Diablo 4 musts, and must nots

Yes, a good game indeed which includes trading and proper PVP :smiley:

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…and how would that affect you at all? How would even facerolling the end game contend in minutes affect you, if it would be done in offline mode. You would compete ONLY against yourself, so why do you care what players might do if D4 or D3 RoS had offline mode and could mod the game to whatever they want?

If you don’t like mods, you could just play the game as it is, no one would force you to change anything about the game…

Now if you cheat or bot in an online only game than it’s a completely different story and you should be even perma banned.

If you really want offline mode with modding than forget about everything I wrote above. Sometimes I just get carried away too easily…:neutral_face:

Oh my, he is obsessed so much with those trades, bots and whatever.

I’m not even sure he should be taken seriously…

He kinda reminds me of those SJW’s, who fail and lose in the end :smiley:

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Has to be for adults only with lotsa blood, language, gore, violence and sex.

No more effing carebears, unicorns and flowers.

Wake up friend.

Only Vanilla D3 had a cap of paragon.
That is why I say “another one wants to go back to Vanilla D3!”

So frustrating one must explain every single point of discussion or someone attempts to pick you apart!

Reaper of Souls, is not vanilla D3… Go look at the Diablo 3 patch notes from all previous patches/updates they’ve provided since launch, and you can see for yourself that paragon levels came AFTER it had already launched. Vanilla D3 (at time of launch) did not have paragon levels.

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Paragon v1 was introduced in August 2012… Introducing the Paragon System …so just three months after D3 released, and well before the pre-ROS patch that introduced Paragon v2.

Please do correct me if im wrong, but VANILLA D3 means DIABLO 3 AT THE TIME OF LAUNCH.

Not ‘3 months after’

Not 2 years after when ROS was released.



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That is your opinion and I do not agree

First Must:

It must be announced first, instead of assumed from some “leak” from someone not at all related to the company despite claims of being “close”. Prove the closeness. Bye.

A lot of people would argue that it means pre-ROS, i.e. before the expansion.

Definitely an arguable point. :sunglasses: The term ‘vanilla’ is most often used when referring to when a game first launched, but I guess a few months after launch could still be referred to as vanilla as well. n_n cheers

Nobody wants Diablo 2, but we also don’t want is Diablo 3.5. Which is what it looks like we’re getting :frowning:

Have faith fellow Nephalem…

Good things take time… but evil things taken even longer. :wink:

I really hope they go back to how difficulty was in diablo 2, without any exp bonus just pure balanced difficulty then more difficult as the game progress. normal then nightmare then hell. D3 was way too easy.

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Me too!! I think there should be just one difficulty setting (like you cant change it from Normal to T6 just because you found a good item or 6pc set), that way everyone is on the same playing field. POE did it pretty darn well, especially once they released Atlas of Worlds expansion, and instead of 3 different difficulties, it became just one.

Prettt sure were getting D4 which im happy with