Diablo 2 is still playable and downloadable

Do you read a post before you angrily reply to it? I pre-ordered, bud. And I’m not cancelling my pre-order. Irony escapes you again, because I’m not one of the “purists” who threatens to refund if the game isn’t exactly what I want.

Much like WC3 Reforged

As for this, I’m gonna go ahead and stop you right there, because saying that WC3 Reforged had the correct approach to a remaster is proof of exactly what I’m saying. It was an absolute DISASTER and I’m counting my lucky stars that Vicarious Visions is doing a better job with D2R.

bye then?



then you will probably have to live with a NOT changed game buddy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And it’s not the PURISTS who are constantly crying here and threatening with a refund! no it’s you. the “Changelings”.

WC3 was a disaster because Blizzard has not kept their promises!
and exactly the same happens when you demand big changes in the D2 remaster! then V.V. also does NOT keep their promise. And that would be: to make a REMASTER that sticks to the original!
But you don’t seem to understand that.

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Man you ploot guys bring heaps of non-ending toxicity, on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. It’s such an enigma to me how you would even want to play D2R.


See, this is the problem with your perspective. You’re literally doing what you want veteran players to stop doing. You’re putting down other people’s opinions and even going so far as to say they are all just trying to invalidate other opinions.

You’re doing that exact thing.

This is a discussion forum, this is literally the place for them to share their opinion on changes and potential changes. While I agree there are way too many people on both sides that disagree in a really unproductive and offensive way, but anyone trying to say either camp is doing more or less of that is just being biased, plain and simple.

These people you are chastising have a right to express their opinions here, even if they are different from yours. If they don’t stand in solidarity against a proposed change now when they see all these voices asking for changes that they don’t align with, then for anyone watching (like the devs), the overwhelming opinion will seem like the player base wants them. That’s how bad changes get made.

Feedback from the community should mean feedback from all perspectives, not just the ones you agree with.

You clearly feel the devs should take one direction but you feel you’re in the right by expressing your opinion while telling other who think differently that they shouldn’t. It’s hypocritical.

I personally think this discussion would be much more productive if people just shared their view without commenting on the quality of the people (or their ideals) on the other side of the fence.


you can check diablo 2 resurrected web

Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.

People can still use cartridge games on old consoles. Doesnt mean when they get a re-release of the game on new hardware they want an majorly altered game.

When people get a remaster or HD Re-release of an older game, that what they want is just a running, prettier version of an older game, for the most part.

You want all sorts of extras and changes to the base product. Thats generally not what a remaster/re-release of a game is.

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Meh… Every once in a while, anarchy is fun to participate in.

Would be the case but zones in D2 are designed like puzzles, and this makes guesswork for botters a lot easier. Until they redesign (which they wont) the map creation process, it’s a matter of time until a botter has figured out and mapped out the layout of a new zone.

Incorrect. Forcing people to have to abide by your own loot filter is counter productive. Nobody cares that only you want to find exclusively magic items, or set items, or white items. Loot Filters need to be player client exclusive, not lobby exclusive.

Personal Loot alone defeats Pickit.

Just because you feel people should have their hand held through a game that was purpose intent on being supremely difficult to gear up in doesn’t justify shutting down people who want to play it that way.

Difficult games need to persist - enough with this modern gaming nonsense where everyone-should-be-able-to-play™ or play-the-way-you-want in games that weren’t designed to be that way from the get-go.

The stark reality you need to accept is not everything is made for everyone.

EVE Online was the most hardcore game in the gaming community back during its prime between 2003 and 2010… Then 2010 came by after many ‘modern’ games (see: games that introduced instant gratification, removed difficult features at the behest of the players etc) and they started removing aspects of the game that made it the king of Merit = Reward games. Now the game is effectively dead in the water with MANY unnecessary changes allowing it to be playable by a toddler so to speak.
Skill Points can be bought with real money. You can accelerate your training to bypass the Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks and Months that skills normally took to train. You don’t lose Skill Points on pod death any more. Just to name a few things.

What you and many people want to do to this game will effectively do to it what happened to EVE Online. Not all of the changes we want will hurt it, if at all much, but too much will certainly do so. A line needs to be drawn and people need to know where that line is.

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This whole thread is an example of the kind of dismissive attitude people have, acting like their opinions are all that matter. My whole original post is flippant and sarcastic because it’s ironic, as I also pointed out there.

There is no active, productive discussion being had here, it’s just people who disagree with me posting spam, telling me to refund, telling me to play D3, etc. That’s not productive, and it doesn’t address any of the points I’ve raised.

I’ve discussed, at length, the health of the game, brought up that D2 itself, while still playable, isn’t fun for people. I get no legitimate points raised back, it’s just “Well, go play something else if you don’t like it, this is a REMASTER”

They can’t handle a sentence that cant me misinterpreted…

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Hardcore d2 fan here (playing game 20 years still tot his day)

If pickit will be real issue , i am not against ploot. If not I dont want it in public games.


Loot filters has nothing to do with pickit. Best counter measure against pickit is cheat detection.

Baal is not only place when you can level up and 99% of player base doesnt care about leveling above 97 anyway. I dont want rifts, this is not diablo 3. I am ok with few new maps using red portals. But drop must match other tc85 locations.

This is not year 2005, bots today are pretty smart.

I am ok with some balancing, mainly improving bad skills.

Absolutly not. Pk is part of the game.

Sure why not.


you are mean :stuck_out_tongue:
I only disagreed with you on single one point (if you want my opinion on all the rest , it’s pretty much the same as zax) and i told you why in a respectful manner and also told you that you don’t lose exp when you get pk’ed

I’am hurt

Joking aside , well that’s this forum in a nutshell, both side are sometime pretty toxic : between “D3 is there” or “OG D2 is still there”

This. I was excited because they advertised the game with “Classic Gameplay Preserved.” They should deliver what was promised to the loyal customer base who have been pumping liquidity in to their company since the 90s.


I think it’s the last game active on Battle.Net 1.0.

I highly doubt that this will be the case for long after D2:R has been released. There is no point in keeping the old infrastructure alive.

If current D2 is any indication, pickit will be rampant, even with good cheat detection. The old graphics being available means that a program could run a scan on an 800x600 res image INSANELY quickly and generate clicks without ever being seen by anti-cheat. Behavior detection for something like this is still pretty much impossible to implement, and other games rely purely on player reports, but how do you even get decent reports on players when there’s no way to know who looted what, who’s just really fast on the click, etc?

Correct, bots today will be WAY better than bots back then. Which is why current D2 is still absolutely FULL of them. The best we can hope for is a strong anti-cheat implementation. What I’m talking about here is something to make bots harder to get working “right”

And because I didn’t say it to the other person who’s offered constructive discussion, thank you for offering more than “Just go play D3”

People will be a lot more carefull with cheating first seasons. You dont want to lose
40 Dollars for that.


They’re telling you to play D3 and you’re telling them to play original D2. What’s the difference?

My point is that you’re engaging in the exact same behavior you’re claiming to speak out against.

Both opinions about D2 changes are valid. They want most elements of D2 to remain intact, you want them to be “improved upon.” Yet, here you are saying the same useless drivel that they are spewing… attacking other opinions.

My opinion is that I don’t want ploot, even if it is something you can toggle. I feel this makes the game more attractive to player personalities that dilute what makes D2 enjoyable for me. I like that it is unforgiving and the player base is predominantly predatory. That environment makes it fun for me. Succeeding when the other players are mostly working against me. The ability to overcome the challenges these people present is at the very core of why I love this game.

Even with a toggled feature, I feel making this game more cooperative by nature and making space for players who don’t enjoy that dog-eat-dog playstyle will fundamentally change the balance of player types in the community and I just feel that will be detrimental.

I think it would open the game to more people but alienate others into not enjoying it as much so I’m not even fully convinced that ploot would be the best business model for Blizzard, though it likely would be. I’m looking at it from a personal enjoyment factor. I want the community to be mostly void of people that would prefer ploot as they aren’t trying to screw me over at every turn and therefore the game becomes much less fulfilling for me.

Lots of games I love for their cooperative nature, D2 will never be one of those for me. I play this when I want to force feed someone their just deserts or feel the triumph of succeeding in the face of player adversity. That gets mostly taken away in a ploot environment and that’s why I don’t want it.

Edit: Also, you don’t get to speak for me or most people so please don’t presume tell us what is fun for us. I can tell 100% that you are irrefutably wrong, because I find it quite fun in its current form. So, that’s as “legitimate” as a “point back” that you can have to statement like that.


Current d2 is full of them because blizzard hasn’t cared for the last 15 years.

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Oh, no doubt. Different codebase will also mean that most cheats will need to be updated, and it’s likely that will take a few weeks on its own. I’m not concerned about release. I have no doubt that we’ll have plenty of players come the 23rd. My concerns are about longevity.

Players who have bad experiences in the game are A) going to stop playing, and B) fail to recommend the game to friends, which will lead to less and less players. The game is going to lose players over time no matter what, I just want to make that happen as slowly as possible.

Current D2 has ALWAYS been full of bots, hacks, and dupes. Don’t fool yourself into thinking it’s a modern problem. Bots and banwaves feeding into a VERY small set of dedicated players is the only thing that’s kept the game running on Battle.net 1.0 this long.

So again instead of telling blizzard a billion dollar company to get their crap together you want to benefit yourself.

Don’t hide behind bots and hacks that you don’t even know exist. You are selfish and want hand outs.