D4 trading - why it needs to be limited or not at all

I actually strictly remember people giving out free full sets of sigons and immortal kings and other low tier unique items like bonesnap literally every time I logged onto Diablo 2.

Every day, I saw “Free Sigon set, first serve.” during the game listings.

I hav to disagree with that too. Making the game so easy that gear is not needed is not really interesting either. When you have gathered some of these items for your dream-build there has to be end-game that challenges you.


I mean I don’t mind it. I don’t know if it addresses what people consider the main issue though, which is how open trade vs no-trade will impact the drop rate of loot. The other main issue is the whole 3rd party companies buying/selling. It helps deter the second issue to a small degree but I don’t know if it would enough to really warrant the need. the pro/cons would have to be weighed for something like that.

… Do you really think the game is easy beating hell difficulty with white and blues and maybe a single rare?

Lol, okay. You clearly never played diablo 2.

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Fair enough. I was responding to someone saying that people wouldnt give items for free, pointing out that none-free gear is still bad.
Yes, true, people will ALSO give out items for free.

But I believe they were exploring bind on trade were they not? this solves that.

I didnt say that. I said the game is so easy that once you get some decent gear, it mostly stops challenging you.

Try something else is good, yay. I still don’t need to find wiz gear with my seasonal barb, it would only be insta-salvage.
And to find everything and keep it for using we would need a waaay bigger stash.

You clarified nothing in this post, only rambled about “Blizzard created a problem in Diablo 3” - what problem?

This is a good idea. Flippers won’t like it of course.


It might help. But people are arguing for “completely free trade with no restrictions”.
If blizzards to their “best items are BoA”, next tier items are Trade Once, then it might end up reasonably well (depending on where they make the cut). Not really what the trade argument tends to be about on the forum however.

We should have a way bigger stash! :smiley:


This the crucial point that why many people hate World of Warcraft and Diablo 3.

There is no end, there is no “Okay, I got my gear, I’m done.”

No, it didn’t mostly stop being challenging, it did stop being challenging and that’s the point. An end goal, a sense of overcoming through sheer raw power and it would take someone literally a year or two of self find only to get to that point and that’s IF your drops are that lucky.

And this was my response to said problem.

Can you at least try to read and comprehend things?


we have unlimited levels, why not unlimited stash tabs? Kappa


I very much understand that hate in WoW - because it got that endless AP grind going.
I dont understand it in Diablo. You can choose that you are done at any point. Just because there is still challenges out there (but maybe no more gear to hunt for, if you are already “BiS”) doesnt mean you have to clear it. There should certainly not be an endless paragon grind.


I could if you actually said WHAT PROBLEM.
Smart loot? What is your problem with it?
Can you at least try to write comprehensible things?

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somehow i think i’ll still sleep soundly.


No, no, don’t ignore the other part of my response.

Let’s discuss this in theory without trading, it would take someone years by playing only self find to reach a power level high enough to make content trivial and that’s what needs to return.

You shouldn’t need all these legendaries, epics, unqiues, whatever you wanna call them to be apart of your character. They should remain rare and extremely rare not because of elitism or trading, but because that’s exactly how Diablo 1 and 2 functions as franchise.

Having high end gear was not a mandatory need in order to beat the game.

Are you legit trolling right now? xDD Dude… I quoted the problem, but your own words!

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And so much faster with trading.

Flippers not liking something, is probably a good measurement of quality.


I’ll respond to you, so you can respond to this. I know the forums sometimes doesn’t allow you and I’m interested in hearing what you have to say about this.

There should be challenges in a game where you can use the high-end gear.

How D1 or D2 did things is fairly unimportant. Focus on creating a great game experience.

If it took years to get reasonably high-end gear, and seasons are anything remotely close to what D3 or PoE has, then the game would be seriously bad balanced.

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also want to clarify sometihng, Shad, I’m not saying having the drop rates by so rare that it takes years to find a single item.

Times have certainly changed hence why there are Diablo mods out there that increase the drop rate a little bit to make things more exciting and fun for single player since that is entirely different beasts.

People called this cheating, called it ruining the spirit of the game, blah, blah, blah takes all the challenge out but I don’t think it’s challenging having to grind for 2 years to complete a rune word.

That environment works in a multiplayer game, but not in a single player game especially when the game play loop consists of killing only the act bosses or doing Baal runs. (Which many, many mods fixes this issues.)

I’m not saying that we need to go back to be like “Lawl, bro, grind for years! You filthy casual” as I try to advocate what’s best and try to find a happy middle ground between working hard for things, but also maintaining that the work remains fun and engaging and it’s not certainly engaging to do Baal runs 8 hours a day.

I can agree to this. But again, the endless grind needs to come to a stop.

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Totally agreeing with that.