DI has become a ghost town

I get it that forced grouping is supposed to promote social gameplay, but it doesn’t work when the game is so dead that none of the dungeons can be run. Yesterday (Sunday) I only had the chance to do a couple of runs, even if the dungeons I was doing had bonus droprates.

I suggest reducing the required number of players in Hell 2+ to 2 players, and maybe to merge some of the servers. It’s simply impossible to progress now.

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Or most people already running in Hell 3.


There are people who want to play solo too which makes it impossible.
There are even clans made that do not play the shadow wars who clearly say it is made because the game has forced them too in order to progress.

One character I am in a warband and two others in clans. None of us match times on lol
PERHAPS if a person is in a clan or warband or shadow clan they are not penalised from completing tasks or doing dungeons.
I do not mind playing in groups but sometimes I just want to play solo and basically, 50% of things you cannot.

I am on 80 and to be honest, after upgrading one level 5 gem only one rank, to find you need the same gem 4 more times to get it to 5, it will be a long time… Especially without getting hell 3 + 4 players in abundance


lol, you know so much about this game, @kilometer. I can confirm that both Hell 2 and 3 are dead on my server (Stygian Fury) . So maybe Hell 4?

EDIT: I just checked the party finder, Hell 4 is even more dead than H2+3.



I just suggest the possibility that those players might farming at other difficulties. I don’t even play at your server in the first place.

There is a problem with the game, it’s called forced grouping. As long as you are defending that, expect no respect or trust from me. You are a noob, and should act a little less cocky when answering people.


As if i want your respect or trust in the first place. :rofl:

Also, maybe you should actually go to make some friends in-game as i have seen many people did that instead of complaining in the forum.

Sure you are not going to tell me you are the only person still playing in your server. :rofl:

Also, that was rich coming from you calling me noob when you bought the BP without reading the expiry date last time. :rofl:

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You are full of c.rap, nothing you ever say on this forum is actually helping anyone, other than to blindly defend Blizzard. All you do is to theow insults on people and assuming stuff you know nothing about. So go away please. Thanks.


I can say the same thing to you. Change the “defend” to “bash” and it will summed up most of your posts here. :yawning_face:

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Goodbye @kilometer

20 characters


Yes there is a problem with the game, it’s called predatory P2W, where you have to spend thousands to progress

Says the one being just as cocky, and seeing as the game hasn’t been out that long you are all noobs


don’t let the door hit you on the way out

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Not being able to find teams has nothing to do with p2w, except that people might be leaving because of it.

Calling someone a noob doesn’t imply that you yourself are a pro. I wonder about many things in this game. i’m a noob, but that guy knows even less than me.

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Make a lot of sense there
P2W has nothing to do with not being able to find teams even though you admit people are leaving because of P2W

If people are leaving because of P2W how are you supposed to find people to team with if they have left


My suggestion is to begin merging servers so that they are more populated. And perhaps adjust the game mechanics so that players have an okay sense of progression, they might stay longer then. The game feels unfriendly to the player when everything is so limited. They could easily throw in a daily legendary crest, and still people would be willing to pay for more, remove some caps, etc.

I want to like this game but it’s hard because there are so many things that prevents progression. And when the grouping part is so important to progress, I would say that requiring 4 players to do runs is too much, especially when there are so few people.

@kilometer: I’m not leaving, I just won’t speak to you about Diablo.

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I had to log in during the off hours and to complete some objectives I needed to turn the difficulty down to normal mode and run a dungeon guaranteed to give no loot because it was impossible to find even a single other player nevermind the full 4 required.

We already are missing out on being able to get gems when we play solo but we also can’t run a few dungeons unless there are at least 3 spare players looking for the same dungeon.

They should make it so that if I’ve been in the queue for 3 minutes then I can enter solo, that way they can still force people into 4 man groups during peak hours but I still get to actually do the correct difficulty if there is no-one to play with.
Better would be solo without waiting but I guess they want to force us into 4man for some reason.


Probably because it’s a mobile MMO casual co-op that punishes you for playing any other way.

Want to binge play? That will be $100 for this week.
Want to compete? $10k+

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As if I care whether you speak with me or not in the first place. :yawning_face:

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Maybe you can stop replying to my thread then? Would be awsome.


DI was served dead, let it RIP.