Dear community, stop asking for "two seperate realms"

do you REALLY think u can divide the community into two groups.

one with changes and one without?

you cant… stop trying to

almost no one wants “zero change” the vast majority of people want " zero BALANCE changes.

but a lot of people cant agree with what they consider a “balance” change.

some people for instance think “loot filters”… would affect “balance”
which IMO is completely laughable, but there are people

some people think “charm inventory” would affect balance

and then they are people who WANT balance changes… they want new rw’s and new endgame stuff,

how they trust blizzard to do this is beyond my understanding… but there you go… that’s what they want

and then there are the d3 fanboys who haven’t never played d2 in their life who want suggest stuff and who have no idea what they are talking about.

you can "just shove these people into a “change or no change group”

what on earth makes u think they would work at all

i WANT a loot filter, i WANT a charm inventory… i DON’T want personal loot, i DON’T want balance changes… i DO NOT want new runewords.

But i would love to be able to lock character level, i would be “ok” with seeing buff timer as long as it was optional,

what group do I go in?

you people keep spouting " well just make two realms" as if that fixes ANYTHING.

it doesn’t because u cant divide people into two just sets.

as much as i have vehemently opposed to “personal loot”

how dclone is spawned is SOOO important to me. i would RATHER allow personal loot to be included in the game than not be able to kill dclone when i wanted to.

that fight is my fav fight in the game. annis be damned… idc if he even drops it…
i want that fight

now is that personal to me? yes… it’s me being selfish… im letting personal loot destroy the game (imo) in order to get a change that would be worth it to me to do that.

what everyone wants is different

and u thinking you can just divide the community into “change vs no change”, is beyond absurd


It is already split - Classic vs. non.

Further split - use “enhanced” graphics; don’t.

Further split - “want something” and “no!! that’s my precious!”

And on and on and on.

So, make everything a toggle. That’d be hilarious.

The best solution is to keep this remaster as true to the original game as possible, with MINOR QoL changes. IMO skill balancing is also fine to open up more build variations, as long as any skill balance changes do not start any form of power creep or accelerate the general progression versus what it is now.


That’s not even true. Over 70% of people want balance changes. com/file/d/1bZDRPXHVjNCh5mrGBwlkyG1JOWYfxLg-/view

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I don’t think you have anything to worry about. This is simply a D2 remastered game. They are not going to spend all that extra time and resources for 2 realms. They will likely have “toggles” for certain things ie: loot, but otherwise, there won’t be 2 realms.

thats the thing though… they don’t.

yes over 70% of people want some minor balance changes… everyone know MA sin is trash. and yes most fans would be ok with making it viable.

but when u say "everyone wants balance changes.

it doesn’t mean " we should change the core balance of the game…"

i want some balance changes i want bugs fixed… but i am “against balance changes” becuase most fo the people say “they want balance changes” want DRASTIC balance changes.

while a ton of people would be finewith a few tweaks to skills the community has known for over 15 years are just plain garbage, to increase build diversity a bit, we DONT want changes to things like items or commonly used skills or any skills used in any sort of build that is actively played

mr lamma is a great guy but he grouped “balance changes” like “improve MA sin” and " make a ton of new op runewords" together in the same “balance changes” category.
which is two sets of people who are extremely at odds with each other.

its the basics of “how to lie with statistics”

phase the question it so everyone or the vast majority regardless of their pint of view an answer one way… its a loaded question.

now i dont think mr llama did this intentionally at all i just think he screwed up

but i took that survey and i was ok with “small balance changes to MA sin”

and i was thrown into the “for balance changes” category the same as any person who wants to delete enigma or add act 6.

that vote means nothing

You are saying two different things. In original post, you said vast majority want ZERO balance changes. Now you are saying minor is ok?? uhhhh dude are you even reading what you wrote?

well since you are using this poll it says “minor”, what you seek are totally differents things though in my opinion xD
i’am not a purist but i wouldn’t call what you are asking for minor , AT ALL xD
so i don’t know if using said poll works for other topics

Yep, what I want is not minor, I admit that.

I am just OP’s fairy tale about majority of people wanting zero balance changes is not true based on the data I provided up there. Over 70% at least want minor balance changes, not zero.

well , it’s hard to say if it’s truly 70%
it could be more , could be less.
eitherway , yes you are right there is a public asking for weak skill to be useable (martial art kick , hydra and so forth)
so yea i wouldn’t say it’s “zero” changes either.
Keyword being minor , not zero , not major.

More than 2 realms is needed. Also they should implement all changes that people want. The excluding one should be on 50% chance when you enter the game. Diablo II Chaos mode.

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And this is assuming you trust current Blizzard with balance changes in the current year.

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one realm one rule(classic rule) play or not.

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I don’t see what’s wrong with splitting the community up more. It’s already separated 4 ways because of the 4 different platforms it’s on, now with two realms per platform that’s a community sperated 8 ways. Bring on the extra realms!


Yes. This really should happen.
Only way to preserve original 1.14 experience for good.

Splitting “the community” is a non-issue.

The purpose is not to make everyone happy ever after.
The purpose is to make sure the original 1.14 game is preserved, no matter what else is added.
As you say, nobodoy can agree on which changes are okay.
So if you add a Loot Filter to the game, you changed it, with no way to go back.

Two realms allow players to go back. No matter what.

Of course, some optional stuff could exist in both realms, I dont think anyone are saying the auto-gold pickup should be removed from an Original 1.14 realm. So Loot Filter could be added there too, if it seems acceptable (but looking at the post below me; well, it does not)

It does fix Something. Just not Everything. Nothing does that.
Dont let perfect be the enemy of good.
Two realms simply solves a huge issue; the risk that the original game is no longer preserved.

It does not solve which changes should happen on the Change server. Nor is it meant to.

Which is also why it is not a slippery slope of more and more realms for new changes. The purpose here is to protect and preserve the original game, not to help players who want some change. They are irrelevant for this.


i want NO Changes

I want the game that Vicarious Visions has ANNOUNCED!

i don’t want loot filters
i don’t want a stupid charm inventory
i dont want balance Changes
i dont want any bs MMO Influence like Transmog or ulgy Wings or Pets.

i want (and i want this since 2 decades!)
A REMASTER that is as close as possible to the original.
only with better graphics, better sound and some QoL upgrades.

Not Diablo 3.5 after 2 Month because of the loud voiced from the bored D3 Community.
and above all I don’t want them to mess around with the game every season!
I’m already afraid that D2 Resurrected will be completely turned around after 1-2 months!
and if it is necessary that more than 1 realm is created so that the others get their will then gladly. you are welcome to it
But only AFTER the REMASTER has come out.


Well I guess they’ll know if they’re doing a good job or not. I’m sure the voices of the seasoned Diablo 2 community members will be here for a good long while.

Splitting realms makes the most sense, this is the only way the original 1.14 LOD will remain untouched.


Let’s have have all the realms.

Realms galore.

Let’s have a ploot realm and a balanced classes and skills realm and charm inventory realm and an increased drop rate realm and an increased xp realm and a no immunities realm and a melee splash realm and a runeword balance realm.

I’ve finally seen the light.

You can’t stack them because what if they want one change and not the other? It’s not fair.

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Nobody is advocating for more than one extra realm.

It makes perfect sense to have one OG LOD realm and a realm for new changes.

In fact this gives all players more ways to play the game.

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