[D4] I made another skill tree

Is that a problem?
Also, what do you mean by mistake? Missclikcing? Making a build that turns out worse than hoped, is not a mistake. It was a decision.

They could play another character in the meantime.

That would be bad. If you can respec 90%, or even 50% of a build, that results in a completely new build. It should not be possible to respec even 10% of your skill points every single day.

That is basically what I said, that the best solution is having both options. Wait for a free respec in a week or whatever, or pay a cost with a shorter cooldown.
But it should not be possible to do 10% or 50% or 90% respecs more frequently.
Even a 10% respec could give you drastically different builds; skewing the meta-game toward builds that had easy cross-overs into other specs. Essentially limiting build options for end-game. You avoid that if all respecs are full respecs.

Example; someone makes a build where if you change 10% of it, you go from having a great Meteor AoE build, to a great Fireball single target build. Now that combo of easy-respec builds are now more viable for end-game than two very different single-target and AoE builds, because they are cheap to switch between for different content. A really bad idea imo.

Then you address those combos.
Balance is obviously really difficult, but not more so with more generalized items.
Also remember, in Diablo 4, each legendary shouldn’t be +1000% dmg upgrades etc. Nor should skill upgrades for that matter. Those combos are going to be way less impactful, and balancing them will require less hits with the nerf-hammer (but the nerf-hammer should definitely be used, unlike what usually happens in D3)

Most high-end items should not be crafted. Goes against the basic concept of an A-RPG imo; Items being drops determined by RNG.
Turning Diablo into Monster Hunter World etc. would be a grave mistake.

PoE passive tree is not complex. Especially if you download the path of building, a third party build app.

Decide the damage type, Defence type energy shield or life, weapon type , 1 hander or 2 hander, spell, melee, range etc you want to play. Once done, Look for the big S nodes, usually the keynotes or notables.

Plot & do some try & error to capture as many big S nodes as possible until you get the biggest damage/defense sheet number.

Now, how about the gems, what support gems to use.
Even easier. Put the main skill you want to use, arrange all the support skill base on the highest damage to lowest until all 5 or 6 spots are taken. Someone you may want to swap a gem or 2 for more AoE, or single target damage, but thats pretty much about it.

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I don’t know about that. I’d rather have a complete game at launch. Best to make it complex and involved to keep interest while guiding the player to make it better for casuals.

Orb of regret is a good idea. Make it a rare farmable or drop item. Make it tradeable. Give it some value.

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100% agreed :slightly_smiling_face:

If you can trade respecs, you might as well make it free :confused:


Even something like PoEs massive skill web, could guide the player. Pick a few skills, and the game could advice you on reasonable good paths to take. Wouldnt lead to great builds, but it might help a new player from making something completely unplayable.

The ideal way to do it is a one-time only, full respec. When I say rare-drop I’m talking like ultra-rare. Like finding a SoJ in D2.

The goal though would be to make all builds viable. That way not one skill becomes irrelevant or overpowered.

It’s impossible. Not even close to the other case.

Then you’d have to wait until 2025, when D4 would be totally “off-meta” when it launches, it would be worse sight than the PoE 2 case.

It involves more skill than the full re-spec, but for a large tree it’s kind of inconvenient sometimes. I’d like to have both options tbh. They could make these more or less grindy depending on other stuff in the game.

I think the problem is
When they are full respec, they have to be rarer because they are more “powerful”, “impactful” and therefore people will not just use them when doing a mistake and always run around with their suboptimal build to not waste it on little things :confused:

Free respecs with a longer cooldown completely solves that :slight_smile:

Depends on how rare the items are
Cooldown on respecs will kill us all with anxiety
It doesn’t fit together
If the cooldown is longer than you need to find the item, the cooldown is pointless
If it’s longer to farm the item, the item is pointless
These two systems are counterproductive

Difference is, you wont have to find the item. If you have made a build that is so bad you cant farm with it, you are screwed if your only option is to farm for an item. Blizzard wouldn’t do that.
For some builds farming for the respec item could be way faster than waiting for the free respec, while for other builds it is the opposite. Each option is best for different players/builds.
Though as said before, even the item-based respec should have a cooldown, so even if you can farm for the item really fast, you cant respec all the time - that should never be allowed.
Like maybe a free respec every 14 days. And 1-2 days cooldown on item-based respec, with an average droprate of 1 respec per week (I would be fine with much rarer respecs… but sadly, it likely wont happen)

Significant work, good idea.

What if you could always full re-spec, but an AI vendor forces you to burn an item you used heavily.

Say I opt for that re-spec and the AI vendor gives me these choices:
1] Destroy my chest armor, weapon or boots
2] Keep these, but I can’t use the vendor for another week

The above is good for novice players with bad gear and they can “freely” re-spec in the beginning, but in mid or late Season it will be very costly to do it.

Oh my god no xD
Also blizzard will also not let people make builds that can’t farm for a simple item^^
My fav. idea is still, respecs are 100% free but the skills will reset after a respec and need to gain xp while fighting to gain full power again (like skyrim)
That way you will never be blocked but you also can’t insta respec and use different builds for different end game activities in the same hour

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This might be too punishing for new players. Maybe lose a level in the beginning and everything in the end of Season.

Yeah, I have come around on this idea. It could be quite good.
I was kinda against the idea of getting weaker because you respec. But the benefits outweigh that.

Attacks could maybe gain, at minimum, 100% dmg increase when fully powered. Defensive/buffs skills might get 100% more defensive effect. Soe skills might be hard to scale though. What would the scaling be on teleport, serenity etc. Lowered cooldown?
If you make the scaling too low, then respeccing will be more valuable than fully powered skills. 100% increase might still be too low in some cases.
Should probably take at least 24 hours of grinding to fully power skills. Can be a bit hard to balance this for both ‘hardcore’ and ‘casual’ players.

It would once again mean that all respecs should be full respecs though.
If you could switch between 2 attack skills, while the other 5 skills were still fully powered, it would not work imo. Or like switching buffs out constantly depending on the enemy.
If you change as single skill, or skill modification, all skills would need to be un-powered.

Depends. If it is a boss that drops it, as Skelos proposed, it surely could be possible that a bad build couldn’t do it. Even builds that could theoretically farm, might also be so slow that it is not realistic. A Sorc whose only “attack” is frost nova or whatever.
I dont particularly think Blizzard should save exceptionally bad players from themselves. But Blizzard probably thinks so.

The more I think about re-specing the more I like binding these with Season duration. Easy in the beginning, semi-hard in mid Season and super hard in late Season. But Blizzard won’t do it for sure.

When I talk about respeccing, I am also fine with it being cheap/free early on. Like, a character below max lvl could have completely free respecs. To let you try out the new skills and skill mods as they become available.
That can work no matter what kind of respec system there is; respec token cost, cooldown or skyrim-style skill powering.

Maybe after your first character of each class, you could choose to pick “veteran mode” or whatever, where you get 20% more XP while lvling, in exchange for respecs not being free.

Did you really make that? It looks like the same thing from an earlier D4 update.

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I like the way of a circular “tree”.
Think of it like a pizza with slices. You start in the middle, and each slice has a theme to it.
Lets say there are 6 slices, and you get enough points to fully fill out 2 slices, or you can take half of 4 slices and so on.

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