Devs, are you bending the knees at the last minute?

Do you have any evidence to prove all those people actually played Diablo II?

These types of surveys or polls on a social media platform that tend to be filled with the most vocal minority mean nothing really.

Most of the things in that survey I’m ok with except skill balance. Yes we have had that in early patches like nerfing bowzon and the barb back in the day. But that was done by the OG devs that had been working this game since his high school days. Now with completely different people that to me is kinda scary. Tweak here tweak there you could ruin it. The risk seems higher than the reward.

But things like optional loot filter no biggie, in game runeword recipe book no biggie. Biggies for me are drop rates , Ploot, and skills. I just worry bout that. Their internal testing does not seem to be that good tbh with most blizzard games or they ignore feedback.

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How many wanted the ladder changes?

I’m indifferent to it. I liked continually building my character after a ladder ended, or if I stopped mid ladder, or insert other reason.

It does kind of kill the incentive to play ladder in a sense for me, with some of the changes floating around for “seasonal ladders” there might be incentive to play them again though.

Rerolling runewords will be easier for sure now, as well as finding some unique ladder only items.

Rob did say some of them are good ideas. Which ones are unknown, also it wouldn’t hurt if Rob could learn what Blizz North would’ve done if they decided to do a second expansion for D2 instead of making D3. Then use that knowledge to add to the game what they would’ve added.

Back in the old diablo 3 days, we got told that less than 1% reach the end game so it wasn’t worth putting out more end game content. 8887 suddenly doesn’t sound like a lot of people.

the same tired insults and assumptions over and over?

is it possible to not use insults to argue a point? i know it’s hard for you but give it a try.


As someone who advocates for as few changes as possible, it’s unreasonable to think a 20+ year old game with bugs, glitches, and SERIOUSLY oversighted imbalances SHOULDN’T be changed.
As an advocate to the game who has been playing since it’s inception, a consistent participant on the JSP community, and someone who has seen every facet of the game both hardcore and softcore, playing at all levels, ladder rushes, teams, etc…I can honestly say I see not ONE change on that list that ISN’T a good idea.

-Stackable runes and gems - This should have been the case since day 1
-Item tooltips hurt NOBODY - turn em off if you don’t like em.
-Minor merc balancing - Needed, since the one and only meta is an act 2 merc, and all other mercs have for 20 years, been deemed 100% useless. Different mercs should compliment different classes differently, so we see more of a variety than a bunch of sand men running around.
-Runeword / Cube encyclopedia - Nothing you can’t get on google, why not include it in the game?
-Loot filter - Makes sense for everyone.
-Minor spell balancing - Not just spells are needed, but hammerdins have since the release of synergies, been WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY stronger than every other class. I don’t say that lightly. Almost nothing is immune to magic, and it hits harder than anything else in the game, not just by a %, but by EASILY two fold. Either other classes should be brought up to that standard, or they need to be balanced. This is 2021. We want the same game, but better, and this would be BETTER. Not to mention ethereal bows, and arrows that aren’t a wasted slot for bowzons and have actual stats.

-More End Game Content - I’m on the fence with this, not in the sense that I don’t want it, but I dont want any additional game content thats added to bring about a new way to farm stuff, or have a higher chance to drop ANY items. A harder game mode would be nice, perhaps for nothing more than XP farming, and having something to do with your character once you surpass about lvl 88. Everything after that is just 100% unchallenging. It would be nice to see a “hells hell” kind of thing, where the mobs get significantly increased run speed, stuns, more resistances, consistent immunities to magic, etc, that way a single person can’t just blow through the mode without spending a TON of time doing it, if at all. I would love to see the day a hammerdin ports in and gets 2 shot before they can even drop hammers. It would make a PURPOSE to plays like necro walls, amazon prefires, barb buffs, etc.

And look, if you’re not one of the people wanting these changes, you’re not just in the minority, you’re clearly in the severe minority. Most of the players even bothering to play this ARE ALL old timers, OG’s, people who still play the game like mad, etc…so your experience pales in comparison to the DROVES of people calling for this. It would be refreshing to have something more, especially on a shortened ladder season without a mass of bots to feed unlimited amounts of insane gear to the masses. It will be oddly refreshing to struggle through some of these pushes. Ever notice how when you’re 90+, there’s nothing to do but troll around for lower players games and see if they need help? How about we fix that? Add achievements for harder modes. No drops, just xp?

There’s so many ideas, and this game has so much more potential than even what it offers already. I LOVE Diablo 2, but there comes a point where we need something more for it to KEEP making sense.

I also support XP lock for twinking
Adding ethereal bows & maybe a mildly stronger bow to keep up with the rest of the pack of classes that can seemingly 1 shot everything with mildly crappy gear, while bowzons are left in the dust, even when stacked to the TEETH with the best existing gear in the game, down to the very last small charm.
Nerf’s to paladins hammers and charge abilities for PVP, along with the ability to 1 shot people 50 levels above yourself.
There’s so many things that need to be fixed. There’s certain aspects of this old dog of a game that just aren’t fun, and those are just a few. Try to imagine the game but in an expansive way. Things to add on to what you already have, without taking away. None of these proposals would ruin your experience, but rather expand on it.

Don’t be scared. We’re in this together. At the end of the day, we’ll have a great game, because we have an amazing baseline.

Nobody play D3 = I don’t play D3

D3 it’s more alive on the consoles, where they got the superior version of the game.

D2 playerbase is completely delusional, they don’t even know they created D3, in a way it exists, like whats the point of the stats points when most of the builds is like dump almost all points in vitality, that’s why D3 got rid of adding stats points, they didn’t predict that having to press that + button turns some players on, and they would be very unhappy when they can’t do that.

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No. However, even if a few votes were cast by non-D2 players who did not indicate it that would not change the results significantly. The arguments that was made that thousands upon thousands of D3 players lied about playing D2 to just ruin the poll results. This is ludicrous.

Certainly, these polls are enriched in those that decide to spend the time to fill them out. It means something.

Oh look changeists, theres people out there willing to step out from their shoes and do unbiased comments. You should give it a try too. Note how he pointed out OBVIOUS flaw in a poll like that, while yall use it as core support for argument every 2nd time.

Completely true, however in the past days i have learned that ppl that furiously want changes that are core game changing dont really either care or acknowledge from their tunnelvision what kind of side-effects certain changes would have.

Separate realms for No Changes and Changes, avoids any problems with “side effects” that you might not like. No matter how imaginary they might or might not be.

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A poll can have a flaw and not be invalid. The key thing is to recognize the flaw and understand if it had an effect and to what magnitude.

For example, if I did a simple yes/no poll with 10,000 people and one lied, that would shift the result by 0.001%. If ten lied by 0.01%. If 100 lied, then 1%.

Therefore if I found that 70% favored something and 1% lied, it still means that 69-71% or respondents favored that thing. Even if 10% lied, it still means that 60-80% favored that thing.

Yeah man thats why all official or state polls are conducted by biased individuals and include biased questions (like presidential election), because all you have to do is recognize the flaw and then estimate its effect with a math formula.

While there is some sense in believing that, you are greatly underestimating the opposite effect. Of people not wanting any changes getting annoyed when reading that title, jumping in to express that they want no changes.

Heck, behavioral studies tend to show that being “annoyed/afraid” of what you encounter (like a poll title going against your desires) is a bigger motivator for acting, than encountering something that supports your view.

So while it IS problematic that these polls have a self-selection bias, it is somewhat harder to conclude which direction that bias might have.

We all have inherent biases. Respectable polling often are based on having those with competing interest come together to make the poll as neutral as possible.

since you start nitpicking my english, im gonna rephrase it to “biased individual” as in not in plural.

Because thats what the reddit poll was for example, and individual called chromepower or smth

A survey to appease a set of players until they can’t refund.

You aren’t getting QoL. Especially not the ones you are asking for. Head down to the hardware store, grab a 5lb bag of sand, head back home and proceed to pound it until launch. That’s the equivalent of what this set of players is doing. Everything and nothing at the same time.