D4 Respec Concept

I want the game to be a good RPG and not an arcade cookie cutter
I think they will balance it just right
Probably still too cheap but I will grant you that :wink:

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What do you consider the right cost for respecing a build at endgame?

I don’t know the economy
I dont even know what kind of currency you will use for that
But probably like an hour of hardcore farming just for that specific thing?

If it is only an hour of farming to respec a build at end game, I would not like it but it would not be catastrophically bad. I suspect that the people here supporting high respec costs will not be happy with how little time investment that you propose.

I think we can move you to a supporter of low respec costs.

For perspective, to augment a single piece of gear with a level 100 gem in D3 takes an hour (20 runs @ 3 minutes each @ 5 100% upgrades per run).

Certainly not that I’m aware (remarking the “that I’m aware” part).

I can agree that people asked for respecs for so long, but haven’t heard about free ones until post-D3. Sure some dudes could have asked back then, but not enough to even be heard.

According to that logic, I can also say that people also asks for Diablo having guns…

~700 posts later and the OP still hasn’t received a single :heartpulse:

Tells me all I need to know. TL;DR.

Which does not mean 500 hours turn it into a good game. The world is not black or white.
Once again, you can’t measure quality in hours spend. Devs love to do that, and some people around here do too. But it says basically nothing.

Literally nobody is arguing you should farm a buff each session. Just a strawman. The entire goal of respec limitations is to not make you farm for it. While allowing you to respec “naturally” at a reasonable cost once in a while.
If you then want to respec more often, you either are stopped outright (with a cooldown) or stopped indirectly with a friendly nudge, through an increasingly prohibiting respec cost.

Unlike the NV buff you are not meant to go do some side activity before you can move on with your gameplay.

Oh the irony. People are apparently capable of liking a post without agreeing with everything (which is completely true), whereas everyone who bought D3 apparently agree wholeheartedly with free respecs.

It is again not the time investment that is the issue, but you are right. One hour of farming would be way too little. Assuming you are generating this currency from normal play that would allow for many respecs weekly, for basically free.

Now, if said currency has other major uses, then things might be different, but the topic of respec cost sharing a currency with other stuff was already discussed a few posts ago.
Both benefits and detriments to that imo.

No-one other than you has even suggested this, let alone ask for or advocate for it.

So, if players are given free respecs, you won’t buy the game.
Other players being able to freely experiment is a real problem for you, huh?

I apologise for only being able to give your post a single like.

Yes, it absolutely does, because it’s gameplay that you’re having to do, in order to do the gameplayer that you want to do, i.e. having to farm a token to respec, instead of respec’ing and doing what you wanted to do in the first place.

Isn’t what you actually want to do farming? :3

I am one of the players. It also affects me.
The entire design of the game affects me, and this is a pretty important part of the game.
You can’t just take individual parts of the game and pretend they don’t influence each other.

I am not really advocating for having to farm a token (a cooldown takes care of that part).
Anyway, the goal still isn’t to make you farm so you can respec. The goal is to not make you respec.

Anyway, as lolli42 points out, you are going to farm instead of farm, so you can farm?

In which case, why are you arguing about the cost (or lack thereof) of something that you don’t want to be available at all?

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Of course, you all are circling like mad chickens (no offense, it is what it is in this thread) failing to notice or completely ignoring the solution due to non-rational reasons.

This topic was the same in post 1, it is the same in post 700.

Yeah, and I still don’t want respec costs.
I’ve not seen anything in the intervening 700 posts to convince me otherwise.

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I want it to be available, so people can respec after a balance patch, or when they, after a while, want to switch it a different build, for another while.
Those respecs should be cheap and easy to do.
Your fifth respec in a week? That should be impossible/really expensive. Not to make you farm for the respec. But to not make you respec.

If any significant amount of players end up spending a bunch of time to farm respecs, the system isn’t working.

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Cooldowns! Are! Evil!

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It’s funny how I offer you free respecs, but 0.01% less loot and everybody from your free respec camp loses their mind writing 5s and bringing the NV mechanic.

Is it really that hurting to you, to know that when you respec you won’t gain advantage over the rest of players who don’t do it?

You all brought hundreds of reasons for free respecs, but when faced with a tiny loot penalty you instantly forgot these. The truth is I tried to help you, but you all shoot yourself by declaring it is the advantage you are after and not the gameplay.

You reap what you sow. Sow tokens from now on. You’ll need these.

and these reasons were well-justified.

The definition of penalty is:
a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract.

Since you acknowledge that there are “hundreds of reason for free respecs” that have been given in this thread, there should be no rule against free respecs. Why would you “penalize” a player for doing something that is supported by hundreds of good reasons.

The farcical counterarguments include free respecs mean more loot, it makes 98% of the game meaningless, is equivalent to god mode with infinite damage or having 999999999 main stat. These have been thoroughly debunked.

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How generous of you that, in trying to counter “hundreds of reasons” against your position, you offer the olive branch of a choice of…

  1. Costed respecs
  2. A loot penalty

If I offered you the choice between a slap to the face or a kick in the behind, would it matter that one is less serious than the other, or would you prefer to receive neither?

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To post in general discussion, you need to have a PC diablo 3 license. D3 was advertised as having free respecs to correct D2’s wildly unpopular D2 respec decisions. This was a major detetmining factor in my decision to buy D3. Although there is passion from some posters against free respecs, I find it quite telling that they bought D3, so it must not have been a purchase-breaker.

They also used them despite hating them. But again, apples to oranges, D2 was a character builder through skills where gear was rare and not too impactful on those skills. D3 was a character builder through gear, where that gear had significant impact on those skills.

Should D2 have had a respec system from the start? Yes. Was the respec once you completed a difficulty 10 years post release enough? Nope. Should D3s respecs have cost gold? Absolutely. Should D4s endgame respecs cost be significant? Depends.

I have no issues with respecs having a cost. I feel the should start off low and increase each time until a reset or a break in between respecs lowers the cost. I would also add you have to visit a hub to do it as well.

It’s not about making things harder for the player. It’s about making sense. In D3 we were OP Nephalem with lowers beyond most people’s imagination. So being able to pick up a new piece of gear and learning a new ability was easy so the free at wiil respecs makes sense for how the game was designed and the story it told.

For D4, things are a lot different. We have to learn skills and hone them y learning upgrades of each version as we see fit. Therefore, a Barrbarian and Druid should have to meditate and speak with the ancients to be retrained. A Sorcerer should have to seek an audience with their clan, and so on.