Diablo 2 andariel bug

We need to shut down these forums until launch to keep these terrible opinions from being posted. What the hell is wrong with you people?


By your logic, killing the Cow King and not being able to open a portal anymore would be a bug aswell, but it’s not.

It’s a feature implemented for experienced players with a keen eye.

I can’t believe people are arguing this. It was in the Beta for Andariel too…

Beginning to wonder who actually plays D2 here and who are the LARPing forum trolls.

Just tested it on singleplayer D2:LOD 1.14D, you get white, grey, magic, rare, unique and set items.

I got a run where I got only rejuv potions, socketed ruby and a white claymore. With the bug.
Stop advocating reddit and pretending it only gives you rare/unique/set items without testing yourself.

You can test this easily by getting D2hero and D2NT:

  • Get your D2hero a soco lvl 99 for the ease with the quest bugged.
  • Set your D2NT to pick up everything and run Andariel only and 1 run only.
  • Set your D2NT to open 1000 id’s.
  • Stop being a liar.

If you got a white claymore, you didn’t quest bug her. That probably dropped off of mobs around her.

It’s pretty obvious that you’re angry and that English isn’t your first language, so I’ll cut you some slack.

But… it is a way to consistently get less terrible drops from Andy. That being said, even with quest bug, her drop rates are not guaranteed to give uniques or sets. Geezer also never said it would always drop these, so I’m not sure how he’s lying, as you have accused him.

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What if they consider your opinion to be a bug?

For truly, long time didn’t know about the bug. But of course i spoke with warriv. Let me say, with that bug andariel drops was still bad.

Mephi drops are much better. Don’t waste ur time with bugged or fixed andy. Only if u want to farm just sojs she is good.

Btw. without bug u can kill mephi in each degree without he can hit/damage u. It’s about positioning. So it is rly unnecessary to fix andy bug cause mephi-runs are ftw.

Wow to be this uninformed and still call me a liar at the end, that is certainly rich.

You did it wrong.

This isn’t even a thing, “socketed ruby” maybe learn the basics of the game before pretending to know these things.

Bosses like Andariel, Baal, Diablo, etc…cannot drop White/grey items.

You’re quite a noob, and with a terrible attitude.

OMG, this is even funnier, I actually missed this part

Lmao, you set pickit up for purposes of this test…you were picking up items from mobs you noob, not from Andariel.

Git Gud.

Start a game with a character that has killed Baal for Quest, leave the game. Rejoin the game with another character that hasn’t killed Baal for Quest and kill him. You’ll get the quest drop, but won’t complete the quest because it was already marked as complete from the character that created the game. Rinse and repeat.

Don’t care. Have to farm her anyway.

The bug happened frequently even to people that were not trying to cause it, it probably happened to several of your characters without you even realizing it.

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My question is, is there a way to get the characters that are bugged for duriel or meph to do baal runs… so they can get to 99? In d2r

a character quest bug farming meph will only be able to farm up to a3 hell, you might be able to get there but it would take way longer than baal runs especially at p1

D2NT specifically mentions from which mob/boss the item was dropped and picked up.

You are right, they are chipped gems and not socketed, yet they are white items and drop from bosses aswell as potions which are white.

Go test it yourself and stop pretending Andariel with the “bug” always and only drops rare/unique/set items.

On most of my characters i always forgot about this bug anyway.

But is it really a thing? Because you can find some vids on youtube showing that drops are very similar even if you don’t bug her.

If it’s really a thing it should get fixed tbh.

In D2, no one calls potions and gems “white items”

It’s quite well known that Andariel cannot drop a white claymore like you suggested.

You called me a liar, ignorantly, as you’re obviously incorrect.

7) Chance= Chance - (Chance * UniqueFactor/1024) Unique Factor is the value from column “Unique” from monster’s TC. For example act bosses have high values here, all bosses have also 1024 in Magic column, that means that their Chance is 0 for magic items - they will allways drop at least magic items.

point 7, taken directly from wiki.

I never said it’s only rare/set/uniques. It can also be magical(blue) with double durability, which is a failed set.

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If its a bug, it should be fixed. Same with any glitches or exploits.

No one talks about Meph, but his moat trick should be fixed as well. Do like they did in PD2, make Meph be able to float over the moat.

This is a bad take. Bad AI is not a bug, nor a glitch.

If we’re to fix this, might as well just make every Act boss different, as they’re all easy to cheese. No, this changes way too much.

Some people are just stuck on the loop “Bug is bug, must fix bug” kek. They clearly haven’t spent much time in the game.

Smaller, non-game-breaking exploits: Gallerani and Fergusson said that they wanted to preserve things that impacted the flavor of Diablo 2, as long as those exploits weren’t being used for things like item duplication. If you knew exactly where to stand in a certain boss fight where the boss couldn’t manage to hit you, that’ll still work in this game. You’ll still be able to play a character in Classic mode and then switch to Lord of Destruction to skip part of the game. Speedrunners rejoice.

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