DI = bigger disaster than Wolcen

I am simply correcting you about the “radio silent” from them. Whether you like it or not, they did say that there will be updates coming next few weeks.

They posted a job opening and within the body of that they speak of an unannounced project. As you say the game is great offline, but a lot of what was promised and delivered didn’t align.

Shamelessly cut and pasted, this made me laugh.

About the Company

Wolcen Studio is a growing video game company located in Nice, France. Following a successful Kickstarter in June 2015, Wolcen Studio released its first title Wolcen Lords of Mayhem and continues to deliver new content for the game.

When it stops paying out for them.

Which unfortunately, D:I already has paid out for them. Massively.

If anything, the only thing they probably ‘learned’ was to do this stunt again.

Whether we like it or not, they absolutely did make money on this fiasco. And a ton of it. Which is all they actually care about.

I believe that if Blizz does more than make optimization changes, bug fixes, etc… things will get be better, how much is unknown. I actually believe that the game ran afoul of more than just optimization. I believe it ran afoul of China’s restrictions on loot boxes due to crest being like a loot box. So China told Blizz what changes they want made to the game before Chinese players will be able to play. Changes that will affect all regions of the game.

After those changes are made and the optimization is complete like around season 2 or 3 of the battle pass. We will see a new release date in China.

Blackouts in communications from Blizz has been their regular trend these days with even D3. So it shouldn’t be surprising with Immortal.

There is not gonna be enough players to see them every time you take a step. Only occasionally you will see others in the world outside of town hubs.

The only thing in D4 that forces you to team up. I think that is far better than needing a team on dungeons or opening super chest

It is bad due to the fact that to fully experience the game the way most players want to do it you would have to be able to afford to spend around $540k (conservative figure) to fully max out your gear.

MMO it is understandable that some things would require a team to handle. That is the nature of the beast of an MMO. Immortal is tagged as an MMO.

It was a lame-as-usual PR drivel piece that said absolutely nothing. And you’ve still failed to explain how you can defend a game you haven’t played.

Which means you got nothing, which means you’re trolling. Which means any argument you make in the future will not be taken seriously by anyone who remembers, including that farm.

thats the ironic part though other countries like Belgium said that too and Blizzard decides its not worth justifiying the cost to alter the game to adhere to their standards of law

but if China says the same thing Blizzard is willing and eager to bend over backwards to accomidate them it shows right there they only care about what people have long suspected yet Blizzard has pretended not to acknowledge they only care about appeasing the chinese no matter what kind of ridiculous demands they spout

theyd rather lose out in other countries instead of doing anything that upsets the “delicate” moral superiorty of president winnie the pooh

its setting a double standard that only shows what matters the most to Blizzard they would lose millions of loyal customers in any other country just to stay in the good graces of China

The people in the background who basically just want to make money by means of the game world and turn it into some kind of commodity to be milked, as we find steadily in RL stores, doesn’t work in a game though, certainly not in an RPG or other more in-depth games like story-based strategy.

Basically, these people are just trying to open a new great business field, but fail again and again at the same problem, that people primarily want to have a world in which they can sink and get away from exactly such structures, which one now tries to put over the game worlds again.
This is rejected because it’s not the point and also doesn’t work as a partial aspect, where the value of what’s actually happening moves into the background and becomes the springboard for the milking machine.
I don’t go into such a game because it’s worthless to me as an RPGer.
I also won’t play end-game games like WoW or D3 anymore because they are worthless to me as an RPGer and don’t serve RPG, but sports and skill genre with competitive principles… Eh… RPG is exactly the opposite of what this other genre is now constantly pretending to be.

The gaming world is not a place where people don’t want to chase anything just to fill anyone’s accounts…
It would be like watching 2 hours of Summer Olympics on TV for 1 hour 55 minutes of commercials only… nobody watches that. And then there’s the fact that in the game you are active and always perform, where on TV you are just irradiated and think inactive. In games, we’re doing an activity that’s supposed to fulfill us, and there are genres and subgenres and content for that.
I’m not interested in a business model and that’s why you program a little colorful lights and a lot of action.

Who wants to be successful with games, first of all builds games for target groups and not for the masses and that fits to the genre and not around an endgame, unless the endgame is the content like in a sports game with highscore.
You may then only earn money to a limited extent, but you have a good reputation and guaranteed purchase of the products, of which you still have more than enough financial profits, but not excessive with basically nonsensical stuff for us gamers.

Let’s hope that Blizz for D4 again builds a game for players and according to the genre… so ways instead of Endgame served and this is also well expandable. Add On will then be sold quite passably, as long as the content is again in the first place and not make money.

From such things as unfinished and bugs we do not need to talk anyway… This must sit and be standard that everything goes and is playable…

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You are free to believe that. Nonetheless, they already told people what is coming in the next few weeks.

Correcting misleading and false information doesn’t need one to play the game though.

So how about those who didn’t play the game? They have the right to bash it then? :rofl:

Yes, it is trolling when people doesn’t agree with you.

Speaking of remembering, wasn’t you the one who posted a wrong post in the necro thread without realizing it last time? :rofl:

Yeah, I got the p2w aspects. My point is that if it’s worse than Wolcen that’s saying something. Wolcen’s problems at launch were the following:

  • Buggy game that also crashed often
    • Or if you didn’t crash, you often wouldn’t be able to progress through the game, for example, if you had a build that relied on tick damage (like poison), it was nearly impossible to defeat the final boss of the campaign as the tick damage caused it to become invulnerable.
  • Matchmaking practically non-existant
  • Itemization was poorly done
  • Builds and skills limited due to equipped weapon
  • incomplete campaign (still is to this day)

That’s about all I could think of at the top of my head, but yeah, my point is that if D:I is that bad or worse (and don’t get me wrong heavy p2w elements is bad), then that’s saying something.

I dont think it is even close.
Wolcen had some bugs at launch. Bugs can be fixed at last. They suck, but game design issues are a lot worse.
Outside of the bugs Wolcen did a few interesting things that deserves some praise. And criticism for the stuff it did badly (itemization and endgame as some examples).
While D:I is just a disaster in pretty much all its aspects.

Heck, Wolcen is not even a big disaster compared to other games not called D:I. Something like Cyberpunk was a bigger disaster than Wolcen. Still not comparable to D:I. Cyberpunk did plenty of things right, there is a somewhat decent game beneath all the bugs and weird design choices, it is just such a big studio that the things they did badly is a lot less excusable than it is for Wolcen.

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Sure Wolcen did some things right (I even mentioned it earlier in this thread):

But doing some things right doesn’t mean much if the rest is bad. Anyway not trying to turn this into a Wolcen vs D:Immortal. I haven’t touch much on Immortal (I intend to solely for the sake of story when I get the chance), so outside of the p2w elements, I don’t know how bad it is. But I have played Wolcen, and if someone says that D:Immortal is just as bad as Wolcen (or even worse), that gives me a pretty good picture. That’s literally my primary point throughout this thread.

It’s sad that there’s a half decent mobile game hiding in the P2W facade. I would love a one time purchase to gain all content. I even don’t mind playing it on my tiny iPhone 8 screen. However it’s not playable from a moral standpoint.

yeah its looks like diablo on the outside but it a poor disguise that is trying to pass itself off as the real thing

You do know that China is the intended market for the game right. Even though they haven’t officially stated it. But with all of the evidence, NetEase helping develop the game. China no doubt is a big market for mobile gaming.

So yeah they will make changes that China wants them to make if they want a piece of that mobile market in China.

It is punishments that would go beyond the normal punishments of breaking the laws in the US or a lot of other countries. Where it is usually some fines or time behind bars.

So those punishments could be big enough to make things a lot better for everyone. Yes I know it makes it better for the whales as well. But the free to play players might have a reason to play.

We don’t know what those changes are yet. Along with knowing whether or not they would just happen to be in line with The Netherlands and Belgium laws.

If you build a game that only targets a very small niche of players. Then it might not be enough to recoup the amount of money spent. Remember at the end of the day video game companies are for profit businesses that have to turn a profit.

You have played the game where I haven’t. I just never really got interested in Wolcen. Instead I got interested and played Last Epoch. I still follow the development of it waiting for the time that the game actually launches. Then I will play the game more than I have already.

thats the thing though Blizzard decided rather than remove the paid content shop they chose to NOT release it there but yet theyre working on ways to modify the game to appease the chinese market?

what more proof do people need to finally see that Blizzard would do anything the chinese market dictates to them?

Belgium says remove the paid content or youll NEVER be allowed to market DI here Blizzard walks away China says jump and Blizzard is already four feet in the air

It makes sense now that they didn’t release DI on Switch. I thought it would be a great move by Blizzard since the game doesn’t require much hardware and is a good fit for handheld. But seeing how the final product turned out, Nintendo would probably refuse it.

China having around 1.4 billion people. That is a lot of people compared to 11.5 million in Belgium.

I think you would know what way any company would go that would be looking for the biggest market. It would be where the most people are. What choose Belgium that might net around 200-500k players if you are doing good. Or China that could give you around 20 to 30 million.

They are just chasing after the country that could give them the largest amount of money possible. Just like any other company that is looking for the country that could give them the biggest market for their game.

Nah, Wolcen was a broken PoS from day 1 and not really a fun game. DI was playable and fun.

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I dunno, man. There are consequences to abusing your customer base for too long or taking them for granted. I was thinking of pre-ordering D4 previously. Now I’m sitting on the side until it’s shown that it’s worth getting. I’ve also started souring on other Blizz titles.

It’s also not like game dev is a big secret in 2022. Wyatt said it himself: make a good game, and people will come. This experimentation crap is wholly unnecessary if not detrimental at this point, as we’re seeing with this exodus.

The sad fate of a lot of mobile games is they could actually be decent if they didn’t fall into the monetization scheme.

Realistically, most could just be viewed as kickstarter games that launch to soon and never get finished.

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