Dear community, stop asking for "two seperate realms"

No one is advocating for more than one new realm?

Just give it time when some of the players that like some of the changes don’t like all of the changes or want more changes and petition for a third realm.

No one is advocating for more than one new realm, how incredibly shortsighted. Marvelous.


But there is a huge divide among people who want the original game intact, and people who want more modern QOL + balance changes. If doing this makes 80% of players happy then I think it is worth doing. Obviously splitting realms beyond that would not be worth it for small differences.

Same old argument…

Listen, even in the theoretical scenario that Blizzard did add more Change realms later (which they should not), the primary goal of the 2 servers had already been accomplished:
Preserving the 1.14 experience. Forever after.

Nothing else that might happen afterward, including the imaginary slippery slope of additional servers, could hurt that original 1.14 server. This should be priority #1.

Yes there is, people wanting it to be something it’s not, and people content with the way it is.

That’s interesting because I think it would result in massive refunds and the complete obliteration of the game’s longevity, quality, and playerbase.

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You think preserving the original 1.14 experience would result in massive refunds? :thinking:

Why would it result it refunds if a majority of people are getting what they want?

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No idea, probably because that’s not the case. That would explain it.

The people who want changes must have issues with reading comprehension. When they purchased the game it was marketed and even tweeted by the Dev that this is a remaster not a remake. His own words.

So you purchased something knowing very well what it was going to be.

Get your mommy a refund on her credit card now.

So you believe the majority want changes and would be angry if it was possible to play the game without changes?
Makes no sense tbh.
And seems incredibly unlikely.

What a trainwreck you are. Thank god you are not part of the Dev team.

GO BACK TO VANILLA LOD. 100% NO CHANGES, just like you want it!! And stop ruining it for the rest of us.

Yes. Some of us listened to and/or read a more comprehensive set of Blizzard D2R interviews including the ones that said changes were possible if the players wanted them. Blizzard comments are undeniable and verifiable.

We Need Blizzard to Give Us Their Definition of Remaster - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums

I agree with you two realms ain’t happening but I don’t think you really needed to go beyond what’s quoted above. It’s kind of goes off track and I got really lost lol.

oh is someone annoyed ?
For my part, you are just as selfish as I am, but for the wrong reasons.
Tough luck :stuck_out_tongue: NO CHANGES!

you will see it. i will enjoy it.

All right, then we will continue to ask for all of these additional QoL improvements, like ploot, for the one server.

You know you can’t argue with crazy. Just so you know your wrong. I hope since you hate the game so much you find something you enjoy

Wow man you are a magician, never saw somebody pull so many random statistic out of his Butt

The community is divided

I agree that what people want isn’t binary, it’s a spectrum, but having 1 extremist option for a spectrum is dumb

With at least 2 options you have way more people to associate with one or the other

People that want no improvements are strict

But people that want improvement are flexible

If you want Ploot but don’t want gem stacking, you are much more likely to play in a Realm where there is Ploot+Stacking than a realm with neither

In a server where there are improvement you have people focus on what improvement they appreciate rather than all the ones that are missing like a purists version

I like D2. I even have level 90 and 80 expansion ladder characters currently. D2/D2:Lod was my favorite game back than. I waited in line waiting for Best Buy to open to buy the D2 collector’s edition on release day. For me personally, you can like something and see ways to improve.

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I don’t want changes, why are you being so hostile?

I wanted the original game preserved, the only reason I’m advocating for two separate realms is because I think the developers WILL eventually change the game (add items, content, balance changes, etc) and when that inevitably happens I want it to happen on a separate realm so the base game remains untouched.


How does it go in english:
Discipline the ones you love?


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That goes for any normal human being with at least 2 brain cells

Loving somebody is not liking her exactly the way she is and asking for nothing to change, loving somebody is wanting for that person to be the best version of herself she can be. You don’t love her especially if she improves herself and you claim she’s ruined lol