Dear Blizzard, in case you arent paying attention, this season sucks

this is not a seasonal event. its a season of detriment.

  1. completely messing with graphics. this screws us when we get used to a specific visibility level then lose it.
  2. loud audio. i dont personally play with the audio very high, but even then i hear this massive bass sound that overwhelms other audio. i appreciate what you are trying to do here, but this isnt the way.
  3. useless effects. 99% of the time i leave the effects some place behind me where i was fighting.
  4. broken content. the set dungeons are ruined by sourceless damage that kills mobs that we need to specifically control how they die.
  5. on top of #1, you are screwing with the fact that we are used to the graphics only changing when we spawn the rift boss, so its messing with flow of gameplay, not just visibility.

please. offer the choice to disable the effects. like literally offer a in menu switch to turn off seasonal bonus. i dont want it this season, except if im playing characters that are leveling up.


I was gonna call it the Season of the Shielding Horde because 3 out of 4 elite packs I’ve encountered since season start have either been one or both of those.

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the season of dying by the hand of blizzard. never had so much screen lock and lag as this which equals 4 chars dead . the effects do nothing, snowballs rolling around randomly and diablos breath should melt everything instead of annoy and why do they still go off in town ? and didn’t do the PTR but didn’t this issue come up ?
ya done blew this one Blizz

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Who knew in order to actually win was not to play! Sounds like something i have heard before! Graphics are a waste put goblins in and take these pathetic graphics out!