again a link to reddit because i can never become TL3 :x
Good effort, Like it.
I prefer every skill has their own tree, like Last Epoch. Less intimidating.
I find the base idea good, I’d just make the branches collapsible so it doesn’t look that chaotic at first sight. I mean, every branch only appears expanded when it has points on it, or you click it in order to put a new point.
If with that feature, I’d like very much that approach.
I personally find the “1 tree per skill” thing difficult to play with
For me it’s intimidating when there’s too much to click on instead of looking on xD
Like 30 different sub interfaces to open to manage all of your character traits
That’s why I liked that they combined active and passive tree
It kinda mirrors the idea of “depth, not complexity”
Not many different things but rather few big things
That’s very impressive ! You even remade the branches and roots, I wish I could do that. ^^
Now it’s also quite overwhelming, even though there are only 18 skills. I agree with you, I like this one tree idea of seeing everything at once instead of having to click on a tree for every skill. But with so many skills, it can get messy as a result, on a visual standpoint.
A few ideas to reduce the shear number of nodes :
- some can be shared between skills, like “projectile travels faster”
- some can serve as passives, like “killing frozen enemies restore mana”
- add ranks to the skills instead of “+damage” or “more fire bolts”, and maybe 2-3 ranks for some nodes.
Also, I don’t think this tree is really functionnal with 39 points to invest in it. ^^ As a whole, I think a tree shouldn’t exceed too much 100 skills/nodes.
How can you not become TL3? You have 3k posts.
Btw, I am starting to think we don’t need a tree-like structure for the skills at all (if we aim to maximize build diversity), we need a pyramid-like.
Here’s why:
Let’s say I pick Hydra and I want to specialize more points in it. I always have to go through increased duration. With a pyramid-like structure we’ll have tiers and increased duration would be just some node from the lowest tier among others. At the highest tier would be the specializations that most drastically change your skill. To reach one of the higher tiers the player would need to invest some amount of points in the lower.
Further we can bind the pyramid skill tiers to the special legendary properties so players could skip points in the pyramid if the legendary property grants them enough points, for example:
The Three-Headed Staff: Each of your hydras has 3 heads. [T2 +1]
[T2 +1] would mean that while wearing the staff you automatically have one extra point in the second tier of the Hydra-pyramid. This would allow you to invest one less point to reach the 3rd tier of the pyramid.
I’m sold! Really like it.
I don’t like that you have to pick certain nodes you don’t want to have just to have those you want to have.
There are generic nodes everyone would like to have, like: +speed, +aoe range, +dam, etc. This must be a main branch. From it sub-branches should go, which are pure specializations of some skill aspect. If you want, you pick many [but not deep] specializations, or, if you want, you go deep into 1 or 2 sub-branches, so that, for example, my fireball will explode on stiking an enemy, but it will never, idk, jump to an enemy instead of flying to.
Yes, for that we need a pyramid structure for each of the main skills.
It boils down to whether the D4 team wants to make it easier for the novice players or want to strengthen the mechanics for the dedicated players. Not that most players won’t copy/paste builds in both cases.
They keep pasting even primitive D2 builds, so…
that’s what i tried to do xD
but if you give me specific examples, we can talk
i have been suspended several times^^
my heart count goes through the roof xD
theres some visual problem probably
like atm, everything is actually connected to where it belongs
if you have “warp nodes” now, this could become even more complicated
also passive effects are in the passive roots
the tree structure definitely has problems when it comes to prerequisites
but i really like the tree so i tried to built up upon it
Remember, Path of Exile did a tree like structure and it became increasingly more complex. I agree with the Pyramid.
the pyramid however gives of the vibe that you will always just aim for that one ultimate node in the end and you arent really choosing where to go
just which way round
You’ve done it in a very chaotic way, some spec. nodes are needed to be taken to activate still other spec. nodes. I’d offer something less chaotic: 1 main branch for each skill (maybe even one and the same with no changes), and subbranches are different, depending on skill.
However, even that is not really needed. What D4 tries to achieve is to mix D2 tree with D3 skillrunes - this is just obvious. So instead of trying to put everything into 1 cumbersome tree I’d suggest to make simple and clear D2-like tree skill leveling, where putting 1 point into a skill increases its overall effectiveness (exactly like in D2) - but all that without an actual tree, this can be easily done in a skill list (I guess D4 demo has smth like that exactly), and as for tree - I’d go directly for “skillrune” specializations there, like in D3 but with more, deeper customization options, and, ofc, permanent ones.
yea i get the point about trees being chaotic
but people (like me) like them xD
POE lovers also do. But this is the complexity for the sake of complexity.
yea but its really not in this case
its depth for the sake of choosing your own way and not only have a straight 3 nodes to “choose powerful upgrades for your fireball” XDDD
Exactly, because you have a clear goal. With a tree, you have a goal, but then you realize you have to go unlock a prerequisite that might be relevant to the chain, but not what you want to achieve.
Though, the flexibility of a tree is superior in allowing you to choose your own path, I would say that in the long run, the average player would get really confused. They would give up because they created a sub par build, be frustrated with not getting beyond a certain point, and eventually lose interest.
With Diablo III, there is a clear cut game play that the average player can enjoy and continue playing, while exploring other aspects of the game. However, the more elite player becomes bored after achieving what they want and leave the game to await the next season.
So a fine balance between complex to challenge the elites, and a skill tree to not confuse the average player needs to happen. A tree can be complex.
Still you have a following for both.
i tried to place the nodes in a way that they would not block each other but rather synergize and sometimes there 2 ways around it if you want to skip something
i mean it always contains mandatories and it would be more freedom if you could place every skill and node yourself like in PoE
but that would be even more confusing to showcase in a picture of a tree so i tried to go for that route first^^
The node at the apex would have the most noticeable skill changing effect, something not for the tiers below. We’d also have cases with truncated pyramids (without an apex) having multiple node choices at the top tier. The only difference with the tree is that the player is offered more skill combos, but in this case more could be confusing for the average player so it’s the D4 devs call in the end.
If they decide to make the tree more advanced from what is now I’d directly go for a pyramid structure since it starts to “shine” when we have more than 20 nodes per skill.