Diablo 3 will end at season 30

Is death by release Season 28.
I think it was intended by Blizzard to give people a lot of buffs to make the game boring and move them to D4.
Also, the hordes of losers who are not working and have no life will play continuously S28 to gain paragons and overpopulate the leaderboard in non-season. Waste time playing D3…

Sad news if this means that even useless themes like double goblins or follower update will be repeated, especially if no future balancing is planned. D3 is indeed nearing its end of life.

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Well then Rip Diablo. Guess I’ll have to check out PoE 2 or Last Epoch. Screw D4.


Why are we believing any of this just because some YouTuber said it?

Post where Blizzard has said this otherwise keep your speculation to yourself. Can’t believe people are assuming it’s actually true.


Either the YouTuber was lying about asking questions to Joe Shely & Rob Fergusson on their press tour or she wasn’t.

I’m choosing to believe that Shely and Fergusson were actually in Berlin and that the YouTuber was actually at the press tour and was able to ask questions and get answers.

  1. Too much downside for her if she’s lying about attending an event that she didn’t attend.
  2. Too much downside for her channel if she reported her interaction wrong.
  3. Too much downside if she misinterpreted the answers from Shely or Fergusson.

just watched the vid. small correction: apparently there will be a season 29 with new content (we shouldn’t expect something as big as S28) and season 30 onwards will consist of recycled content


D3 had a good run I hope they do a D3 remaster someday. But I will not count on it because some people just complain and cry about everything. I was never a GR rift fisher who was obsessed with being on the cheater board treadmill, with all of the buffs that give you the illusion of being a good player. So, for now I will concentrate on D4.


I doubt D3 would ever get remastered. It has too many issues. A remake, maybe? Re-tool acts 3 and 4 to have a better narrative? Maybe. But that won’t happen for maybe a decade+.

D4 nearly has better combat in the beta already and D3 is all about the combat. I think we can expect D2R and D4 to get the brunt of any support for the forseeable future.

What can I say, it was a good run 'till the end. I got my maximum stash tabs and can hang around for afew more. If they can fix bugs and maintain a healthily long testing phase to not let any exploits happen again, why not?

If they were to remake Diablo 3, or remaster it I have no doubt that game would be great and balance, smoothness of combat will all be there. I’d have a few requests about a D3 remake for sure, but the most important one would be its story and dialogue being rewritten. Its story is dull and predictable, its only twist is that there is no twist. Rest of my silly requests are for another thread, perhaps.

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I thought they’d start recycling seasonal themes with season 29 honestly. At this point, buffing the low tier sets and classes should be the priority. But I don’t think the people working on D3 really care about that.

In an ideal world, D3 would of had offline mode and mod support for private servers. But that never happened and D3 will just fade away so they can get everyone into D4. I’ll likely choose Last Epoch and POE 2 over D4.


They were all photographed together. The photo is on twitter.

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It is true, blizzard will launch diablo 4 and after that some performance patches, after bugs and others things fixed they will launch d4 seasons.

Season 28 will end before diablo 4 launch and they will launch season 29, after that u will see that they will kill d3 so we can focus on diablo 2 and diablo 4, they want more people buying diablo 4 and the battlechest.

U can see for yourself that blizz recent games all have Bp and that is because people spend a good amount of money on that.

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I’m late to the party, so I’m ok with that. I wish I enjoyed D4, but I don’t, so recycling works for me.


Disappointing that they wont make even some new content for future seasons, but I’ll take recycled D3 seasons over D4 and PoE2.

Lots of past seasons were fun (shadow clones, shards, ethereals etc). I’ll just skip the weak ones like Triune etc.

EDIT: Even seasons with the 4th cube slot could be fun now that we don’t have to waste it on Nems bracer


So 2 more seasons with something new potentially? Not bad. This is almost another year of updated content for D3. After that, I will probably still play to get cosmetics if seasonal journeys continue, and for a bit of nostalgia of course. I am fine with that decision. I guess D4 will be the main focus of everyone after its release.


no, just one more season

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Season 29 will be the last new contents season for D3. Hope Blizzard will bring all the season features to Single-player mode.


So season themes will be recycled, wich was expected at some point, but will it also mean totally no new content like new or updated legendary’s or some new qol in the future?

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After a point anything is possible. Especially if game’d be kept at minimal patches to keep it alive. They can easily slap some of the QoL features into the Conqueror stage of Season Journey and there you go. Season themes recycle and you have a working model.


I hope the future of D3 involves people not calling this a theme anymore.