Diablo 2 andariel bug

Kinda like Sasquatch right…

Yes, it is exactly like sasquatch. Haven’t you seen the documentaries?

Ahh ok I get it now…yeah we’re all bored. For a minute there I actually thought you genuinely didn’t know about Andy bug being a real, tangible thing.

Now that that’s all cleared up, hopefully Andy bug will still be in D2R.

Im telling you, it doesn’t exist. Guy in this video probably farmed Andy 10 times to find a 2 set 1 unique drop… for normal gear. It’s a coin flip and some people get heads 90 out of a 100. It happens.

look up d2 quest loot you might learn something, act bosses can drop quest loot or normal loot depending on wether or not the killing blow comes from a character that is on the quest to kill the act boss

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I hate how far this forum has fallen, I don’t know if this is a troll or not.

It is verifiable. Go kill Andy with bug and 0% MF. You will never, not after 1000 runs, or a million, get a magic item with normal durability.

It’s a legitimate bug that has been verified for years. It is real.


I like this bug so much, as someone who doesn’t have as much time as big players, and who plays non-cookie cutter builds, those bugs are essential for my progression.
I really hope they make them permanent, or let them be, but not remove them.
I simply can’t get how a “normal” player ( understands here 5 hours play a WEEK, not day) can reach even one high runeword in ladder season, if he can’t use those to find decent items and trade them.
I have more than 1000 hours of D2 play. And I found just a bunch of high runes, every ladder I reach my so much desired RW’s by trading items gained from mf. And I play only hc, wich makes trade even more interesting.

I am using that bug a lot but wouldn’t mind it gone. It would just push the farming a bit further to the back when I can farm Mephisto.
And even non-bugged Andy is quite worth it.

Yeah they should fix all bugs imo.

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It is really pathetic how many of you exploiters were back in the day. Most of us played the game normally.

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I never found out about this one until this year.

kind of an ironic post in this case.
As i said personally i couldn’t care less whether it stay and become normalized or is fixed.
but knowing the circumstances , your post is kind of funny since you are an “exploiter” too.

this bug trigger is simply one thing “talking/clicking on warriv after you beat andariel before logging off”.
so you are pretty much an exploiter too i guess even without knowing about it, since everyone triggered this glitch without knowing about it. (except the few that disconnected in front of andariel after finishing her off , to go to eat or something on one or two characters)
I hardly think more than a handful didn’t trigger this glitch, especially since warriv is the npc you need to talk to to go to act 2 in the first place, so the glitch trigger while playing the game normally , on the contrary it doesn’t trigger only if you don’t play normally : disconnecting on purpose (or to go to eat) before talking to warriv.

So it is indeed pretty “pathetic” to call other exploiter when you used the same glitch whether you know it or not since it triggers just by playing the game “normally” xD

No he is not an exploiter if he wasn’t consciously farming her knowing she is bugged, he wouldn’t have known about the bug and probably wouldn’t have known to farm her, so no he is not an exploiter even if she turned out to be bugged in one of his games

plus most people talk to Cain before Warriv even though there is a high chance people will get her bugged, most people identify items right after beating her, so both your points don’t actually hold

talking to cain doesn’t not-trigger this glitch though.
the only way to NOT trigger it , is to disconnect before talking to warriv atleast once (whether to see what he has to say or to go to act 2 ) , so this point don’t hold either :stuck_out_tongue:

i did say “whether you know it or not”.
as for “exploiter” whether you can be one or not with will of it or not doesn’t change the glitch from being used.
and my message is all about it : most people don’t know about it (nor care about it) but actually use it.
I did say i’am not against it being fixed also.

I don’t mind if it get fixed or not either way, I don’t have anything against it I like it but I don’t mind them fixing it

fact is he is not an exploiter, if he did not “exploit” it as I explained in my last post, he didn’t know to use it because he was not aware of it, so no he is still not an exploiter and you have no reason to believe he use it.

the thing he said “most of us played the game normally”
and most people uses this glitch whether they know it or not.
as long as you kill / farm andariel you “use” it , which is normal , it’s a farming game , the goal is to farm bosses to get items you want.
So i wasn’t being sarcastic , even i was using it without knowing about it for many years.
As for if i was an “exploiter” or not , eh i’d say it depends on the perspective , for some “using glitch” is enough to call someone an exploiter , for others “it needs to be consciously used”
thing is , for both side of this opinion, this glitch doesn’t care since you’ll be using it whether you want it or not as long as you didn’t logged off to go eat right after andy.

Grushing is one thing , since it needs to be done while knowing about it for example.
But this one …eh it’s a gray area, just playing the game trigger it, you actually have to not trigger it on purpose to not use it xD
yea , weird for a glitch.

here you are repeating it again, no, there is a difference between bugging her and using it which is why he is not considered an “exploiter”

i personally see no differences since it’s normal course of the game to speak to this npc after killing andy.
but anyway you see my point , no need to go further debating on a word which i said can have multiple definition/perspective anyway , for some , it’s defined as “using a glitch” simple as that.
95% (random number yes ) uses it without knowing about it , i was among it for a long time, i think it’s toxic to call them “pathetic” or “exploiter” in such cases, hence why i told him that if they are , he is most likely too.

that’s exactly the point, that word has a definition.

How to enable Baal glitch?