Some may agree some may disagree but the current updates we have had on pvp are weak…
Im hoping that we will be able to do arena pvp like 1v1s up to 5v5s or higher maybe even clan pvps 10v10 or higher…
This idea of open zones for pvp will be a mess no structure no organization at all it has to be better than the current idea of pvp presented so far…
Look at games like d2 or lost ark where you have more options hell even Wow has arena pvp with capture the flag pvp type stuff…
Dont just focus on pvm we must have pvp dont give us another d3 promised pvp in we did not receive it we got Brawling in that was a serious slap in the face for pvp content …
Its sad that i heard better pvp ideas from diablo immortal a cell phone game… Cant let the pvp on a mobile game beat the future of d4…
This is D4 not another game. Stop comparing it to other game pvp. Clan/guild/faction pvp in D4 sounds good. Only thing that puts me off is having everyone in the pvp zone knowing who and where you are purifying shards on the map.
Not everyone will know who you are until they get there and see you. You are confusing that with the bounty thingy where if a ayer has a kill streak going of a certain number of kills, they will be marked on the map for others to try to kill for an big reward. All the purifying dies is announce there is a purifying happening. No one will know this doing it unless they see you doing so. You are not marked on the map for purifying.
I do agree there are a few things i pray they keep from diablo 2 to diablo 4.
Things i want to see is organized pvp like war said. i will still log onto diablo 2 to this day because i feel the pvp in that game is very enjoyable to those who have master the art. 1v1,3v3,5v5, and battlegrounds format like wow would be amazing. if they are doing a pvp zone the framework is already there for them to implement this. It also gives diablo 4 the ability to go into the esport community. the other thing they better bring back is open world trading. I play alot of mmo games for the economy aspect of the game. Blizzard lets make this franchise great again. i dont think blizzard dropped the ball on d3 the auction house was a phenomenal thing while it lasted, when they removed it though is about when i stopped playing d3. no pvp, no economy , i lost interest.
Ok that makes me feel better. As you know i prefer the pve side. So i will be collecting shards mainly from mobs. Last thing i want is everyone knowing when i purify my shards/work. Idc about arenas like in other games. I really can’t see this style of pvp (arenas) fitting in Diablo.
Im tossing ideas for the pvp cause the shard idea in pvp zones are ok in all but for actual team pvp its garbage…
There will be lots of teaming up. There will probably be people that break teams up. There will also be people doing pve friendly and unfriendly people doing so. There will also be gank squads that pick on solo players. Some players won’t even be there for shards. Such so thats why it fits in with the game. If arenas come to D4 then so be it. But it will most certainly probably have no effect to the main game.
Thumbs up for an additional pvp arena for organized dueling for D4.
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Not sure if it’s a zone announcement or a local one to the field of hate in that zone, but I get it, but that’s the risk you have to take for PvP rewards doing it through PvE.
But then the problems begin when balance is done around PvP. You leave it open world or dueling balance can go out the window. Once you make it a team sport balance is key. I haven’t seen a game where PvP and PvE is seperate enough where changes in one doesn’t effect changes in the other, which usually ends up being as PvP changes that screw over PvE.
D2 was not the most balance pvp game they gave the players the ability to make the rules in pvp on d2
less blizzard tries to balance pvp the better it can get .
Give the community the arena to pvp on in party duels in the community will balance the pvp like we did in d2
Different time though. Communication was slow, people cared less about the balance issues regarding it. Not saying it could work by just giving players an arena to duel/team fight it out and call it a day. It could, but you know as well as I that the mentality is crimes for balance will happen once it’s shown a Barb cannot kill a Sorc. Or that a team of 4 rogues is unstoppable. Things will get nerfed to balance it out for PvP ruining the PvE experience for others.
That is why i said the less blizzard interfered with balancing pvp the better.
D2 was not balanced but the community steps up in makes rules in bans etc the community can balance it themselves.
I do disagree, as…
Is absolutely true. Comparably speaking, the FOH is light years ahead of brawling.
I don’t know about y’all but hardcore PVP in the FOH is going to be an absolute blast for players like me that enjoy hectic extreme chaos.
Granted, FFA is not for everyone.
Some of my favorite games in games like Warcraft 2 (am old school) were when 8 top rated players all got into a game and did a FFA.
I am very curious to see what limitations are imposed in these areas. How many friends can we bring? 10 groups of 4?
Please believe that we would have scouts at each and every purifying location so that should some poor soul try to take resources from our area (we’re very territorial after all) they’ll be hit with the full swarm of killer bees!
Once PVP is given an opportunity and the popularity reveals itself, perhaps then in future expansions we can get some love for it. But as it pertains to balance, I mean so long as the game has features that work as intended the PVP crowd will make the most of it.
Like i said. I am not bothered about extra bonus’s taking me out of what i enjoy in a game. However i also get that this is a Diablo game and there are friendly and unfriendly people who are after after this. Sure i’ll enjoy pvp cosmetics but i would rather go in a group who are likeminded as me. I do know i’ll have to stand my ground at some point in game, i will be beaten too. You win some you lose some. But im not the one who will take anything too far.
The general population normally outnumbers the ‘murderer’ and as a result typically the solo ganker is not that big a threat unless of course you’re an antisocial and refuse to join the townsfolk in overthrowing a tyrant.
I envision Frankenstein and the pitchfork carrying, torch lit illuminating mob of beauty and the beast style horde going after the evil villain. They’ve even given them free tracking with the vessel of hatred.
This is going to be good. A nice break from the redundancy of otherwise repeatable content that simply put doesn’t quite do much for players who aren’t learning anything the second, third and beyond times through.
That pvp ffa madness though. There is a lot of unpredictability there.
It’s certainly interesting. Thats why this style of pvp is fitting to this game i guess.
Any organized tournaments in d2 lod that still exist either happen in a 1v1 format or 4v4.
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I played D2 over 20 years ago. From what i remember of pvp it wasn’t my version of fun. Probably because i was a child. However im not doubting that it has changed, im not going back to it. I remember dupe and p2w. D4 looks promising to me.
Diablo series has never been about balance. I say use pets/bots, weak players need to use them and strong players fight alone and get all reward too.