D4 trading - why it needs to be limited or not at all

Why dont we keep the great D3 with no trading and great leveling for all the people that LOVE D3, including Miss Cheeta, and then create D4 a propper entry in the Diablo Franchise for those that want D4 to return to its roots with proper trading/leveling/character-building/gearing etc and push it to the next level?

Both factions win. No need to create D4 as another item/progression clone of D3.


If the game has no trading you’re literally blocking an entire market/community from spawning. This is very bad for the game. Look how quick Diablo 3 died when trading and auction house were removed. The game is absolute garbage because of no trading.

Top tier items are going to be worth loads. You’re not going to be able to buy the most expensive items until you grind 100s of hours. Ie: Natalyas ring was stupid expensive (went for 30m + gold right off the bat). It was the meta ring for highest dps class (DH) but good luck getting one let alone the rest of the set.

I really don’t want to find the most gg perfect gear only to have it rotting in my stash because I can’t do anything with it. Would be such a buzzkill killing an uber and getting completely useless drops, especially since it looks like 3/4 of all the gear will be useless because you’re looking for a matching main stat.

No trading in D4 is a very bad idea.


Playing SSF in D2 was perfectly viable despite open trade and very rare items.

GR 133 instead of 132, the same Legendary you already have, just with slightly better stats.

“New and better content” of D3 in a nutshell…

I can’t edited my posts, but…

It’s okay that you misrepresented what I said. It was a mistake, I’m not angry just realize how you did it and learn from it.

It’s that simple and instead of accusing someone of being arrogant and getting personally offended.

“How did I misrepresent your argument? Can you clarify.”
Misscheetah didn’t understand what I was trying to say, so I clarified for her but she didn’t try to represent my argument as something else.

She pointed out a flaw, so I made the point more clearly.

Items/consumables/mats or whatever needs to have a value. If things dont have a value its a meaningless item that you would use for a little bit then delete without thinking twice about it. I think that is sad.

Without trading there wont be anything rare and super exciting thing in the game to find, because they have to make it so everyone is capable of getting it.

I am just as happy to find something valuable that i can sell then buy the thing i want than i would be to just find the thing i want. In fact i think i actually prefer to find things i can sell to buy stuff i want.
There is something special about farming for weeks for something then finally you have the “money” to buy it.

D3 will still be here when D4 comes out. And people who wants no trading, geared with everything you can possibly want in 2 days, no rare and exciting things to find. Just a Paragon action game simulator. Dont push that stuff into D4 please.


D2 will still be here too.

We should indeed have rare and exciting things to find.
Rather than have rare and exciting things to buy.

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How about both? Without trading you can only have 1 of those. But with trading you can have both! How about that? Weird how that works, its like trading is good for the game.

With trading it will be endlessly easier to buy than find, so most likely not.

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Personally I’d prefer that this genre provide a little contrast to the rest of the gaming marketplace and return to a model of replayability.

To keep the items rare yet attainable I believe trade is a must. I don’t think some realize just how astronomically high drop rates would need to be without trade or crafting. The problem with no trade is who do you balance drop rates to.

I personally believe that most who make arguments against trade are just maintaining a facade for their desire of high drop rates and their entitlement to acquiring BIS gear, regardless of the the effects it would have on the gaming experience of other players.

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Yeah, but most people in the younger generation don’t really understand the importance of communities since everyone sits on their phones while having dinner with their family.

Im not saying they’re incapable of understanding, but it’s hard to grasp when in your own personal don’t have a real community and video games tend to no longer make making a strong community a priority because…

“I should solo everything and don’t want to interact with other people.”

I remember reading a wow thread where a guy claimed that every guild was toxic without giving examples of course and basically everyone told him.

“Then you are the problem.” Which of course most people won’t want to admit that maybe their world view or way of thinking could be entirely wrong no matter how much their adamant about their beliefs.

Like most people when someone is being critical of something it must be a personal attack cause they’re some type of ism because they can’t see nuance.

With trading items gets talked about by the community. item showcases on reddit and all that stuff.

If you shut off trading nobody gives a damn about what items you find. It becomes a very closed off game, and people will loose interest a lot faster. You cannot convince me that no trading is the best for a game like this. There is just no benefits.

The whole “YOU have to play the game to get the best stuff, YOU have to kill that boss to get the best stuff” It’s just, to me atleast pointless. For me personally and for a lot of people items that has no value is meaningless.
It’s just a throwaway item no matter how good it is as soon as youre done with the character.

Instead it could be on the front page of reddit, people offering you their car for it. Wouldnt that make you feel better about the item?

Items do have value with no trading. They have value for yourself.
Just like in any other game, singleplayer or otherwise where the gameplay is not trading tycoon.

I don’t care what people are talking about on reddit, twitch, snapchat or whatever people are using these days. I am trying to play a game and enjoy it. I’ll play with friends, but having a sense of a larger community “through trading”? I could not care less.

I think even the people who say they want trading are better off with no trading. But in the end, if people are hell-bend on hurting their own game experience with trading, let them do it. Just keep it in a completely separate game mode so everyone can play a, hopefully, decent game without having to suffer it.

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It’s only going to be a relatively small amount of community members who post their items on social media sites and request personal validation for drops.

I don’t think it makes much sense to try balance anything in the game around this specific niche. imo The game should be about what is enjoyable within the game itself.

Personally, I don’t want them to make things rare so that a small few players can do some bragging. imo they should make things achievable for all players but provide enough stat combinations that occasionally an item that everyone can get “a” copy of the item, rolls in a way where it is somewhat exceptional compared to others of the same item.

People would be jealous of it if you can trade it to them or not, it just needs more meaningful and comparable stats than in D3, in D3 almost every item of the same type is either the same or gets rolled at the mystic to become the same.


You don’t get to decide what other people are hurt by since that’s entirely subjective in this context.

/inb4 someone takes what I said and applies it to breaking an arm.

You only get to speak for yourself and only yourself and it’s quite sad to see you be this arrogant about a personal opinion on which you try to speak for others.

Trading in Diablo didn’t hurt the majority of players hence the big out cry about no trading.

The only time trading hurts somebody is when for whatever obsessed by what other people and can’t mind their own business.

If trading as no impact on the game outside of existing itself. Find some better life priorities.

I’ve already proved that trading doesn’t effect drop rates if the developers don’t go down that ruote which they didn’t for diablo 1 and 2 and again even buffed the drop rate of runes.

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Why do you think this? Is it because it’s inconceivable to you that some people prefer a break from the grind and enjoy the concept of trading?

What a joke.


I am not deciding. I am saying what I think will be the case - not for every single person of course, but on average.

You really haven’t though.
I do not for a second buy, that rune droprates wouldnt have been higher in D2 if there was no trading. Maybe it would have been the same at release (before Blizzard knew any better), but they would have increased it way more than they did. Design decisions matter. They influence each other.

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Then play that way and don’t trade. Just because you don’t want something doesn’t mean others don’t. Your way is a win/lose, with trading it’s a win/win.


You can literally go read the patch itself. They did buff the drop rates and if you want. I’ll look in which patch.

Design choices also don’t have to influence one another.

Also again, on average you’re wrong. This is why diablo 3 is a failure of a game.

/inb4 someone says diablo isn’t a failure because it sold millions of copies as if that’s the only defintion of success.

Diablo undoubtedly held people’s attention for nearly a decade and big reason was trading, which again was not intentional. No way did the team working on diablo 2 could predict the out come of what happened and it was entirely community driven.

And guess what? The didn’t allow trading to influence other choices of the game
They legit just thought it was cool.

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Yes and the D3 one where everyone gets all the items in the game within 3 weeks is the most terrible design decision I have ever seen in an ARPG.
It took more time to complete one build in D2 than all the set-related builds in D3 put together, yet somehow it felt far more rewarding. Oh wait, it’s not strange. It’s basic psychology. Getting stuff handed to you for free is only fun in the short run and quickly loses it’s appeal.


That does not prove anything. You would literally have to look into an alternative dimension to see what would have happened without trading :slight_smile:

It would certainly be best if they did.

While I agree that Diablo 3 is a failure in many ways, lack of trading is not one of them. Heck, removing AH and adding BoA somewhat turned the game around - until Blizzard then chose to repeatedly hit the game again with a hammer of various new “great ideas”.

Indeed. Item acquisition should be fairly slow.

Aka. trading.

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