Diablo 4: The way to resolve the split between players who want trading, and those who don't

The idea is to not force people to play a different way than they prefer. That would just make people even more outraged. There is nothing complicated to adding a “no-trade” option at character creation. Like you pointed out they already have the structure since they have 4 current modes. Adding a few more is totally trivial, but the main argument is if there will be enough players in each if your further divide them to keep a healthy player count.

However I would prefer they don’t separate them like you have listed. If you select “no-trade” you simply can’t trade with other people. Just give their name tag or portrait a special effect so everyone knows that what they see was home grown and that they shouldn’t waste their time trying to trade with them lol. Easy

Oh okay, I was under the impression each mode would want their own leaderboard so that you don’t have an uneven playing field. The no-traders would be competing with the traders on the leaderboard in your scenario, and that would seem unfair.


Irregardless of trading, drop rates are way to high to begin with, which speeds progression far to fast. This enters players into end game sooner than they should be, and if you are not going to be a mindless paragon farmer, the season is pretty much done for you 1 week in at most…

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Not necessarily. If you select “No-trade” when you make your character then it would be easy to filter the leader boards based on “No-trade” or Normal. just don’t allow “no-trade” and “normal” players to party together when competing in anything leader board related.

I can see that working, I guess if people don’t mind the inability to group with some players for certain content.

I wonder how Blizzard will handle the illegal sites though, with open trade allowed again.

It also doesn’t really split it because the majority of people that want a SSF or no-trading play solo anyways. So they never interact with other players anyways lol. essentially already are segregated. This whole “divide the playerbase” is blown way out of proportion. Just give them an option at character creation that gives them a cool special “SSF” portrait and tag on their name and then disable their trading and/or partying capabilities depending on which is preferred.


You make a great point. Maybe “no-trade” characters will want their own mode after all so they don’t have to deal with the negatives (3rd party trading/bots/advertisments/ etc) that come with having open trade.

I play POE which is open trading and honestly have 0 issues with 3rd party stuff or bots or advertising so I think maybe blizzard should try harder to reduce the negative side effects of having open trading and people should just suck it up and understand that those things are going to exist if they want a true open trading game. But thats just me. everything can’t be perfect.


Honestly, I don’t care about 3rd party sites. I never bought anything off them when I played 2. If anything, it was annoying to get the spam, but that was about it.

I think Blizzard cares more about it than the player base, though. And I think unless they come up with some way to stop it, I fear open trading won’t make it back into Diablo.

I actually have my own thread about a Trade Matchmaking system, but it never got much attention.

Yeah, I knew PoE had open trading, and yet, how do they manage the illegal sites thing? Man, maybe Blizzard is just lazy? :laughing:

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Like people in self found won’t pay for another person to play their game for them or even bot to get the character to where the buyer want’s it
Those sort of things already happen in D3 so don’t kid yourself that it won’t happen in D4

with outside trading, the DROPRATE will go down.
-another reason to not want it.

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And you want to be the guy that sells that item for a lot of money and the reason you don’t like D3 is because you can no longer bot for items to sell for real money
and inD4 you only want it so you can bot and trade for real money


They likely removed real money trading because of state oversight.
And probably removed (game) gold trading because it leads to real money trading…
In short, there is no going back!

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within a few years, the globalists will erase physical valuta and go to worldwide cryptocurrency, so the problem will solve itself that way.
-and btw, their computers will break any encryption by then (and actually now already)
-the word ‘privacy’ will vanish from real life.

there are plenty of people still doing there season now .
Plus there are some who do more than one region .
Just because it can be rushed don’t mean every one does.

If it took too long to get the gear in seasons a lot wouldn’t play it .

If it they made it harder or longer to do say a month to gear up for high play there’s too many who would never get there

The principle in context is fine. I do however agree with the splitting of the player base and the advantage/disadvantage factors.

While this may be contested, in any group play or public play, there already is a form of trading. As long as the player has changed nothing on the gathered legendary/primal, it is not account bound and can therefore be given or traded with another player in the group.

Second-guessing Blizzard in any area, here, Blizzcon or anything, is something I prefer not to hazard a guess.

Trading is a part of life. There is no reason to be against trading honestly. Someone has something you want, and you have something they want…Why not trade? The Path Of Exile community is very social, and their social system is thriving.

If you want to be self found, I say just don’t participate in trading and there ya go.


I don’t like trading, and I don’t want people that like trading to be able to do it. SAY NO TO TRADING.


LOL OWD ( unsure if this accounts just troll )
Trading is fine when its implement properly but the minute you game ends up having the ability to open itself up to 3rd party sellers. Then you have implement it wrong. Theres are very fine line in how it should be setup. Personally i think they got it right with D3 RoS. Vanilla was just a total nightmare

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If that is the case, then the non-trading mode should have at least D3 drop rate or else, why should people play at non-trading mode over the open trading mode.

Also, what a working adult has is money, but not time, so yeah, don’t cry when the top players who spent money are dominating the top spot whether in PVP or GR Leaderboard. Don’t give the nonsense like how can “legit” player compete with them, please help Blizzzard~!!!

A good principle to live by!