Diablo 4 - Please don't implement paragon levels

I kinda like paragon levels. Just my two cents

Not everyone cares for cosmetic.

You decide what is fun? Many people like progressing to be stronger. Many people hates pvp.

That’s the whole point of loot base game.

What’s wrong with haveing pvp and also a consistent way of progress?

Paragon Levels is a reward on the progress that you do. Why would one want that stopped. Pyrocaine, you are too focused on the progress of others instead of yourself where your focus should be. Without a leveling system, the game would be great at first, but it would not last for most players.

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Infinite paragon is bad, for pvp and pve. And D2 was all about trading and pvping, is it weird to ask for new Diablo IV to focus in what made D2 the best game of the saga?

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It’s not a fact that D2 is good because there is no paragon.

The problem is, you see only one side of the argument, while unable to see the benefit of other side.

Paragon is the equalizer for rng. The only consistency in a RNG loot game.

If I play this amount of time, do this amount of content, I know the progress I can made in level. I don’t however know if I get good drops. This provides a minimum certainty of progress.

Pvp issue can be resolved in many ways, like limit paragon influence in PVP or something.

Without Paragon, the only differing factor is RNG luck of loot find.

My point being I think the benefits outweighed the negatives.

Exactly what I would say

Paragon is not an endgame system.
Paragon is one of the results of completing rifts/bounties/gr’s.
To keep ppl interested in D3 game, you run rifts/bounties/gr’s to get mats/keys/legs/primals & through experience gained one moves ahead in paragon, which is part of a result of the endgame.

i think about the paragon level how to introduce this a way not to painful
first i dont really like the idea to be only level 40 because in 2 or 3 day everyone will be 40 , i will like more to be high level 70.80 ,99 , and dont told me is too long or hard because i just start a barb in d2 and i`m already 92 also everyone complaining the same for classic wow and after 1 month and 2 month everyone are cap level and raid now , i dont think to have cap level after 1 or 2 month is to long , so i just think to level up the paragon skill point in the same time of your level , you will always have something that will level up and you will feel some progression , compare to be 40 with any paragon point , i think is better both follow togeder , btw idk in d4 the paragon point will go inside the combat skill or the passive tree ? but to level both in the same time seem less boring

This seems like a leap into reading into my intention. How does not supporting the D3 implementation of paragon translate into caring too much about the progress of others? Actually, if anything, paragon as it was was bad for everyone because it’s one of the contributing factors to out of control power creep which we see in d3. It diverts the game’s progress into a mundane and neverending increase of numbers, which shouldn’t be the way to go. Its the kind of mind-numbing type of progress that the devs should veer away from. Engame progress need not be about infinitely scaling stats and doing more of the same (like the d3 greater rifts and paragon). Its lazy, when we have seen that other arpgs have introduced other creative ways of having players feel rewarded for playing on, which is dynamic and enjoyable. Endgame goals that can last for months to years. Which is why i mentioned PoE’s map system. Every path to the shaper was never the same, and you controlled how you wanted to tackle that goal. That as one example of how endgame is handled as opposed to mindlessly gaining stats as a function of just gaining xp is the difference im trying to point out, and that the devs should do better than just more of the same paragon. And if they pull it off, we will have a much better D4 for it.

I didn’t write anything similar. D2 is great because of trading and PVP. And btw, being lvl 99 don’t give you an adventage vs a lvl 92, neither on pvp or pve.

No. Who told you that you need to get some progress everytime you play?
Ad btw, trading is the equalizer for RNG. And it’s more fun that infinite leveling.

All is about paragon, dude. Are you playing D3 or what?

So you don’t pickup mats/keys/legs/primals etc?
You just run the game to get paragon?

LOL, You did not read what I wrote obviously!

I didn’t know you get to define what is fun & what is not. Many people don’t like trading or pvp. You do not get to decide what is fun.

I am fairly sure also most players want consistence reliable progress.

I read all. On NS I only pick up mats and few legendaries, not even crap primals. I play for keys though (outside GRs).
The D3 endgame is to get more paragon. 10k para player> 4k para more skilled player of the whole universe.

I know what make ppl enjoy and play D2 for years: pvp and trading. These elements make D2 the best game of the series.
If you don’t like pvp or trading try another games. You can pick 1423433453424 mats on POE and stay crafting for hours in your safe hidout. So funny.

Paragon will be here to stay in D4, just not in the style of D3’s system. I, myself, would not mind infinite Paragon levels if the System in D4 is done correctly. D3’s system is limited by its engine. D4’s engine is much better suited for a Paragon Leveling System. Why? We should be able to customize our character’s stats, skills and talents with this system. Will limits be placed on how much or far we can customize the character? Who knows? I would enjoy limits to some of the things we can do.

Bottom line, D4 will have the best systems from the series in it, as well as some new systems that will be all its own (like the open world aspect).

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Players who play more should be more powerful than players that play less, I have no problem with that, and paragon gives them a way to do that without relying on RNG and drops. It just shouldn’t be as significant as it was in D3, or as bland and boring as +5 mainstat.

The issue with this is that players use bots to artificially increase their power… They’re not actually plugging the time in to the game. This is why it’s an issue.

Not everyone has access to auto play scripts, most players don’t know how to program such things and people don’t always release these illegitimate 3rd party programs to the public. I would be fine with it if everyone had access to such a feature but until then, no. It’s not a fair system.

Most players that have over 3000+ paragon are all bot users, so they have that much more strength and no one else can touch the leader boards (not that it even matters to me personally) but it’s still a flaw Diablo III has.

I feel that time put in to the game should equate to you just having more materials / more gold / more chances to obtain higher end items… it’s called playing the game. If you put the time in your reward are the chances of you obtaining better gear… that’s the way it always was and should remain that way.

Why do you people need trophies for plugging in 2000 extra hours? Normal people can’t ever reach those numbers, it’s just an elitist way of thought and is no longer the standard.

Paragon was a dumb idea, if it was capped it would have been a different story. I honestly feel that Blizzard should reverse the way the drop rates work. Instead of increasing the drop rates for players who remain logged out of the game, they should increase it for players who keep plugging more time in.

So long as players aren’t idling the game, Blizzard should calculate how many times an end game dungeon has been run by the same player and how many quality item drops they’ve been receiving. This way if they get terrible low ilvl drops 3 or 4 runs in a row, their chances of getting a higher ilvl item will be increased by a certain percentage and will continue to increase the more that player doesn’t receive a high end item.

This way players can actually feel accomplished at some point and continue to keep trying rather than feeling limited on a timer. As it stands the longer you play Diablo III the lower the chances are that a good quality item will actually drop… the entire game is about item drops, not leveling up an account so you can get 2000 more main stat power… it goes against any kind of arpg’s entire philosophy and was a really dumb idea.

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I am against it. I rather have D2’s or PoE’s leveling system where last levels don’t change much, but they are there, just in case someone needs some kind of progress after reaching endgame. In my opinion, it needs to be there so you don’t feel like you wasted your time when nothing useful dropped, so at least you gained a tiny bit of XP. That is the reason I never actually play the character after reaching lvl 100 in PoE. Everyone running the same level (40 or 70 in D3) is boring.


One thing I came to appreciate from my DnD days is mmos with small numbers. Low level caps, small damage numbers, etc. Things that can be easily computed and understood. A small number of levels but that take a longer time to reach, giving importance to each level. Something that original WoW used to do pretty well before they reaised their level caps and trivialized the leveling process.

I’d rather take a month to go from level 1 to 40 than take a week to go from level 1 to paragon level 1000.

Just food for thought.

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Paragon was decent when it was PER CHARACTER back in D3V. It was supposed to be character progression. Its a trade off for making leveling to max level so fast.

People complain these days that they just want to be at end game, or that the game doesn’t start until end game. The faster you allow leveling, the more you lose the RPG aspect of progression. Character progression includes more than just gear! So Paragon addresses that.

Paragon should never have been account bound. Account bound paragon waters down Hardcore mode.

Furthermore, I don’t think the devs envisioned the exponential amount of powercreep and GR exp farming that would basically trivialize Paragon. I don’t think they envisioned being in the multiple thousands every season, or that there would even be seasons at the time.

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