One change to make frenzy/savages comparable to ww/rend

During PTR I suggested a potential change to ORotZ which would grant the CDR based on resource gained or resource spent, rather than just spent. That would get your 100% up-time, and also potentially benefit other generator builds.


I think it’s nice to have builds that don’t require WotB. I’d rather see them get the toughness and damage needed without WotB. It would be cool if they could incentivise another skill enough that it would be viable to use instead of partial WotB uptime. Don’t see them changing it anytime soon though.


I know it pisses me off that seemingly every Crusader build has to have Akarat’s Champion.


Frenzy’s biggest lack will always be Area Damage, and stacking the affix is pretty expensive. So that’s what the weapon does, and allows you to deal a lot of damage against single targets.

So it’s best og two worlds. I do agree thou set is slightly underperforming and squishy.

Yea that is not going to happen, it makes no sense mechanical. Also more Barb players did advocate for making Ignore Pain fit in, possible with some bracers.

Could have made a simple thing like: Generators deal +75-100% more damage while Ignore Pain is active.

I really dont find it squishy. I can get it up to 4.5 billion toughness. The single damage is great but the AOE sucks. It will take me 6 minutes or so to clear a 90 in ok at best gear but I can put on WW gear that is complete crap and do a 90 in 2 minutes…

If they made one of the changes I made above, I think this build would work a lot better.

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It does 110 fine enough, actually 120 aswell. So if you are struggling at 90, you’ve probably chosen the wrong affixes on your gear. And judging from a 4.5B toughness, you definately have.

And that is the issue with the set. But you are thinking it backwards, if you add more damage or AOE to it, then those who run the Damage builds would just clear even higher. If you add toughness it is only gonna make the set a bit easier to play.

That’s why we always balance based on damage builds.

I agree. The set is soooo much more fun than WW/Rend. However, I also think that it needs a bit of a retooling for it to be what it could/should be. The following is a post I made about a month ago. Curious to see what you think about it.

The only thing I can think of to improve the new Barbarian set is to rework Frenzy. The only way to rework Frenzy, is to get rid of the stacking and put the bonus at its maximum.

Change Frenzy to:Swing for 220% weapon damage. Increase the speed of Frenzy by 75% for 5 seconds with each swing.”

Change Savage 4 pc bonus to:Reduce damage taken by 75% while under the effects of Frenzy and Frenzy lasts twice as long.”

Change Savage 6 pc bonus to:Frenzy deals 12,500% increased damage.”

I believe that the boost in damage reduction and damage increase would help with the lack of Wrath of the Berserker since the build is based on a Primary Attack vs. a Resource Spender. Can’t take advantage of the Zodiac ring.

Then again, even if it was just 60% damage reduction at the 4th piece set and 10,000% damage increase at the 6th piece set, at least the issue with stacking would be gone.

Of course, I forgot something, Bastion’s Revered. Change it to: Frenzy hits any enemy within 15 yards, the damage is split between all of the affected enemies. Maybe instead of boosting the damage on the 6 piece bonus, add something to the weapon, or why not add damage to both?

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The other new or upgraded sets have two skills where one either triggers the other or does something to benefit. I found it unusual this set did not. WW triggers rend, TR and SW for Monk, same for sader, WD - If they put something like:
'When frenzy reaches 10 stacks, it triggers “X skill increasing by X%” - There are skills like overpower (sash) and revenge that ‘might’ be useful. WW triggers rend with Ambo’sso it’s not like it is unusual - they could add it to a weapon or attire where frenzy stacks trigger… Something like that.

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Not that any of the feedback or even the bug reports were considered (maybe not even read). I can’t do some Act2 bounties with my hydra wiz because it still can’t kill slime spewers.

To post improvement ideas now that the CM has left and the dev has vanished is utterly useless.

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Well, clearly, at the time the PTR was active was prior to Nev quitting.

I was referring to this thread in general.

Yes, agreed, that fix is well and truly overdue.

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I like this idea, essentially making Frenzy a 15 yard AoE attack. Might not make a lot of sense, but when does game logic make sense. i.e. Bleeding skeletons and ghosts.

I also wouldn’t mind if they made H90 slightly more generic and not focus specifically on Frenzy alone, but any primary attack (Bash, etc).

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I’ve said that as well. Even if it doesn’t have ‘any’ primary attack, at least another one. I think about the Roland’s set with the Crusader. Granted it’s not a primary attack, but you can choose between Shield Bash or Sweep Attack. It would be nice if you could choose between Frenzy and another primary attack, I would suggest Weapon Throw for the set versatility of melee or range.

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H90 is great in group as RGK

I really have enjoyed this set more than any other in a long time. Currently I’m stuck at GR 115 and have been there for over a week. I would like to see the 2 Barbs who made it onto the leaderboards with this set. I haven’t seen any myself.
I agree that the Zodiac ring could help. Make it like the BoW ring set. The cooldown activates if using resource spending or resource generating attack. I also agree that the drawback to this set and Barbs in general is the reliance on WotB and the LOOOOONG cooldown of this skill. Besides Maybe Raekor’s every Barb set relies heavily on WotB, and even Raekor’s can benefit from it.

My sugestion is why not change the Frenzy rune Berserk to increase cooldown 2% - 3% per stack? The extra Fury Rune that is in every Barb primary attack is mostly not needed. Barbs have plenty of ways to generate more Fury but very limited ways to reduce cooldown.

Well its not like Nev ever really listened to anyone. This was proven time and time again. You can have 5346344235 people saying well do this and 4 people saying to do it this way and for some stupid reason they would do what the 4 people wanted.

When I found them, they were at the time towards the bottom of the leader boards. Not sure if they are still there or not.

Well like I said its ok gear at best…

Not really, it is possible but way to slow compared to most other options.

I mainly suggested ‘any’ barb primary attack as it could make a bit more build diversity since each primary attack has some supporting legendary items.

Yeah. That’s my first vote. Especially if they get rid of the frenzy stacks and just put the skill at its maximum. Then the 4pc bonus could be 60% DR for x amount of seconds after using a primary attack.

Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening. That gives the player way too much control. So the compromise would be to add one more to the mix. Bash would be the best choice, but I think Weapon Throw would offer more variety/versatility.

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