D4 Needs To Be Like D2

Funny thing is I haven’t said a word about D3 other than saying it was pretty much abandoned like D2… We’re talking about D4 here…


So you abandoned Diablo 3, and then asking for the same mecanics… OK ok… i see the kind of brain dead you are.


Bruh… PVP will be restricted to certain areas on the map where people will be able to fight one another.

If you want to hostile people just to mess up their run then play D2. No one is preventing you from enjoying the game you like. You’re not a victim here, it’s just the world that continued to turn while you’re stuck in 2007.

Enjoy D2

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i am really happy with PVP zones (i’ll be in these zones all day long)!!! i do not complain about the PVP, i complain about simplifying game because you can’t count.


Sure buddy… D2 was simple as heck, but whatever lol

And yes you were talking about PVP. You were all over the place, probably just because you still have a D3 hangover that never ends

Yes, im all over, saying i want PVP, and i love PVP zones idea…

D2 was simple ??? LOOOOL, you sir just lost all the little credibility you had left.
i’m not saying D2 was over complicated, but it had 100000 times more dept to it than new games.


Like what? Crafting rares? Reaching predetermined stats breakpoints with gear pieces designed to reach those breakpoints? Socketing runes in a particular order to make runewords? Going to certain areas that have a higher chance of dropping a specific item?

Not complicated at all…
It’s like any game you play, there’s a little learning curve and then it’s all easy.

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tell me about D3 now.

So what you are really saying is you don’t really want PvP you just want to come into games and grief other players


Honestly they just need to get the itemisation right first. Without that the game will fail.

After that the focus needs to be on character skill trees and development. Stat points should matter and the soulless grind for infinite paragon points should be look at. I have no issues with level 40 or level 99 being max level, but there should be a max level and it should take an investment in time to get there.

If they can get these two things right then they are off to a great start and the rest will fall into place.

As much as I love D2, the world has moved on a great deal since then. Yes, they should take inspiration from the philosophies that made it a great game…but simply remaking it will just be a fail as other games have surpassed it.


Steve ,
PVP doesn’t mean Griefing.

Attributes are replaced by a passive talents tree. You don’t need attributes to make the game fun, as long as you can put points in something meaningful for your progression.

I’d rather put points in a +5% leech DMG or a -5% cooldown then just stacking strength/dext/int.

Imperius , well TALENTS will be there for that ( the little tree in the other TAB of the skills )

we can get both.

It does in SnapCity mind
No restrictions, anywhere, anytime, no choice in whether you want to PvP= griefing to me but is PvP to SnapCity


Gang up on the player killer. fight him. do something. if you’re too weak, change channel, play different server.

I use to play some game where there was PVP… and i was hanging out in some spot where there was some players geting attacked, and my Fun was to protect them from PVP griefers… IT MAKES ALOT OF END GAME content… stop thinking about having an easy game dude. you want everything easy, and at the end you’re bored because it was too easy.

People WORK HARD (used to) to get HIGH LEVEL and being strong… and you can be satisfied by showing off you’re strong, or PVP, competition… FREEDOM !!! GIVE US FREEEDOM !!! stop hugging casuals and tell them everything is gonna be fine…

Man, there’s a dude that’s killing you somewhere ? Change server channel !! problem solved.

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D2 style PvP? No thanks. Make it so that if I don’t want to PVP that I can fully and completely ignore that feature. Those that want to PvP will have lots of opportunity without me getting in the way.

D2 style trading? No thanks. We do not need the 3rd party trading sites, all the spam that comes with them and the a55 hattery that comes along with that.

There will be some D2 style features but don’t expect d2 duplication.

Cool your jets. Nothing is set in stone yet.


I think nothing we say really matters. They gonna do whatever they want to anyways.


it will if everyone voices their opinions and come to an agreement

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That turned out so well for D3, didn’t it?

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Most people want PVP, and some people want to avoid PVP… i think PVP ZONES are the best, which is what they are doing right now !! PERFECT IM HAPPY… they got PVP just right this time.