DH Set Gears Of Dreadlands

then explain why i can do GR90 and not feel “squishy” at all?

Totally agreed. I definitely thought the same thing that the primary would not drop off as I think a lot of people did assessing by this thread.

Here is what I came up with.

Yep, that was what I was going for.

Who ever above that said the set feels like it’s fighting with itself is so correctly… you need to constantly hit primaries to get stacks so you can’t continuously strafe to get the benefit of the speed increase.

We needed a disconnect between the speed increase and the stacking mechanism.

TBH, I hate stacking mechanisms… but the pro players seem to like it so, IMHO, sets should aim to have enough damage without the need for stacks for casual players but have an additional stacking mechanism for players to master if they wish to.


made a build capable of a 100 gr but am very disappointed with the damage out put it would be fun to push greater rifts but it is atleast 10 lvls behind impale build .
Also momentum doesnt stack on targets that get one shoted only targets that stay up and stacks all drop drop ocassionally when target dies so its pretty buggy .
I believe if they uped the six set bonus and fixed the momentum issues it could be competitive but in its present state it will just be a speed farm build for paragons etc .

for me the major fix this dreadlands set requires is strafe generate momentum, so we can spin to win and have some fun, like monks and barbs.


The only Primary Skills with support items are: Bola, Entangling Shots and Hungering Arrow. Only Bola and HA are DPS, ES a support.

Bola items give: 175% and 150% bonuses = x 6.875 DPS
HA item gives: 600% bonus = x7 DPS

Comparing this with EU:
Yang Bow: 200% and 50% attack speed
Quiver: Double hits below 60% Life and 200% bonus damage
= x3 x3 x1.5 x2 = x27

See the huge disparity?

Now lets talk about HA: This I have not seen pierce more than 4x. In fact I am not even sure if I can have 4 HA arrows hit 4x each. Maybe loosing 4 arrows will not even pierce once. ie there could be a hard cap to the number of HAs flying!

I am waiting for 2.6.9 version 2 to do more PTR. this current iteration simply suck

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Nice looking set. This set, not matter what bow/ quiver combo you use will never compete with the other classes, period. First thing that HAS to be done is buff the hell out of the Primary Skills of the DH (Bolas is pitiful even w/ the bow and quiver combo) in order for any of the weapons to compete with other classes to the 130 - 150 GR’s. Then, this set HAS to somehow be included in the META as RGK or trash killer. I’m no engineer or mathematician, just make it work. Its squishy, no ands ifs or butts about it, you will die easily. I play HC during Live Seasons, and these sets will not get us too much higher than 100 GR even with high Paragon levels. This set needs a defensive buff along with the offensive buffs. Using an Esoteric gem is not cool on a DH and trying to reach GR in the 130’s, and NOT at 2 to 3K paragon levels either. Overall, its different and I actually find it fun to play. About time I can play with a Strafe build that actually does some killing, if only at GR level 85 so far. I will have to level up a BoS and sub it out for BoP to see if I can push the set higher.

You’re forgetting about Hunter’s Wrath and Depth Diggers.

Bolas: 150%, 175%, 30% attack speed, 200%, 100%: 2.5*2.75*1.3*3*2 = 53.625
Hungering Arrow: 600%, 30% attack speed, 200%, 100%: 7*1.3*3*2 = 54.6

Could factor in Crimson’s as well for UE I guess (another 1.4-1.5x damage for Multishot), as well as the higher base damage + AoE of multishot.

But either way, the multipliers are in the same ballpark. Which is why you see UE generator builds posting comparable clears to UE multishot on PTR. 131 at 5700 paragon(UE HA), 130 at 7700 paragon (UE HA), 130 at 6500 paragon (UE HA), 129 at 4800 paragon (M6 HA). The generator item multipliers themselves aren’t the major issue. UE generator builds are within the same ballpark as UE multishot. Both those builds could definitely be buffed a little bit more, but UE generators are in a somewhat reasonable spot compared to UE multishot. The generator item multipliers aren’t the main problem.

The real problem is that the Gears of Dreadlands set just sucks. It doesn’t really have enough of a set multiplier to match UE. Which is probably a little behind where their target should be in comparison to other classes anyway.

If they buff the generator items, UE generators will still be by far the best generator setup, and Gears of Dreadlands will still suck. They have to buff Gears of Dreadlands in order to make it competitive with UE generators. Otherwise no matter what they do to the generator items, UE will still be stronger.


I indeed forgot these two… My bad. thanks for the correction/clarification.

Totally in favour of this approach. Take the momentum out of the 2 piece and make it the driver for the DR in the 4 set. Great suggestion, Volatility.


After fixing all the bugs with the new set. This would be my proposed changes.

Let the momentum stack decay happen after a delay of 5 seconds. That’s for the 2-piece. Addition to the 6 piece bonus: "You gain an additional 10% damage bonus per momentum Stack and your Attackspeed is increased by 30% at full stacks.

Or something along those lines. Could be anything really Resitances, Life per Hit, CD reduction. All the new sets feel a bit like inspired through hots. Maybe some Hots developers are now working on D3.

I was thinking of something like this, make it like the Raekor’s set, only this time you build your bonus damage stacks with strafe, then when you use another spender, it uses up to a maximum number of stacks, with each stack increasing damage by X%. This would also work really well for different situations, because you could use a few different skills to take out different groups of enemies. 1 for Single targets, 1 for PBAoE, another for the ‘room clear’ sort.

But Strafing around, dealing good damage, then stopping occasionally to deal huge damage to specific targets would feel infinitely better than the constant stutter-stepping of the current implementation.

My experience so far.


  • The set is very tanky which is nice but I think the “cheat death” of your Simulacrums saving you is not functioning right. I have died several times with them still alive. Simulacrums need a UI icon to tell if they are alive.
  • Simulacrum AI needs to be tweeked. They sometimes wonder off or just star at the wall. Making them more aggressive would help. Allow them to teleport with you when casting Blood Rush would also be great for grouping them. Or allowing their Bone Spears to pierce walls.
  • The damage is really erratic. Sometimes I hit for 50 billion, others 1.5 trillion. This is without Convention on. It may need to be looked at. If working properly, then it needs to be buffed. If I can maintain the peak damage it may be fine.
  • The set could be changed to add Bone Spirit and other attacks to broaden it’s game play of skills.
  • Generators need to get the damage boost from the set or something. After you get to higher GRs, a generator is mandatory. More so, since the cube slot weapon doubles the cost of Bone Spear. Attacking to regain essence is a nose dive in DPS. Even with Captains Set it runs out fairly quickly at higher GRs even with mass RCR.

Demon Hunter:

  • The primary skills are not balanced next to each other at all. Hungering Arrow felt like it was the best overall, imo. Bolas was decent with great AoE and vacuuming/herding and the rest either sucked or didn’t have enough or in some cases, Evasive Fire for example, don’t have any support at all. Some Off-Hands could be made for them.
  • The proc’ed generators your Strife shoots, does it have the used rune on your hotbar? It’s hard to tell but seems not to. They also don’t seem to pierce as often as they should.
  • I think the game having the Whirlwind Set is where the “clunky” replies come from. This set doesn’t flow smoothly through combat like Wrath of Wastes does. Strafe doesn’t do any damage by itself and you have to stop to spam generators to maintain your stacks which makes it feel worse than Wastes. Stacks need to be maintained better/off of strafe’s proc generators, or fall off much, much slower.
  • Ideally, at the risk of it being branded a ranged WW set, which I don’t mind, allow the stacks to be maintained from Strafe. This is functionally a channeling set. Stopping on purpose should not be part of the game play for any channeling set.
  • A buff icon for stacks would be a nice QoL change.
  • The overall damage needs a boost. It’s damage feels even worse than the necro’s new set. Necro needs a damage buff, so this set needs an even bigger one.
  • Consider changing it to “Strafe shoots the primary skills on your hot bar.” This would allow for mixing and matching of multiple primaries. Entangling shot has universal damage boost to support more dps plus another primary to deal damage. Bolas for AoE plus HA for Damage? Entangling Shot plus X,Y, or Z primary? Something of that nature.

Topic: DH Set Gears Of Dreadlands


Thanks all for the consolidated feedback in here!


The Bone Spear 2H scythe really needs to turn bone spear into a generator. Curses are next to mandatory for Dayntee’s Binding so we already have a spender. We can then alternate between Bone Spear and curses for FnR to be very playable.

I’d probably be using Aquila in the cube at this point as opposed to the Mage shoulders but it would fix a lot of resource issues.

Nice and hard work!!

My final idea assuming they want Strafe to just be a repositioner is to change the 2 piece set to this:

Gain a Momentum stack when casting Strafe. Each Momentum stack lasts 6 seconds at a maximum duration of 12 seconds. Your Primary skills deal X% more damage per stack of Momentum.


Would be nice if they do this in the next PTR changes. :slightly_smiling_face: