Diablo 4 - Economy/Trade/Self-found/Blizzard MMO system views

Sorry, but I am not willing to have my own fun spoiled.
Cheaters have to be stopped anyways, so I don’t see the point of giving up on trading.

I personally wouldn’t have a problem with that - they already have my information through payment options.
Though personal information is a very delicate topic and everyone who doesn’t want to share it, has my full support.

Maybe it would be a solution to only allow trading for accounts which are verified via ID? :thinking:

First part yes, second part no.

You can ask your mommy to reduce your playtime via parental control :stuck_out_tongue:

100% agreed.

What would even be the point of this after implementing point 1 and 2?


But then you would have to finish a boring campain where everything is underlevel, dropping mostly useless items… that would discourage greatly the exploration of the world outside of your region, or playing with friends that started somewhere else.

Believe me, I don’t like scaling, especially the horendous way it was done in D3, but for D4 there will need to be some of it. At least every time you enter or reenter a region, that should be enough.

And I agree with everything you say for endgame difficulty, though I would not make the level of open world activities totally random. Doesn’t feel right to enter an area and get OS on a loop (which would happen for a lvl65 doing a tier 10 map in PoE)… so maybe some scaling again, based on the highest or most frequent keyed dungeon level you’ve played ? Like lvl 3-5 activities if your favorite keyed dungeons are lvl 4 ?

If you are lvl 20, and go back to a lvl 10 area to catch up with the campaign, presumably it wouldnt take that long time before you got back to areas within your scaling range.
Could also make the ranges somewhat bigger. Like, first zone; 1-10, next zone 5-15 etc.
If someone lvls to 39 before doing the campaign? Well, maybe dont do that! :smiley: Or just get that last lvl which makes the whole thing scale up to 40.

I’m not strongly against the game scaling up to your lvl, as long as it doesn’t scale down to your lvl. But it feels more interesting if it doesn’t.
Also, since I think there should be NO difficulty slider while lvling either, outlvling content might be the only way people have to make the game easier. You take that away from people, if it always scales to your lvl.
I guess you could do what some games have done, and let enemies only scale up to -5 (or whatever) of your lvl, if they get below that. So you can outlvl enemies somewhat, but not to the point where they become meaningless, or cant drop useful items anymore.

Btw, speaking of scaling. One thing I have always enjoyed in some RPGs and MMOs, is when you run around in like a lvl 10 zone, and a big lvl 60 boss is walking around. You cant do anything about it, but you know that one day, you can come back and destroy it. I would like to have those kinds of enemies, areas etc. outside any kind of general scaling system (and no, such enemies of course shouldn’t randomly attack and oneshot you either :smiley: Might only aggro if you attack them or whatever).

Yeah maybe. But I have some issues with that. What if you have done a tier 8 key dungeon, and then respec to a weaker spec (for whatever reason. Maybe Blizzard nerfed your other build, maybe you were just bored), are you still bound to see only tier 7-9?
Considering how large D4s world is supposed to be, I think random spawns could be fine.
It should of course be reasonably easy to see which tier the activities are, before you enter, so you dont risk getting randomly oneshot.

As long as the scaling isnt stupid, even as a character who can do tier 10 well, it shouldn’t feel like a total waste to do a tier 5 boss. Lower droprates sure, but also faster kill speed. Might not be the most efficient thing to do, but it might still be more efficient than ignoring a world boss right in front of you, and travel to the other end of the world (literally) for another challenge.

Because I can give you all the BiS items with trading although we both are neither cheating nor account sharing.

That’s awesome!
What are you looking for in return?
I have some pretty GZ Barb stuff that I don’t need anymore :ok_hand:

It’s not awesome, it’s the same as cheating. It devoids the grinding of meaning.

You keep using that word.

I do not think it means what you think it means.


What word is better?

For me buying stuff with RM is cheating.

Items don’t appear out of thin air.
If I want to trade with you, I have to grind to find items you might be interested in.

How is that “cheating”?


You guys were talking about trading or giving items to people, not buying things with real money.

Which if trading is a supported feature, then “playing the game” sounds like the appropriate term to use.


Not necessary. You might trade with someone else. Only the last one in the chain grinds when there is trading.

I am pretty sure that “someone else” also wants items of equal value in return for his own.

Again: Items don’t appear out of thin air.
This seems to be a common misconception of people who are against trading :thinking:


That is a quote from the movie The Princess Bride.

Didn’t know that?


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Not necessarily.
In most game “economies”, items lose value so fast that they are given out for free.

Items kinda do appear out of thin air in an A-RPG. Only thing needed is time. There are no mechanisms for adjusting supply (well, not any that the devs want to use, anyway).

So you are willing to give me BiS items for some trash that I got for free from some random guy?

I finally start to understand why you dislike trading so much :joy:

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Yes, majority of pro traders do exactly this - give trash to noobs for BiS stuff.

In D2 I got “scammed” exactly two times.
Both times I had no one to blame but myself and I learned valuable life lessons at the price of some meaningless pixels.
Retrospectively it might have been a good deal after all :woman_shrugging:

Nowadays it is pretty easy to find out the approximate value of an item and I don’t think that laziness is a good reason to remove an important core feature from a game.

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Trading people items that they don’t know the proper value of is just what we call a pro gamer move =P

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It happens all the time in Diablo 2. And in PoE, items are sold for prices that might as well be free.
Not just BiS, since everything is tradeable. Non-BiS prices crash much faster than BiS does. Unlimited supply, limited demand, nearly no cost of production, it will never end well.

You can get scammed when no items with power are involved too (for example trading cosmetic stuff) and you will learn that lesson without trading negatively influencing the competition and intended character progression.

Every good aspect of trading could be replaced with crafting. For the player interaction part - allow trading of cosmetic stuff.