Diablo 3 Hydra's bug

Wizard’s Hydras ignore and do not attack some enemies. Damage is only done if hydras attacks another enemy who is near the ignored enemy. At high levels of difficulty it is simply impossible to kill such mobs, especially with the Typhon set. It is impossible because the damage of hero is very-very-very small, and “non-ignored” enemies usually ends much faster than “ignored.” Some quests became impossible or you have to return to the city and wear another set, which deals damage with other skills.

Act 2 bounties Hydra wiz issue: The hydras are not attacking worms(big worm bounty cave on entrance), also wall mounted targets. Hydra are just standing next to it and they are not targeting it !!! Have same issues with Hydra when I’m doing bounties in act 2 especially. Hope they fix this, WD had similar issue with pets not attacking!

How many times is this going to be posted? This bug has already been reported many times. Try searching. Use the non-runed version of the hydra, and it will target the wall slimers.

Probably up until the point that Blizzard fixes it.

I think you are upset at the wrong group of people here. It was well documented on the PTR Bug Report Forums, but they let it go live anyway.

Blizzard only seems to reply or fix bugs when there are hundreds of reports, and I am not so sure that it helps when players just add to an existing report.

Why are you trying to stifle the outcry? 1 report or 10 reports of the same bug will get swept under the rug. They won’t take action unless enough people complain.

Do you want to keep new bugs in the game?

That may be a temporary workaround, but that is not the cure for the problem. Blizzard needs to fix it, and until they do, they need to keep hearing about it, otherwise it won’t get fixed.

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Hi :

The issue has been reported for a long time… I would recommend a read through this conversation to anyone facing the hydra bug :

I’m with TimberWolf on this one… people need to learn to Search for these things. I wonder where the Moderators are… and why they don’t lock all the duplicate posts and force all the posts on one thread. Heck… they could even pin it.

You have been playing this game long enough to know that, unless it is a game-breaking bug or something that can be hotfixed, bug fixes are released with patches. So the earliest this bug can be fixed is with the release of 2.6.9, which is weeks/months away. Reposting a known bug, especially with no new information, doesn’t help at all.

You may be right.

However, until Blizzard acknowledges that it is something they are aware of, or something they are working on, we have no confirmation that they have even taken any notice.

More bug reports usually don’t add any new information, but more reports may bring the bug to Blizzard’s attention.

I would agree with both of you if Blizzard would pin a post, moderate the forums, or acknowledge some bugs. Then I would just point new posters to the Sticky or Blue post showing that Blizzard is aware of the issue.

Until that happens, I think Blizzard needs to listen to the rage of the players.

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That is why they posted that sticky at top. They almost never respond, even though they claim to read every post. Making more and redundant posts only makes it harder on them to sift away the chaff (which is something like 90% of the posts). And that hurts us, since useful posts can be more easily missed, so far from helping, all these extra posts can end up hurting.

Also, they most likely prioritize bugs by severity, and this is not a game-breaking bug by any stretch: it is merely an inconvenience.


Some Hydra bugs are not going to magically disappear.
I get that it is possible only a skeleton staff is on.
Regardless, it is obvious that people are still experiencing the same identical bugs.
Here’s one from another thread.

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