Diablo 4 ptw whales edition

so you get 4 day before everyone np your already level 50 or 60 control zone to farm :laughing: too pvp vs fresh new(level1 lol ) player 4 day after

now the game have a battle pass every season :money_mouth_face:

and standard edition PLAYER you :turtle: walk :rofl: ptw edition you have a free mount :rocket:

after you buy the battle pass , the mtx :moneybag: store is coming :joy: ,

diablo immortal 2.0 WHALES EDITION


Surely you cant use the whale edition mount before mounts are available normally.

Yeah, that is just sad.


In DI, players who spend $2000 up are called ā€œlittle whalesā€( i know a guy has already dumped $1 million into that game). Now ppl just spend $20 dollar more for early access are not whalesā€¦ even the steamed fish in chinese restaurant cost more than that.


I was telling Overwatch players for months that Overwatch 2 was a clearly just a re-monetization of the existing IP, to maximize corporate profits.

And lookee hereā€¦ :kissing:

Overwatch 2 players swallowed the whole thing too. Blizzard has the confidence to keep installing IV drips on our wallets. Thereā€™s no turning back.

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You know, you can solve this problem by simply stopping the addiction. Donā€™t buy the game. Seriously. If itā€™s a big issue for you and itā€™s making your game time feel like work instead of fun, cut the cord. Stop chasing the high. Youā€™ll be amazed how much free time you suddenly have and how much less stress you have because youā€™re not constantly investing emotionally in a game you cannot win because itā€™s designed to keep you playing.

Of course, the choice is yours. For me, Iā€™m getting to the point of sitting this one out. Blizzard just keeps doing things I canā€™t stand from woke messaging to itā€™s absolutely predatory monetization. They make games designed to be as addictive as [a drug derived from coca leaves], and I donā€™t want to be beholden (thanks word filter!) to that.


blizzard say before Battle Pass will have nothing ptw and only skin ?

so what is the point of a (Accelerated )Seasonal Battle Pass Unlock in DiabloĀ® IV (includes a Premium Seasonal Battle Pass Unlock ???

vs Seasonal Battle Pass Unlock in DiabloĀ® IV

idk but Accelerated seem ptw to me ? or you pay more to get the reward faster ?

what is Accelerated ???

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Pretty sure that season 1 wont start until 6/6 so that 4 days only good for those who dont play seasonal

Did you read the article on it?

The first Season/Battlepass will not launch until after game release.

All that happens is the people who spend money get to sit in queues and be guinea pigs for the launch week hiccups.

Paragon points are capped, we canā€™t buy xp boosts, gear, etc. We can only get cosmetics and I think the accelerated gives you a few of the season milestones early. But not power.

There will be a single track of rewards with Free Tiers that are unlocked just by playing the game and leveling, and Premium Tiers which provide no in-game power or advantage over other players. The Free Tiers of the pass will provide gameplay boosts to all playersā€”things which make the journey of leveling up a fresh seasonal character faster and more streamlined. In contrast, the Premium Tier rewards are focused on aesthetics, providing a huge value in the form of cosmetics and Premium Currency. Many of the rewards embody the seasonal theme, helping players show off their participation in that Season.


Cute. You think 4 days is enough to be max level and be in endgame. That 4 days will be a crashy bug fiesta. No wealth can be accumulated due to limited tradeing. The SESONAL passes prƩmium side will be unlocked and skiped 20 tiers which is cosmetic only, WHEN SESON ACTUALLY STARTS. NS has no ladder, nor official world first, only advantage you get is a bragging right that you lived through 4 days of bug fest.


You also get a few MTX, the early access is just a throw-in bonus.

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YOu ever play a game with battle pass. Accelerated just means you get the mtxs faster.

again your bias view on the game

a player starting from level 1 with a epic mounts because he pay extra money vs a player walking at turle speed from level 1 to 30 or 50 dont seeem vey fair and balance to me , , a player that get level 50 with all boost , playing in pvp zone taking control of the zone drop , dont seem fair to me the character having more pay to win progression will end with more power vs the lower level . mean the high level take control of the pvp zone and ressources

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There is no boost that give you more xp gain. The horse is just a qol rather than a huge advance. Also sesons will wipe all progreisson.


You prefer to use time to trade for rewards, others prefer to use $$$ to trade time, how is it not fair? Whats unfair is that mount grants 1 shot powers all the way to end game.

Even PoE is heavily monetized for various stashes and you need to purchase them if you have a minimum expectations in gaming quality. Thereā€™s nothing wrong how they price their products, only their balance sheet will alter their strategy so shut up and either but or donā€™t buy, no one puts a gun to your head.

stop your no sense bias bs , he all know what that mean ptw

welcome to blist and grow up kid :sheep:

You have no real resons to call it p2w other than YOUR bias BS. Everything you brought up has been refuted, and shows you know nothing of the game or itā€™s machanics, youā€™re not argueing based on experience, only paranoia.


pay $$$ level 1 you have a epic mount :red_car: not paying you walk :turtle: from level 1 to maybe 50

i guess is really clear , but some of you are so bias fan boy and are in deny ,

he all know the impact of travel in diablo game and maybe more impact in d4 because is a big open world , the buy of the epic mounts ,is amost having enigma level 1 m so pay to win player are allow to travel quick in the open world , and other standard edition dont he walk

Do you personaly know how fast that mount is? And when does it unlock? Because i know, i played the closed beta. Though it was bugged, and the game let you use it from lvl 1, iā€™m shure that was fixed. But originaly it was supposed to unlock at lvl 15, which is quite the jurney. And the speed of that horse is a very low increas compared to walking speed. I found myself walking more than useing the horse, because it was not a big advantage, and the mount is also just cosmetic, their speed does not varie. You can ride on a legendary steed and me on a simple horse and our speed will be the same. You can out dash horses with your character actually.


again excuse and speculation , fact remain buy a ptw edition you have a :rocket: mounts from the start , you dont ,you walk :turtle: from 1 to 50

Again I speak from first hand experience, iā€™m not speculateing. Horses will always unlock at lvl 15, and automaticly get one. How they look is NOT a factor of speed. So iā€™m sorry theres no one left to blame but your self, for your paranoia. Call a doctor pls.