“Since it seems like there has been some confusion in the above, I will go back to where these responses originated.
Stuff like this is the issue:”
"its unfortunate. they have no idea whats to come once the real world hits. Mom’s basement gets cold and lonely.
That? Oh, if that hurt you, it’s because you fit the profile and nothing more. I don’t think I ever called you out by name but rather if you were tagged as a result of my post, then take it up with Blizzard. You chose to internalize that one.
Consider this your first experience outside of campus where you don’t get to run and hide because certain words are said?
“People unable to make an argument, reverting to being sad instead.”
You’re making yourself appear very, very fragile to be so triggered over the internet by someone you’ll never meet when they simply speak in a form of life-lessons you are very overdue to learn. I won’t entertain this any longer.
“But again, it is great that we agree on the substance!
D2R should add two different realms; No Changes, preserving D2 1.14 as it was, and Changes, adding whatever new stuff (with better names of course).
As has been confirmed quite a few times now, we agree on this.”
Yes - we have agreed you can gut the game all you want on your own realm so that everyone wins and no one has their feelings hurt by Rankanishu or Griswald. We get it. Where is the issue dude. Do you just want to cause drama to cause drama until everyone says “I agree with you!!!”.
Again - this isn’t campus and your feelings mean jack.
I would agree with all of that, except for info tab on the cube. I mean you can just google the stuff anyway, as long as it can be hidden for folks what is the problem with it?
For stacking runes/gems I hope they keep it only in the stash if they do go for adding it.
This is my point. I think it mostly speaks for itself.
What… I have not once implied that you need to agree with me. I could not care less whether others agree with me.
You are the one that keeps brining up that you agree with me. Which is fine. Not sure what your point is.
“This is my point. I think it mostly speaks for itself.”
Your point is that someone should continue to entertain your meltdown after agreeing with you??
This, makes logical sense to you? Seriously?
"What… I have not once implied that you need to agree with me. I could not care less whether others agree with me. You are the one that keeps brining up that you agree with me. Which is fine. Not sure what your point is."
You’re the only one continuing this for some strange reason. As I have said multiple times and will repeat now:
Yes - we have agreed you can gut the game all you want on your own realm so that everyone wins and no one has their feelings hurt by Rankanishu or Griswald. We get it. Where is the issue dude. Do you just want to cause drama to cause drama until everyone says “I agree with you!!!”.
“Nah. Not my point. But I think you know what it is, deep down.”
No, actually, I have no clue. People with life responsibilities outside of campus (i.e. bills, families, etc) don’t have time to decrypt your messages.
Speak in Clear English and I shall respond fairly.
Okay. You (and by you, I certainly mean quite a few more than just you) attack people, build strawmen, and make up stories, instead of trying to argue for your views (or merely just present your views, that is fine too). Which is a shame.
“Okay. You attack people, build strawmen, and make up stories, instead of trying to argue for your views. Which is shame.”
Facts don’t equal attacks, strawmen, fiction or anything else you’ve been taught on campus to believe when they disagree with your linear views. A tough game doesn’t need to be toned down just for you and forced onto everyone else – you need to get better at it (as you will in life after college once you realize a piece of paper isn’t landing jack towards a 6 figure salary, but rather you just have 6 figures to pay back )
I have already presented my views. They were clear. Do I need to repeat them:
Yes - we have agreed you can gut the game all you want on your own realm so that everyone wins and no one has their feelings hurt by Rankanishu or Griswald. We get it. Where is the issue dude. Do you just want to cause drama to cause drama until everyone says “I agree with you!!!”.
I seriously am very confused at what any of your issues here are.
You asked for ploot and agreed hostility. I presented a way to appease you and those against you.
You asked for other changes that would not be in-line with the core gameplay of D2. I presented a way to appease you and those against you.
This is why I ask you – do you just want to argue to argue, or do you just need to feel attacked to make it through the day? If you don’t want to be considered a college lefty who should be disregarded, then bring something to the table other than arguments just to argue and false claims of “attacking” you when you’re simply cornered and have no response?
Life hint - society finds this behavior repulsive in all forms.
This time it is a lie/strawman.
I have never ever asked for Agreed Hostility. Quite the opposite, as I am strongly against it.
But stuff like truth and reality will never stop you I guess.
Also note, before you get too happy with yourself, the idea of two different realms is not new, and not made by you. Plenty of us has argued for that for a long time.
What point? Again, we agreed on separate realms for each party. You don’t have a new point.
“This time it is a lie/strawman.
I have never ever asked for Agreed Hostility. Quite the opposite, as I am strongly against it.
But stuff like truth and reality will never stop you I guess.”
What you’re for or against is honestly moot at this point. You continue to argue just to argue.
What I suggested above and stated clearly was a solution that would appease you no matter what side of the fence you are on.
You still have yet to clearly define what your problem is here.
“No, it is not. By keeping to misrepresent other people, you keep repeating the problem with you.
What people are for or against is never moot!”
It actually is – seperate servers give you whatever you want. Suggested for the 4th time. You’re the only problem with it.
The word “no” is something that exists in terms of your will imposed on everyone else. Learn it whether you did growing up or not.
“Please, again, lots of us have suggested this solution, for a long time. I am glad you agree, but lets not pretend it was something you came up with.”
Can you state where I claimed I “came up with it”? Once again, an argument just to argue. I never claimed to and never will. I did my research – something you didn’t – and found that the best happy medium possible.
Where do you go to school, anyway. I must know so I don’t send my kids there.
So, you did your research, and reached the conclusion I had already reached long ago? Then claim I didn’t do my research… Yeah, case in point once again.
It continuously does not make it okay to lie and misrepresent what others are saying. That is all I am saying.
You keep talking about Separate realms, and how much you support it, as if you are offering some kind of olive branch to people.
Great to have you on the “team”, but you are no savior. Can’t we just agree to agree? That one is usually not the one that gives problems