D4 trading - why it needs to be limited or not at all

No, I would like to play the game and trade also. Why do you guys always go to the extremes?


Ah, deflection instead of engaging an argument which you are clearly losing. Otherwise you wouldn’t have deflected it.

As if me not currently playing Diablo 3 some how invalidate what I said, right?

At least have the back bone to stand by your opinions and back them up. I’m here to discuss Diablo 4 until the official forums are up.

And guess what? If he does, that’s on him, not you. I never understood the obsession people have with the way other people play a video game.

If the drop rates are tuned around being a good game first and not about trading. Then who the hell cares?

Honestly, who cares? Where’s the justifiable reason why if trading is not directly interfering with your game (IE: Tuning drop rates around trading which *didn’t even exist back in Diablo 1 and 2 and even buffed the drop rates for rune words despite how the trading community felt about it.)


Most of the community agrees that ancients and primals don’t really add anything of value to the game. Go re-read Kim’s latest post where he says that they heard our feedback on ancients and they are going to change some things in regard to ancients.


Seriously, Diablo 1 and 2 were great not because of the the trading and end game gear.

They were just good freaking games. Stop over complicating the gear system. It’s important, but it’s not as important as people are making it out to be.

Except gear is the only thing that matters in Diablo 3 aside from paragon levels once you get in the thousands. D2 was great because a combination of several things including itemization and trading.


LOL you really think we have a crafting system in Diablo 3? Other than the new sets they added literally 2 seasons ago no one crafted anything after hitting 70 besides Cain’s for the extra death breath and occasionally reapers wraps worked for some builds. Now there are maybe 4 useful crafts of the hundreds available.

Lol not true at all, where do you get off? One thing that would be true though is I would still be farming and grinding way 12-24 weeks into the latest season.


You forget that moment you get a primal for a build that you don’t care about. But someone else will. Why should you just salvage it for 15 souls instead of having the option to trade it for the primal that suits your build.

Trading builds societies, it builds connections and creates activity and discussions, it builds a ecomomy that ensures longetivity. And this is further build upon by PvP aspects where the slightest advantages can change a fight.

That is why trading adds a lot of flavour and depth to a game. It is a mechanic that makes rare items more rare and more exciting to find. And it gives you as a play er the option to dive in to tge aspect of the game that you want to.

Furthermore it does enable a system where you can host and play tournaments and other events and reward winners. There are tons of features gained and emphasized through the acts of trading, aspects and deeper connections that Diablo 3 totally missed due to the lack there of. Things that existed in Diablo 2 and caused the game to thrive despite its age and lacks.


the gearing system is one of the core pillars of an ARPG, the other core being fun gameplay. I feel D3 at its core right now works very well for a game with 3 month seasons. The main “problem” with d3 is the paragon system and having, as a wise emprorer once said… “Unlimited power!!”… but that’s an entire other subject that has plenty of threads already.

i agree, D2 was a great game, it was one of the first PC games i sunk hundreds of hours into. I also feel D3 is a great game… and i’d like D4 to take the best from both and be as good as possible :slight_smile:


If you want the crafting to be equal to trading, then it seems quite likely nearly all items would come from crafting, just like nearly all of your best items would come from trading.
Simply because trading is so endlessly more efficient than not.

Smart loot is terrible and should go away however.

Sure. With trading it is so much easier to get things handed to you however.

Less interesting to pick an item in a UI interface than watching it drop after a difficult dungeon run. Getting 1/1000 crating mat doesnt exactly do the same. Nor does getting 1/100 SoJ.

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So Kadala and Canai’s Cube count as crafting. What else?

Like finding Barb gear with int and Crossbows with strength ever felt great?
What is bad about Smart loot?

Very true. D3 droprates are too high. Smart loot is bad. But trading is just another way to have astronomically high droprates. Give me reasonably balanced droprates without trading.

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This is true. However Humans are naturally greedy bastards. Most people are too selfish to just hand over anything of value to some stranger for free lol. For the most part you still need to play the game and aquire value before you can enter the trading market and expect any resonable outcome.

However I will say it was very nice in Diablo II when I found something my nephew or uncle needed and had been looking for and being able to give it to them as a surprise. I can’t always play with my freinds/family in D3 to take advantage of the trade window.

I agree smart loot needs adjusted, im not sure if it should entirely go away though. Depends on how universally useful the items are really.


Str and int as class based stats should not exist. Pretty much no class based stats should exist - all stats should be useful for some builds within each class.

But you should be perfectly able to find great wizard items on a barb etc.
Finding a great item for another build or class on a character encourages you to try something else, which is good.

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i can agree with this, being able to bank an item i knew a friend was looking for and give it to him when he logs on later that night was a fun part of D2.


What if I told you that Diablo 1 and 2 didn’t have this problem. Blizzard created a problem in Diablo 3 - a problem from my understanding never even existed in another ARPG nor did it exist in the prior games. (Unless someone can point to another example. Then I’ll concede but until then.)

Why is “smart loot” none existence in other ARPGs?

By the way, Sturedman, I know you’re gonna ignore this but notice how Misscheetah pressed me on what I said and instead of backing down and ignoring it. I just reinstated my opinions and clarified my position?

Try doing that.

I’m not saying it’s not important, it is. But I think people are playing up it’s importance to a degree that isn’t needed.

Keep in mind, you can beat Diablo 2 normal, nightmare, and hell without a single unique item, no full set, and certainly not a single runeword.

This mentality needs to return.


Leaving the trading like it is in D3 just makes it so multiboxers just like in D3 have a huge 4x drop rate advantage over normal players.

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here’s an idea, trading system similar to how it works in pokemon go, you can only trade with people you are friends with, perhaps slightly limited and that limit gets increased the more you play with that person. So after playing X amount of time with someone you can trade with them as much as you want. That’s a trading system i could get behind, allowing you to trade with friends but not tying an economy to the trading.


I disagree. People expect more today. D2 itemization is not going to cover it. Gear is a substantial part of creating a character build.

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I don’t know if you already typing this out before reading my response to someone else. But here’s my response.

They wont hand it over for free. Just sell it cheap.
In PoE most items ouside BiS crashes, and become dirt cheap. It is endlessly easier to get that gear than finding it yourself.
You dont even need to play much. In PoE, after you are “done” lvling (reaching endgame) you can go out, and with the small amount of mats you have gathered while lvling, you can buy a bunch of decent gear. Insanely boring.