Looking at this GOD DH seems still looking good for season 23 just little lower push than what we used to be able to reach like GR 150 but still let’s be real I don’t think that many of us gonna get that high anyway but GOD still looks good for T16/Key Farming and Speeding through GRs.
Nice layout dmkt . Now I have an idea of what we should expect out of a given build . Not happy that DH isn’t in a better spot for pushing , but it’s not terrible . Well , for others who have had higher levels than the projected estimate , it may be terrible . Still think that they should have left GoD well enough alone , it was in a real good spot and was not overpowered in my opinion
Interesting - wudijo’s s23 video has n6 RF ahead of s6 impale (and a GR130 limit for the latter too) - but at 2.5k paragon. Kind of makes sense, since pre s22 buffs to s6 impale, the best clear on US servers was a GR129 with 8.5k paragon and the HPS buff gave around 4-5 GRs.
Hi dp, the cited clears are for no more than 500 keys. I am not sure if Wudi’s list is based on max clears with unlimited keys and best Grift conditions. I normally quantify build strength based on historical max clears, but this time around I decided to show more obtainable goals.
When I did those PTR video recordings, some clears took 10-50 keys. If the grift was challenging, or If the maps were above average, I tacked on 1-2 GRs, if there was more room for improvement — I raised the potential.
The thing about N6 Rapid Fire is that GR131 is near impossible to survive at 2500 paragon, even with Elusive Ring. The survival will dictate how high the player can go, not the damage output. I believe this to be the case for Impale too, that may mean Esoteric + Elusive, no Aughild or Crimson.
Two Crusader builds will clear about 7-8GRs higher in about 500 keys. I’m predicting HF block sader @ GR145 and the same for A6I2 Bombs.
The new set leaderboards will paint a very vivid picture of the balance issues including discrepancies between classes and their underperforming sets.
Although the community can forecast these clears, on PTR there just wasn’t enough data collected on the set boards. Maybe these devs just need the evidence rather than our hearsay.
3 months of live play will indefinitely reflect how every set performs across a multitude of paragon brackets, provided the player base isn’t too distracted by the two upcoming set revamps.
I’m glad the season buff isn’t a thing, so a full spectrum of data will pour in from two separate set leaderboards, and there won’t be any excuses to avoid addressing it in 2.7.1.
I suspect not. A large proportion of players will just play whichever set is the strongest and not give a damn about placing high on the leaderboards with weaker sets.
We will see my friend. There are players who are partial to their past. Many I’ve spoken to will push their old favorites as side projects.
My guess is non-season will become busier. Around toying with the revised sets, grooming the stash, decking out followers and grouping with friends, people will reconstruct and push these old builds.
From the streaming side of things: watching off-meta pushing is far more interesting content than staring at Bird Runs, so I predict we’ll see some inspirational streams focusing on that. After all, being able to brag you’re Top 10 for Unhallowed Essence, Tal’Rasha, Seeker’s, Raiment, Immortal Kings, Arachyr’s or whatever is a feather in the cap for some.
I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s exactly what happens immediately after the patch drops.
If there’s 6 leaderboards for a class, I’ll want to push all 6. But I can’t justify farming that many augments in a season, I don’t have enough time for that. I’m usually good for maybe 2 or sets of augs, after that I start losing motivation pretty quickly. In past seasons, that would mean I push wizard and DH.
But that’s just one set each. Now I just don’t have enough time to farm 6 or 12 sets of augments in a season. So if I play seasons, I’m probably only going to be able to push only one or two boards. But I’ll want to do them all.
At this point, sticking to non-season for a bit will give me the opportunity to push all 6 wizard boards, and then some of the DH boards too.
My goal for the next little bit will be to do 125+ for all 6 wizard boards. It’s a good starting point, because I think I can one-key 125 on pretty much every wizard set except maybe Tal’s. 125 seems like a good place to start, and I can work up from there for at least some of the sets.
Once I’m done wizard, I’ll do DH too. I’ll have to farm some more augs, I have enough sets either already aug’d or with enough augs stashed to do all 6 boards on wizard and then 3 boards on DH (GoD, Shadow, UE). But then I’ll have to farm augs for the other three DH boards, so it’ll take me a bit before I hit those ones.
It will definitely keep me occupied for a bit. I think I’m going to skip the next season (outside of opening weekend for conquests and seasonal achievements) to focus on non-season for a bit.
I’m actually pretty excited for it, it’ll be a breath of fresh air. Gives me a reason to play some different builds I otherwise wouldn’t bother with.
That’s something I can agree with. My intention for S23 is to quickly get to Guardian for the new cosmetics and then immediately go back to non-seasonal. I’ve still got a nicely geared Impale DH so I might dust her off and see what I can manage on her with a fancy new follower, but mostly it’ll be my WW/Rend Barb.
Me too and hearing others in the clan saying same thing…this will be the Season of Desertion…Guardian and out!
I’m in the same boat, RNG kept giving me tasty primals (including a relatively decent HPS this season so I think she’s fully geared in red once S22 ends) for S6 but I haven’t played it in ages…
Oy the stash space needed for this - potentially 3 different gear combos for 3 different followers for all toons??? They should just make followers static across all toons now, like paragon…and give them a separate armory or at least an inventory to swap gear in/out of.