I assume it will start out as gold and be fairly cheap, rising as you level, then once you hit max level, it will require lots of gold and some sort of item you find, or trial you must go through. They could also take away end-game experience, such as “paragon” being reduced from level 100 to 50 to respec.
I like the idea of unlimited but increasing cost/difficulty to do so, with the investment being quite large in end-game.
Man I can see the uproar with that one. Some people do not want to pay the piper they just want everything to be give to them. Whatever the cost is at higher levels it should have meaning. Force players to make a choice.
Hey, if you want to basically shift your entire character into a new one, it is faster to do so by losing experience than starting over, haha. I am not saying I would prefer this method, but I think it is a reasonable solution. I just hope it is not something silly like 20 legendary crafting mats, but those mats drop at D3 rates and from all levels of legendary items, then it becomes useless and silly.
I personally would love for gold to have more use and be MUCH rarer. Gold always has (since D1) dropped constantly, and increases in quantity dramatically until it is raining down upon you non-stop. I think it would be fun to have gold be an exciting find. Have you start by getting only a few coins here and there, and those are used to survive. To by potions, repair, etc. Then you get a slight increase over time in the amount you find, but still, value it and use it for various cosmetic and non-cosmetic purposes. I bring this up, because gold, crafting mats, etc. are meaningless if they start dropping more than you can even hold or care to hold.
Removing exp won’t happen for a reapec. They already said currency and significant cost at max level. So it is assumed maybe an additional currency in addition to gold that I would assume would need to be farmed through playing the game.
They never specified what form the cost will take. You are probably right, but I think it is a fair trade-off. We will have to wait and see what they decide on.
I would love to hear about this also. In Blizzcon video I saw that elites had same affixes like in Diablo 3 (waller and arcane beams for example) and that got more worried.
Glad to hear I am not the only one. Seems incredibly strange to put some much effort into the enemy designs and monster families, to slap these reused and out of place affixes on them. Let the enemy designs, both in art and in gameplay, shine through.
I’d like to hear about the continued evolution of the skill tree and the itemization.
I’d like to know if there will be mercenaries or followers or none at all.
I’d like to know more about softcore death mechanics.
I’d like to know more about how many differing end game systems will be used? Is it just keyed dungeons?
Some info on how powerful crafting will be and will it be the old formula of make 400 to get 1 usable. Or will it be something a bit more sophisticated.
I’m nosy on how many return characters will be in the game. (or their sons and daughters)
Regarding the size of the World, one thing that they’ve stated is that it’ll be larger than the previous Diablo games. So that should be fun exploring.
I hope there will be reasons to explore it. Hoping that they have something akin to the shrines in Grim Dawn. I am not saying it should be just like those, but something that is an additional form of progression and makes you excited to explore and find hidden secrets off the beaten path. Could also be rewards from random events that are set to spawn in different areas of the world and provide a good challenge, so you loot hunt there in hopes it will trigger.
Big worlds are nice, but if there is no reason to explore, it starts to feel big for the sake of being big. Of course, just having beautiful and varied areas with interesting NPCs, quests, and lore is a fantastic reason as well. They have one of the story designers from The Witcher 3 on the D4 team if I recall, so that should help. That is the primary reason I could play The Witcher 3 2 times in a row, more or less full completing everything there is to do. I need to feel invested in my character, the NPCs, and the world around me. It carries through in everything you do and the reason you are slaughtering monsters endlessly.
What makes you claim that? They showed off the world map and where that little bit of Scosglen fit into it. That map was real. The summer update last year where they tested that one zone sure seemed to fit the map as well.
It’s going to much larger than the sum of maps seen in previous games and it’s all connected.
My understanding (I could be mistaken) was that after a couple or several expansions (the number was not quantified) all of Sanctuary will be covered. The maps I have seen from Blizzcon looked to be 30% ish of the entire continent of Sanctuary. There could still be more if the developers decided to go down to hell or up to heaven.
This!!! enhancements, consumables, … and how would it be to have an open economy based on it.
I would like to ear more about skills, spells, and get a bit of lore i.e.: short novels to really catch the mood and general ambiance of D4.
1 short novel for each area (Hawezar, Fractured Peak, …) could be great
The 5th class, I would expect a class able to buff & heal, but would it be a class wearing a metal armor, cloths or a class that has never been saw in a Diablo game.
I checked the features. Strangely I dont really wait anything, those are pretty generic stuff. If had to pick, HC, Seasons and Trading are first 3, in that order. I get the feeling they are to turn this way too complex.
This is not you typical ARPG where you have tons of mini maps. The world is structured like an MMO. Which is typically one if the first things completed so they can apply all the features to it. Just going off the 2019 reveal with the splash gameplay trailer where they showed off players running around every zone, and the summer update when they tested a feature complete Dry Steppes, to Blizzconline where they talked about exploring ever nook and cranny of the world. The maps are complete, tweaking aside, and it looks to be tremendous in size. And that doesn’t take into account every dungeon, which if they are close to the 2019 info, will be 100 dungeons to find. Plus Hell.
If you look at this map. All the colored areas will ship, minus the Burning Hells. That little spot at the top of Scosglen, which was pretty big to begin with, was the demo. The world shipping with D4 will be massive. The whole of Sanctuary, if we get it all, will be huge.