Seems like it but I’m okay with that. I wouldn’t mind a new D3 with better hampster wheel systems.
This could be a drinking game. Every time Bruhvata uses the word “literally”, everyone drinks.
No… D4 needs to have new content, new items and new areas/mobs with each content. Not added nostalgia.
No way!
That would lead to mass liver shut downs!
Well I mean it’s going to have that.
I think about it this way. When we were going from Diablo 2 to Diablo 3, the disappointment was that Diablo 3 was not enough like Diablo 2. Well now going from Diablo 3 to Diablo 4, the games are very similar. Just new systems new content new challenges. I’m all about that.
They don’t need to reinvent the wheel with this. And they should stop trying because that hasn’t worked in recent years.
Wow. Amazing. You have no original thoughts. I am so surprised.
I don’t understand
D3 combat with D2 environments = WIN
it literally is. it’s literally right there in the clip.
Is it literally or literally literally?
What the point in putting glasses on a blind person they still can’t see
Well for a start it looks nothing like D3 for it to be literally D3
If it were ‘literally’ D3, there would be no point in making it because it would literally BE D3… I really wish people would stop misusing that word. SMH (insert Picard Facepalm meme)

“Literally” doesn’t mean what he thinks it does.
God I can’t wait for the day when literally stops being used the way it is nowadays. And it’s gotten worse over the years, starting out with things like exaggerating “It is literally the same thing” to the soul crushing unnecessary “I was literally just drinking water”.
Our forum loves the attention from the foolish things he says.
Yes, he just read comments…
… and during what? That guy in comments said this during “rogue gameplay”… because she is based on “attack speed, movement speed skills and critical” and all these stats were for TOP builds in D3, but most ppl said that D4 will be slower. This gameplay is a bit misleading to the fact that the whole game will be as D3. No idea if this is caused that Rogue is two classes together.
Unsanety - D3 combat with D2 environments = WIN
No, it’s D3 environments and combat, with D2 armors … because most locations in D2 were labyrinth (+1, like this) and in D3 it was “one way” … and almost D1 characters (without Rogue… up)
I’ll probably try D4, but 100% not as Rogue.
D4 seems to be superior to D3 in terms of atmosphere, maybe even D2…
But it is indeed much too Diablo 3 in terms of the battle system and that was actually much too monotonous and without real feedback from my point of view.
All classes were equally boring in the end, because everything was kind of the same.
Hitstun and a not so overloaded combat atmosphere are missing. D4 serves too much the arcade mode and too little RPG and survival.
And you’re only at the beginning.
It could quickly happen that you drift more and more into this sports game direction and everything becomes faster and more trivial.
I can only hope that they decide to preserve the game world and its depth as an RPG and not ultimately make an endgame game out of it, which will bury the rest under itself … that’s always the case.
Why put a cooldown on things like WD’s Grasp of the Dead when I can endlessly kite & outpace most every monster without it, anyway. That’s all I’m saying.
I would rather D4 be literally D3 than anything close to resembling the hot garbage that’s D2.
I still don’t understand what people see in that game. It sucked back then, it sucks now and it’ll suck forever. It’s one of the most boring games I’ve ever played.
Can’t wait to see all the whining from the toxic D2 super fans when D4 releases when they find out it’s not exactly like D2
I don’t like you, i don’t understand you, there for you must not exist. You’re closer to a toxic D2 fanboi than you think.