D4 trading - why it needs to be limited or not at all

It’s really simple.

  • Blizzard promised “hundreds of interesting legendaries for D4”
  • I buy D4
  • I want to have the content i paid for

Buying a game and being able to experience only a tiny fraction of the content makes no sense. It’s like buying a movie DVD where you have to watch the trailer a 1000 times before you can watch anything else.

This is the core of the problem. You actually request a problem, then you request a silly workaround (trading) for just this problem?

Make loot like in D3, then you can also introduce free trading, fine with me.

You are free to pick up only every 20th legendary that drops. If you want bad loot, have bad loot.
And I don’t care if at any time a few more runes dropped in D2.

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Honestly, I think it would work best like this.

Let people have an option to opt out of trading all together if it ruins their fun but also give them a benefit for it. Maybe increase the drop rate for that character but again, this wouldn’t effect the economy of the rest of the game since that player can no longer trade any items to anyone or have anyone trade any items to that person.

There’s no reason why we can’t have a hardcore mode and a no trade mode in the game for people who want that type of play style.

You’re literally misrepresenting my arguments. Try to get them correct and once you do that. I’ll respond.

except the dev’s said they weren’t looking at any “SSF” mode in D4, which is basically what you’re describing.

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Quick question about your idea, StrikerJolt:

I’m assuming that in-game will work like D3, with a window to swap gear among party members in the same game?

What if a player with trading on joins a game with 3 friends that have trading off so they have the boosted drop rates for the personal loot. Those players with trading off could send the items that drop for them to the ‘merchant’ friend and help give them a huge power boost. What would be the solution to that?

Yep. Completely agree with that view.

Less so with this. Even if you can then actually choose not to trade

  1. you might still play with people who are then fully geared in a day.
  2. Create an unsatisfying experience for anyone who ends up trading. Much better to not allow trading then.

Except the situation in which the devs are talking about and what I am talking about are completely two separate topics and I am not going to waste my time explaining why.

This is a good concern but since loot is personal, the drop rate in theory should only effect that one person and since he can’t trade his increased drop rate should have no effect on other people’s loot tables.

Again, in theory.

I see. So by turning trading off that includes party loot sharing even. Fair enough. I’d be fine with that.

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Yeah, runescape does this in their dead man mode.

At least that’s what I think it’s called, give it a google search because that’s where I got the idea form and if it works in an mmorpg like runescape. It should work for Diablo.

Yes. That would be a perfectly fine solution.
IF it is properly balanced of course.

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Nah, I much prefer trading, or else every item I find that isn’t for my classes is useless. In fact, every duplicate I find will also be useless. Some ideas have been mentioned, such as no trading mode, which I can get behind. It would actually be a good opportunity for Blizzard to gauge just how many players want trade and how many don’t.


I HaVe PaId FoR ThE GaMe So It ShOUlD Be EaSy FoR EvErY OnE To GeT EvErYwHeRe.

If you want that stick to your movies. You paid to access the game and thats what you are guaranteed to get. Everything else is optional. If you pay for a DVD and you can’t spend the time to fully watch it, you complain its to long? Some people think they are entitled to be spoonfed :joy:.

That’s the problem of younger generation is their rapid consumption of entertainment and other things.

They demand games get easier, thus making games naturually shorter in content because you can blow through it then demand more content then get mad when a company needs to imploy mtx schemes to keep the content constantly flowing because they eat it up too quickly.

i’ve simply stated i would prefer to be able to play the game and get items i need, without any trading at all. The moment you open up trading you have to find a balance between drops in game and the market value, if the item drops too much the value tanks on the trading market. the trick is finding the balance between magic find farming and trading as a whole.

I’m sure it can be done, but i have no idea how to do it. All i can do is look at other games that have those systems and see i don’t like it. I don’t enjoy farming chaos orbs / exalted orbs in PoE just to build the latest mathil build. I don’t enjoy farming random drops i can’t use in D2 to trade for soj or runes to buy the gear i actually need. I DO enjoy playing d3 and getting all the gear i need to build what i want when i need it and then playing that build to min/max it.

What’s the point in trading for incredible gear if there’s no reason to play it once you have it… that’s the point i’m trying to make. Yes in d3 currently you can get a set of gear relatively fast, but you’re constantly going to be upgrading that gear for weeks until you settle on nearly BIS pieces, then once you have that you can further augment it with augmented gems. The gameplay loop, in my opinion, is pretty satisfying.

In an open market trading system, i’d simply save up currency, buy the bis piece, enchant it or whatever and then be like… ok now what?.. which is why i burned out in PoE, i didnt see the point in grinding once i bought my best gear.

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Love trading, will not buy d4 unless its open trade. Diablo 3 is unplayable, I get bored after 5 minutes. I recently picked up d2 and have been loving it. It STILL has a good economy after all these years. Some people love to trade, the majority loves to trade. Give self found their own servers and call it a day.


Read the first few sentences and you already misrepresented my argument.

I’m not going to read the rest.

so you’re too arrogant to read a valid arguement, noted, i won’t read any more of your replies either. GG good bye.

It’s not a valid argument when someone’s entire first few sentences is already a misrepresentation of what I was saying.

If you read my interactions with other forum users that I don’t shy away from opposing points of view nor do I always assume I always have the correct opinion, and have conceded the point to others despite my personal beliefs.

Just because I choose to you ignore what you said does not give you the right to accuse me of such things since I already stated my reason was the fact you misrepresented what I saying.

Nothing more, nothing less.

thats cool, glad you’re enjoying it.

not sure how i misrepresented what you are saying to be honest. oh well. to each their own, pretty sure we’re not going to agree so no point bashing our heads on each other :smiley: Kappa

Mate. If you read what I already previously stated before you would know that I also agree that you shouldn’t need trading to get the item you need.

You misrepresented what I was saying, therefor not going to dignify it an actual response.

Now, if you would like to go back and reread my reponse and look at who and what I was referring to and then make another attempt to have an open conversation then I’m willing to talk.

But I’m not going to waste my time replying to something that wasn’t even my argument.