioning it, painting the design as culprit and trying to put the game into a mold without even seeing what it could’ve offer. PvP will help you to sell items much faster as people will try different PvP builds when they got bored.

If game will be an MMO-lite, it will have human interaction and some direct competition. Nothing is more natural than an MMORPG having trade and PvP. I have no idea why are you still complaining about it.

They can always make some PvP centric items gated behind crafted item systems while allowing a few BiS pieces, obviously kept in loot tables. You can have a crafted sword that offers more damage against nephilim, while having looted Harlequin’s Shako as helm for some PvP favoring affixes like block rate, you name it.

That depends on how large they would be; by logic these must be vast lands for avoidance or very small dead ends for people who really have to wander into.
Even if PvP areas clash with story mode flow in a few places, game has a waypoint system where you can avoid such areas. Previous installment completely separated brawl arena from the game, I don’t get this fear of PvP or this amount of presumption.

In a casual match making system a few players can simply wreck havoc and people will not have instant TP for PvE balance aspect, nor passworded name servers (duh!) like a decade ago. That’s the last thing developers wish upon the players.

One sided hostility most likely will not be an option already. If they allow it that’s a design flaw because game’s other features will not allow the victim to avoid it. However as they won’t allow it to begin with, it’s not severe or dramatic like most folks here make it out to be.

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Hmmmm…Not me.

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Just for that I hope there’s a huge brutal “no man’s land” crossroads connecting major areas, and if you want to circumvent it you’ll have to navigate a winding detour up a treacherous monster-infested mountain pass.

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Are there not enough PvP games out there to play? Just keep Diablo a true RPG game. I’m more interested in playing WITH my friends than going out and killing them.
If there is PvP in D4 than make it a separate area and have no special drops etc. so that it doesn’t impact the RPG aspect of the overall game. There could be a PvP leaderboard for those who think that is fun.


Those who are bad in Mobas demand PVP for D4. Those who are bad in economic sims demand trading for D4 -)

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I’m a diamond leaguer in League, still wanna see PvP of some discretion in D4. It’s not the same thing.


i disagree pvp and pve should be interconnected to keep tha gameloop going for seasons without reset. That being said pve runs should be uninterrupted by pvp elements

I don’t. Ergo, not everyone.


Are you one of those people that responds to tweets with things like, “not all men!”? :joy:

Yes i would love to hear more about pvp in d4 hell diablo 2 pvp is what made me love diablo lol …

For those that say they dont want pvp or for diablo not to focus on there pvp i say you should just go play Poe or d3 …
D4 must have pvp in nothing like the crap they released on d3 called brawling that was a joke … !!

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When someone makes a claim of “All X do Y” all that’s required to disprove that claim is a single instance of X that doesn’t do Y. That’s why it’s a bad debate tactic to claim that 100% of some audience want something.

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“yes” would have sufficed :joy:

Except “yes” would have been incorrect as I’ve never had a Twitter account.

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PvP could impact PvE also trading in one or many ways. So I’ll go with yes, as in everyone needs to hear it.
Even if you deny it, you should hear about PvP on some terms to give an opinion or feedback about it. They promised PvP and trade for more human interaction and community bonds in the game, which they design as an MMO-lite. If you’re uninterested either you’re not in the target audience or have been playing MMO for many years that it’s boring for you after hundredth time.

I’m actually more interested in the PvEvP they have been talking about. There’s a new Diablo 2 mod that just came out where players all start from scratch on hardcore characters and race to kill a boss, which includes potentially killing other players who are trying to get there first. I think it has both free for all and team modes. This type of activity reminds me a lot of RPG-style Warcraft 3 maps (not quite MOBAs but more or less on the same origin) where you get a short RPG experience with all the character progression, itemization and monster slaying aspects, but with the extra spice of the PvP. I think Diablo is the perfect type of game to pull something like that off. As a separate league, like PoE does sometimes (the april fools battle royale league was actually super fun).


I can only imagine the dramatization in the forums if something like that happens in D3. I hope D4 really would allow us to PvP properly.
My ideal PvEvP design would be in separated arenas and softcore mode, where you can send more mobs or elites to the other duo’s circle and keep your power shrine of sorts loaded by combo kills. It’d minimize human interaction but at least would bring less headache.