Diablo 4 Active Skills

At this point I consider his comments about controllers as trolling. Considering he’s been proven wrong everytime, he just continues pushing this misinformed trite.

i honestly didn’t know that there were people who thought 6 skills were not enough at one time……. I play wow sometimes and you can have tonnes of skills but without macros it is just hopeless that you can even use them all. I thought 6 was a pretty good number actually. Not sure why you would ever need 10 abilities at your disposal at any given time unless half of them had big cooldowns and i’m pretty sure we can all agree that nobody likes big cooldowns.

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@ Strolin
Stop blaming consoles for the 6 spell strategy. That is a restriction the developers went for no matter what. Even if D3 would had been strictly PC this would be the result.
From what I understand the game gives us six choice’s and we have to figure out how to best perform based on that.

Lol. How is that kool-aid? Well maybe I can get a few hours of fun from D4 on console, we should just accept that the game will be casual and not even bother with pc. Going to make an arpg with depth using 6 skills? There are just so many negative implications with that for me (I can already tell based on that simple bit of information; it will be very casual and the systems will be rubbish again).

Funny how the “choice for the betterment of the game” also coincides with betterment of Blizzard’s profits. Simple isn’t good in this case. Last game was too simple, there’s nothing there. There’s no role playing because it’s not an rpg. You just pick your skills and then you’re like everybody else. The game needs complexity and choices, not restrictions and simplifying. Too simple is boring.

Yet plenty of games do it.
I have recently been playing a Dark Souls clone; Code Vein. Played on PC, but with a controller (controllers are generally better for those kinds of games tbh). It got 14 keys that could all be considered skills (attacks, defenses, dodge, parry etc.), and then also camera controls, potions etc. on top of that.
And easily as fast-paced as Diablo is.

It is not that difficult to do.

It isnt even that I would not be worried about the influence of console on the gameplay. I worry about skill targeting and how important movement is in the game. Because that is what is harder on a gamepad. Using 10 skills on a gamepad? Easy. Targeting those 10 skills all over the screen? Not easy. Same problem RTS games have.
One risk would be that they design skills in a less interesting way, to accommodate controllers.
Likewise with movement. Will precise movement be needed, dancing in and out of enemy ground effects, or will everything just be dodges, because the latter is easier to control on a gamepad?

If it’s easy to use more skills on a console, and Blizz is still going with 6 skills then they’re blowing off the community again. For what reason, I would speculate because “they know best” again. We saw how that went for D3 (sure it’s a great commercial success but it sure seems to me that pc gamers were disheartened after actually playing the game; sure the game is cool enough to get at least ~20 hours of fun from it).

If it’s 6 skills that are all maxed without any points, and you just pick which skills we are right back where we started with the Diablo 3 system that has been heavily criticized.

I don’t want a “talent tree” where I put in points to increase my cold damage by 2%. THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Let me pump the blessed skill and have my own character with its own build. I don’t want to interchangeably change my 6 skills (when I find some cool new item i.e. D3 route), I want to have more skills and have a unique character where character planning and role playing elements are heavy!

If you guys know so much better than the community, explain why more people play Diablo 2 LoD currently than Diablo 3! Obviously these great ideas about character development and systems weren’t so great and you all don’t know such a great deal that you can ignore all of the fans and be arrogant again. Sure the game will still be a top console game, but is that what we want, to sacrifice the pc game for a great console game?

/citation needed


As you know, D3 active player data is kept secret. D2 data isn’t though, there are 120k players online at any given moment.

My only evidence beyond that is that about 300 people are watching D3 or Twitch in a given day as opposed to 600 for Diablo 2. If so many people are playing D3 online why is it kept secret?

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It being kept secret doesn’t mean that D2 has more players.

And where is that number for D2 players coming from anyway?

Whenever I log in it says there are 30k on my server, useast. 30k ×4 servers

It sure may have more players. The only objective evidence we have suggests there are more on D2.

Edit: you know what is hard ona console besides more than 6 skills? Tetris and charms
Diablo 4 will be a console game like D3

This is like the rmah all over again, sacrificing the product for more cash

Lol, more BS. Tetris inventory isn’t hard on consoles, it’s just outdated on any platform.

Charms present 0 difficulty for console.

I disagree that tetris is outdated. Why should a poleaxe take up as much space as a ring? It’s just different and people will have different preferences. I think it’s interesting that in a tetris environment smaller items may be slightly more valuable to store.

It truly is just a subjective thing to say that removing tetris in favor of 4x4 is an upgrade. It’s just different; neither is outdated. Most modern arpgs use tetris (Grim Dawn, It Lurks Below, PoE), Diablo is not some game ahead of it’s time by swapping everything to 4x4; they did that in 2009 and the new arpgs aren’t following suite cause it was such a brilliant idea. Nothing new, olds news.

As far as charms go, ya have fun managing that in your inventory with a controller; it’s a lot. Id’ing, repositioning, replacing inferior charms, sure it can be done. However, it seems a lot easier with a mouse to me.

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I get that. I really do. But if you are going to get upset over a pole arm and a ring taking up the same space. Why are you not upset over the fact that your character can carry all those pole arms, sets of armor, shields, and still be able to function?

I just don’t get the selective immersion that goes on here. You guys call for realistic aspects in some areas for immersion in small, inconsequential aspects of the game like inventory tetris, icon sizes, the graphical look of menus, but completely ignore other aspects of moment to moment gameplay that are completely immersion breaking.

We all have our quirks and preferences, I just don’t get this one.

I’d also argue your take on modern ARPGs. All three of those are heavily rooted in the past.

Oh really? They were recently released. They are just different than Diablo 3. What are some modern arpgs besides Diablo 3 then?

I think as a game developer making a game for pc, you try to make the game as appealing as you can. When you’re a dev trying to make the game great on console as well it encourages simplification because a controller isn’t a keyboard and mouse.

They were relatively recently released yes, but they all play out like 20 year old games.

How so? I’m not buying that. What’s a modern arpg then? Only Diablo 3?

You are just calling it outdated cause your subjective preference is one space per item.

Why should a poleaxe weigh as much as a ring? Would make far more sense to restrict your inventory to weight.

There’s a big difference between claiming that it’s hard for console and it actually being hard. Spoiler alert!


It isn’t hard.

Oh, so you’d rather do inventory arithmetic than tetris?

Tetris is viable and still used in many games. It’s just different.

If you want to use arguments like “why should a poleaxe take up as much space as a ring?” then be prepared to adress other “unrealistic” features of inventory in Diablo games.

And I didn’t say it wasn’t unviable. I said it’s outdated.

Ok, I say one space per item is outdated then. Wolcen just came out and it is tetris. One space per inv hasn’t been used since 2009 when Diablo 3 did it. Very outdated. I can at least back up my view point, almost every modern arpg uses tetris because it’s more compelling; it was their design decision, trust me they thought of one space as an option then decided to go with what they thought was best (tetris).

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Oh you mean a system that is used in the vast majority of games nowadays is outdated?