Diablo 3 Inarius Wings and pet


I pre-purchased the “Standard Edition” of Diablo 4, and two of the cosmetics that you would get includes:“Inarius Wings” and “Inarius Pet”, both of those are for Diablo 3. But when I logged in there’s nothing there. I’ve talked to other players who have purchased the: Deluxe and/or Ultimate Edition of the game and they have the same problem. No wings or pet for Diablo 3. Could you please take a look at this and fix this bug Blizzard?

Thanks in advance for any help and best regards,

Read : Meet Your Maker on June 6—Pre-Purchase Diablo IV! — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

  • Both items will be added to a player’s account beginning on December 16 and for the same platform they pre-purchased Diablo IV for. No action is needed on your part.

Too bad advancing the system clock won’t work in this instance.


This is NOT a bug.

December 16th is this Friday. (Or 4 days after the day before yesterday).

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Well it’s the 16th and still no cosmetics…


It’s not even 6:00 AM at Blizzard atm… and it’s going to be the 16th for another 18 hours.

If they’re late… they’re late. But you’ll note that the text says “beginning on…”… so they’re obviously leaving themselves some leeway for finishing the task.

Inarius Wings and Inarius Murloc Pet for Diablo III:**

  • Both items will be added to a player’s account beginning on December 16 and for the same platform they pre-purchased Diablo IV for. No action is needed on your part.

I know you’re impatient… I suspect most others are too.
You’ll just need to wait it out…

Best of luck in your games !

Just got the achievement for this. At first it came up as “Missing” for an achievement. Quit and restarted, which resulted in the downloading of a small patch. Now, it shows the achievement as a Feat of Strength, but no wing or pet in my collection.

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Same thing happened to me - “missing” achievement changed to a completed Feats of Strength achievement - but no wings or pet in my collection. Hopefully this is fixed soon.

EDIT: Both wings and pet just showed up after a game restart at 520pm CDT! Yay!

I pre purchase Diablo 4 Ultimate edition 6 days ago and i didnt received my wing and pet for Diablo3 .It must be an error somewhere becouse on Americas when i am conected i have the wings but on EU i don`t. Thank you!

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Same problem as guys discribed above - first I got “missing” achievement, after update it changed to a Feats of Strength - but still no wings & pet…

UPDATE 23:50 - both rewards poped up in my collection so it solved for me.

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Have the achievement but still no pet or wings in my collection :frowning:

Had missing achieve as well
after a few hours - only got pet, but still no wings

Edit: both now

Update: 16:56 CET I got the Pet finally, but I have yet to see any wings…

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Are you sure?

The “Inarius” Wings are called “Tyranny of the Father” :

I have triple checked and no, nothing there…

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Olá boa tarde! Mais alguém ao atualizar O DIII, que já comprou o DIV, não ganhou o pet?.. infelizmente em minha conta ganhei a asa, mas não veio o pet… alguém por favor pode me ajudar? muito grato!

Google Translate:

Hello good afternoon! Anyone else when updating DIII, who already bought the DIV, didn’t get the pet?.. unfortunately in my account I got the wing, but the pet didn’t come… can someone please help me? Much obliged!

If you have a lot of Pets, it can be difficult to locate one. This one is called Father Murkus. As you can see from the image below, I found mine between Bones and Rocky.

If you’re sure it isn’t there, I hope it shows up for you soon.

Hello good afternoon! Anyone else when updating DIII, who already bought the DIV, didn’t get the pet?.. unfortunately in my account I got the wing, but the pet didn’t come… can someone please help me? Much obliged!

tenho certeza que não está … já chequei!