Diablo 3 Inarius Wings and pet

Edit number 2: 03:46 AM CET, I finally got the wings aswell.


I got the achievment but no wings or pet for me… and i bought pre-order since the release

I bought the ultimate edition and i do not have the petm the wings or the achievement and here it is the 22nd of december…

same problem. Got the “missing” achievement few days ago. Logged back in now I have the real one but no wings/pet

Solved by opening a ticket to Blizzard Support.
They suggest also try to change your region to another before startup Diablo 3, then quit and relaunch Diablo 3 using your region.
For me worked and I was able to access Diablo 3 Inarius Wings and pet but unfortunately I am disappointed about how it looks compared to Inarius Wings from the Diablo 4 release date trailer. :frowning:

hey there, how long did they reply to you after you submitted the ticket?

Pre-Purchased Diablo IV and no wings or pet. Please help

Did you log in to the game and then enter the game? You should receive the wings and pet when you enter the game, not just the menus.

If you still did not get them, I would submit a ticket with customer support.

i did just as you said and got them thanks

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I prepurchased the ultimate Edition on Xbox but i dont get the wings and pet