Diablo 4 - Who want to hear more about PVP?

Going hostile on lowbies and unsuspecting PvE’rs is not PvP. It’s PK’ing - that’s what most of you “PvP” advocates want.


With Diablo 3 they made the crap PvP, and then they doubled it.

We need to make sure they are not going to do the same with Diablo 4.

Give us some info about PvP when it is ready.

All of this was dropped because they could not balance around PVE and PVP at a same time. That is how I remember it.

It depends on how it is designed.

PvP in WoW

In WoW, you can choose to either play with PvP enabled or disabled.
When it is enabled, you get swapped to another server or instance and you can swap everytime you want.

And even then, when you kill a low level player, you gain some sort of disadvantage. I think when you have too many “Dishonorable Kills”, you get marked on the maps of other players and when they kill you, they gain additional bonus points or a reward, which makes you a high value target for them.

PvP in Diablo 3

In Diablo 3, PvP Arenas were a separate gamemode from Story Mode and Adventure Mode, and items, skills, passives, etc were supposed to work differently and have their numbers adjusted in PvP Arenas.

But they did not implement PvP Arenas into Diablo 3 (yet).

PvP in Diablo 4 (presumably)

In Diablo 4 there will presumably be specific PvP zones. There, and only there you can do PvP, but nowhere else.


Let’s be honest here. Do you think D3 GoD DH design will make it into D4 if D4 is PVP oriented game? How many ridiculous overpowered set item designs and legendary items that altering your build or skills will make it to D4 if PVP is the core of the D4?

Just take a look at D3 Demon Hunter, Crusader, Wizard, Barbarian, Necromancer VS Heroes of the Storm Demon Hunter, Crusader, Wizard and Barbarian and Necromancer and you can see how watered down was HoTS D3 heroes in that game because of PVP balance. First of all, HoTS heroes’ skills aren’t flashy and ridiculous like D3 heroes.


I admit that there was (and perhaps still is) a lot of pking and nking that went around in Diablo 2, which is why I ask that pve players be allowed to not participate in pvp if they so choose. If they do pvp zones properly such as making sure that there be no need for a pve player to go to a pvp zone as well as giving any players a warning if they get too close to a pvp zone, then it should be possible.

I don’t see why not, Diablo 2 had an assassin hybrid build that allowed the assassin to use the barbarians ww skill as well as her lightning traps and while it was powerful, it wasn’t op by any means especially compared to other builds. That said, it would just depends on how some skills translate into pvp. Sure if Diablo 4 just put pvp in without reducing players damage towards one another (like they did with Diablo 3 brawl), then yeah pvp in Diablo 4 wouldn’t last long.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that while some builds are powerful in pve, they may not be as effective in pvp. Such examples are zeal-type builds (Zeal Paladins, non-poison Wolf Druids, non-ele Spearzon, etc.), but that’s also due to the existence of stats like attack rating and defense rating (stats that most likely aren’t returning in Diablo 4).

But if players deal reduced damage towards one another and certain skills had reduced effectiveness while in the pvp zones, then it may very well be possible for pvp in Diablo 4 to be actively played as it is in Diablo 2 and perhaps even more so.

After being addicted to MOBAs and games like Battlerite for thousands of hours, I suspect that if D4 has a well made and well balanced PvP side to it, I won’t even wanna touch the PvE.

This but also the other way around. I hope you don’t need to engage in endgame PvE in order to build a PvP character (like in WoW you are forced to raid to get geared, since they removed PvP gear). Let each player focus on the type of content they care about.

I love PKing, but I don’t want it in Diablo, because a good PKing system involves a penalty/reputation system. such as in Eve, Tibia or Albion where you get a “red skull” if you PK innocent players and so everyone can PK you without penalty (or even being rewarded for hunting red PKers), or you get restricted from going to certain areas (high security areas or towns) or even attacked by NPCs. That kind of stuff only works on actual MMORPGs, not on instanced ARPGs like Diablo. Just hostiling people to get their ears without any type of consequence for doing so is just toxic. The type of PvP I want in Diablo is the arena 1v1 duel type.

Do you know how GoD DH works like? Good luck fighting D3 GoD DH design in D4 PVP if there is one.

You should aware that most of the D3 PVM skills are ridiculous powerful in D3 because it never take PVP into consideration. If the game was designed with PVP in mind, it is naturally all the PVM builds and skill design will be tone down for a PVP balance like Heroes of the Storm D3 heroes.

My point is, D3 GoD build design is certainly won’t make into D4 if the game is focusing on PVP. So yes, the PVM side will be certainly get affected if the game is designed with PVP in mind.

Alos, Heroes of The Storm is PVP game, and it has PVE content (limited time) and it is not fun to play and feel clunky to play with the existing PVP heroes.

Still think trying to balance for PVP in an ARPG is a suicide note.

Just add a battle royal pvp arena to the game, it is what it is, no attention paid to balance it. It takes away from the overall game far to much than it benefits the game.

If you’re talking about just putting a Diablo 3 build with all of it’s damage into Diablo 4 (with no reduction to it’s damage or utility); then good luck fighting any Diablo 3 build because almost any one of them can one shot players.

I honestly doubt that, unless Blizzard places a greater importance on the pvp aspect of the game than the pve and balance the game around pvp first and foremost.

I am not talking about the damage, but the way of the items and builds the offer. You go to see how GoD DH plays and it is obviously that kind of playstyle won’t make into D4. GoD DH is extremely fun in PVM, and it will be disaster in PVP if there is one. :sunglasses:

Well, they did say that they build D4 with PVP in mind…so…


  • Diablo IV has been developed from the ground up with PvP in mind. Diablo III had issues with balancing the game around PvP, but with Diablo IV PvP is factored into every development choice. The game will PvP.

Maybe, maybe not; the build and playstyle didn’t exist when Diablo 3 launched, so who’s the say that it wouldn’t eventually make it into Diablo 4. But if the playstyle doesn’t make it into Diablo 4, it wouldn’t be because of the presence of pvp.

As I said before, In Diablo 2 there was the assassin hybrid build that was effective in pvp since it combined traps, mind blast, and whirlwind as it’s main arsenal. As someone who battled against that build, I can say that build was chaotic as well.

Having pvp in mind doesn’t mean that pvp will take greater priority than pve. I highly doubt that will ever be the case in all honesty. Pve will and should be the foremost priority of Diablo 4’s development.

It will. If you actually play Heroes of the Storm before, you will know what I am talking about D3 Heroes (PVM) vs HoTS D3 Heroes (PVP) design.

I agree that PVE should be the top priority for D4 development but from what the D4 interview stated, it is clear that they will focus on PVP when developing D4.

“An ability that will freeze everyone in the screen?”

D4 Developer: No way. Too OP for PVP. Delete it or tone it down. NEXT ability please.

PVP and OPEN trade will be in D4. Otherwise be prepared for replay from D3 with 2 trivial contents and BoA things. In the end small and bored community with some 2h-each-sunday-demon-slayers, who will leave after finish story mode waiting for new pets.

D3 is bad game cuz it lacks this two “small things”. Awesome combat system, not bad story, few shiny moments nad two bucks of blood will not do anymore.

But i just cannot belive they dare profane demons like Meph, Baal or (again) BIG DIABLO (puppet from d3 is not diablo), thats why i still got hope (after all this bad years)


PvP is a nice way to have a confirmation that Survival/DPS output of characters is in acceptable ranges. Personally think they could try to reduce the damage output of characters and introduce consumables (potions, traps, curses, blesses, summons) for making up for the lesser “glass cannon” fights. It also encourages strategy in the gameplay itself (as opposed to stat-padding)

That kind of approach also won’t “pigeonhole” classes into one type of gameplay (like was the case in D2/D3)

They made nice balance between PvP and PvE in Albion.

While you could use any weapon for any activity you are for sure going to do better in PvE if you use lets say Longbow instead of Warbow.

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I’ve only played HoTS enough to get the Ghost Kerrigan Wings; so my experience of it is rather limited, that said from what little I did play of it, the overall playstyle had little to no similarities to Diablo 2 pvp (nor do I expect it to play similarly to Diablo 4 pvp, unless Diablo 4 gets some pvevp game modes) so once again I’m honestly not concern of potential pve builds being omitted from Diablo 4 because of pvp. If a pve build doesn’t make a return in Diablo 4, then it would be due to the fact that the developers deemed it so.

Most likely, an ability like that would be toned down when used against other players, but it would still remain the same when used against enemy monsters.

For example:

If used in pve against enemy npc: Every enemy on screen will be frozen solid.

If used in pvp against another player: Every enemy on screen will be chilled and slowed.

I mean we already saw a bit of this from the Diablo 4 gameplay trailer where a sorceress was able to freeze enemy monsters with 1-2 frost bolts; but when using the same skill against a barbarian, the barbarian was only chilled instead of rendered frozen even after being hit by two frost bolts.

Of course, I imagine that this is the type of information that the OP wants to know more about among other things as well.

I rly know its not healthy compare d2 to other diablo games but in d2 when sorc cast glacial spike into monster she had him frozen.
Same skill vs player just chilled him (if he dont used item with “cannot be frozen (chilled) stat”.

That’s just example.

Things like this just needs balance and this balance have to be still in work, update with competetive dev.

Its simple like my 144 solo clear at ns as solo dh.
Hope u understand me

PvP systems should not be based on luck :slight_smile:

Look I don’t want D4 to become a game where I would have to love PvP just to be able to play it. Further PvP does have the tendency of causing some really good skills that are good for PvE to be nerfed into the ground making them utterly useless in PvE. Unless you have two separate skills one that was designed solely for PvP and the others for PvE it won’t work.

Even if you did that then the danger is that some players that don’t like PvP would really love to play a build based on the PvP skill. But since it sucks to play it that would mean that they would never be able to use that skill in PvE. Thus cutting diversity, besides I say that PvP should be in the same place that it has always been in Diablo games, a side dish. If it ever becomes either equal billing with PvE or the main focus then you will lose me and many others as players.


-That are not in the middle of other zones, like a Wintergrasp.

Make them so you have to talk to someone to travel there, so they cant be stumbled on by accident.

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