DH Set Leaderboard Push Ratings (Updated)

1 follower for speeds, 1 for pushes, and 1 as a mule :slight_smile:

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Somebody did 142 on solo dh. God needs to be nerfed further!

Can’t tell if you’re joking or really asking for the already dilapidated set to get pooped on further.

Christ, some people …

How is he able to clear gr 142 with paragon 1412. this is nuts.

He is 10000+ paragon, that makes sense.

It’s not 1412. It’s 11412.

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…and necro, wiz, and crusader had a 145+ with 5000-6000 less paragon.

Good thing the 2 classes that were actually broken got the needed nerfs in the PTR!

new rathma did 135 lmao

I have updated this list for patch 2.7.2.

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This is very informative!

One quibble: for No 6p you missed LoN Fan of Knives. Like the Nats version it’s also capable of 125 with 5k paragon, while being significantly less aids to play.

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Poor Marshmallowed Essence players, playing with weak Multifluff attacks.


ikr, i remember the time where UE MS used to be an A Tier build, miss those days…

hey dmkt, did you test m6 cluster bomb (grenades) build after they buff the quiver? just wondering how high it can be pushed

It’s pretty strong – I was keeping time fine in a GR140, but it is fragile if you go the CC3 route without Zoey’s. I didn’t try it without Enforcer also. It’s like this… you become almost equal to your Sentries. If you take out Enforcer, you might exceed your sentries.


sorry, what does CC3 route mean? lol so basically the 3 main gems that we using are trapped stricken and enforcer? because I thought grenades don’t get benefit from sentries, so not sure enforcer gem is a must or no

CC3 = Captain crimson.