[D4] I made another skill tree

The problem with that is then most hardcore players will have every skill with all enhancements unlocked.

I still like the idea of a token. What if it was like a reset vendor, similiar to WoW?

You can supposedly still only have 6 skills (as of now, hoping that is increased a bit).

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:pizza: :yum: I’ma try the :chicken: :taco: :pizza: from Dominos tomorrow.

That’s the idea of the more advanced “tree”, but going from outside (wide part) to inside. It might be too much for new players however.

I’d go with their current tree for launch. Then expand the tree with more passive stats, make magic items more interesting and include more item slots. Finally, I’d change the tree to pizza/wheel. This process could take 2-3 years until Diablo 4 secures a lot of new players and gets polished in the meantime.

For the re-spec I’d go with most simple option for launch - full re-spec from a vendor after doing an easy quest for him. This would be the first year when we test things and builds. After that there are many options how to do it depending on how other things in the game gets structured. I’d love to see re-spec depending on Season length putting extra pressure on those with lucky rolls in the end who’d have to re-spec to utilize these.

That’s it? Total in your spell book? Or only usable at one time?

I would hope that you can unlock more than that but have less active.

Well, i didn’t create the artwork
I altered it and I added most modifiers while I tried to keep most active skills the same

I agree, especially since they showed their intent to make co-op players able to open their UI at the same time on a same screen. The issue is in the concept art itself though, I’m pretty sure they will plane it a lot.

There again I agree, but I have a hard time imagining how a tree could propose a good curve anyway, which I think is :

  • being able to pick and discover the main skills freely for at least 10 levels,
  • deciding on a build by investing into skills rank points,
  • customizing the skills with modifiers/talents.

The only solution I can see would be to separate “discovering” points and “investing” points for power and customization.

Actually I think it was one of the strengths of D2’s trees. Getting more and more powerful options as you level up is kind of what makes it exciting. A trait you find also in Grim Dawn.
It doesn’t mean low level choices can’t be interesting too, they just have to be more general while the highest fit more specific builds.

Interesting idea ! Though having to wait for a few weeks could be too much or too little, depending on the player. May be better to gain full respecs by achieving some progression steps like “finishing a region’s story”, “finishing the campain”, “finishing a new keyed dungeon level” etc.
Another possibility could be to trade XP for a repec.

Not sure about cooldowns however. Or just 5 minutes to test and the ability to switch back to previous build.

A respec is often about trying out a better combination of skills/talents. How would a player be able to see which one is better if the new one is always weak at the begining ?

I don’t think a system that requires for you to do the mini-game before you even start playing is really a good one.
PoE’s tree is not that complex I agree. Which is why it’s bad they made it so unreadable.
The gem skill system is extremely good however, at least in the future PoE2 version.

That’s a good point.

No way with in-game actions as long as you aren’t leveled in town to the max and test it on a town dummy. Otherwise external solvers would be the only option and we don’t want to stimulate the making of these, but exactly the opposite - we want the game to be “safeguarded” against online solvers as much as possible. Remember? That’s D4 team philosophy also:

you can have fun exploring a wide range of effective gameplay possibilities instead of just looking up “the optimal build” online - System Design Part 1

making it more difficult to just look up the right answer online - System Design Part 2

Your skill tree only proves how much D3 RoS PC and D4 looses from lack of modding.

Your skill tree looks much more interesting than the one shown by Blizz.

Active, but if you change any of the active skills, it should count as a respec. and thus reset your “skill power” in a Skyrim-style system.
There is no reason to allow people to pick up more skills in the skill tree, than you can have active at any one time.

They would have to play for a while to see it yeah. That is also my issue with such a system. Might feel bad to respec to get away from a weak build, being forced into a weak build for X hours.

Though, for trying out stuff, the game could simply have an “arena” or something, where you could freely try out different builds. Giving no XP, items etc. of course. Like a WoW target dummy basically, but allowing you to pick an enemy to try out your build against. As soon as you leave the arena, you could be asked if you want to respec to the new build, or revert back to what you had before.

Yeah, you should never need a third party app to make sense of the game. Usability of the PoE skill web could be improved a lot. Though imo that doesnt mean the web should change. It just needs to help new players more.

thats a fair point :stuck_out_tongue:

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The problem with that still is, someone who made a really bad spec, might not be able to reach those respec unlocks.
On a new character you wouldnt need to wait to respec thhe first time either.
I mean, you start a character, start lvling, and make a build. Then you decide it sucks and need a respec. There is no cooldown here, since you never respecced before. Now, after this respec, a cooldown activates, so you cant do a third respec for a while (and as said before, during lvling, there might be no cooldown, so you can test out all the new skills and modifications you get). Respec costs is mostly an end-game thing imo. Although it would be fine to reward people for sticking to one build during lvling too, like maybe a small XP buff if you dont respec.

Well that would definitely be a change from the usual in Diablo series. I was thinking more along the lines of starting with 1 skill for the first 10 levels, allowing tree exploration for that 1 skill only. Then progressing to unlocking additional skill slots.

By skill power, do you mean to say like each skill has it’s own experience system? I would think that these should be respec individually, not as a whole.

I’m inclined to see more skills as opposed to less, maybe even having a complete second skill bar. 12 skills seems more appropriate.

Yeah, increasing in power the more you use them (up to a limit of course).
Imo, they need to all reset if you respec one of them, otherwise you can just make builds that are somewhat similar, and respec with little consequence.

I think 8 skills would be best, but it certainly depends on the gameplay (like, monster resistances etc.). Should have the same amount of skill slots on the bar as the amount of skills you can pick. Anything else would just be making the UI unnecessarily bad.

Might be good for introducing new players, but annoying for everyone else.

Maybe the solution is what WoW has done in its new patch. A new area that introduces the game in details. Make it optional after the first character.

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Yes, that could be a valid system. But after testing the D3 system, I think it’s even better to be able to try your build out in real conditions, while still progressing through the game. And after a while, you get asked if you want to keep the build or get back to the previous one.

That may be a problem, but the first respecs could be handed after very easy tasks, like getting level 1 or killing your first boss.

Also, I’m in favour of “soft respec” at the begining of the game. Meaning, the player doesn’t have to invest into anything before level 12-15, just unlocks skills he/her can swap like in D3. Enough time to test a few combinations. Then, he/her starts to get rank points to gain more power and as your build slowly gets more solidified, unranked skills become useless and you’d need “hard respec” to retest something.

But in the end it’s a matter for endgame. As long as there are limited respec but still a possibility to get more by farming, about any system should work.

That’s very similar to D3 actually. Just instead of getting skills and modifiers (skillrunes) automatically by leveling, the player unlocks the skills he wants himself up to level 12-15, then gets rank point to invest in the skills (like in D2) and finally can modify his skills for endgame (after max level).

Just like Shadout, I don’t think you should limit the player to one skill only for so long. ^^ The player should have two skills as early as level 2 imo.