[D4] HERBS. Anyone notice them on map?

As long as combat is involved in both, there is no difference. That is how it should be.
If you can run around picking flowers, with no dangerous enemies anywhere. That is a problem.

You use potions for greater effectiveness in combat.

Involved in collecting the flowers.

And to create stuff at the blacksmith, you need to go farm useless items to break down. So, now to create potions, youā€™ll need to go farm herbs. The herbs will probably be strategically placed in areas where fighting is required. Then if you donā€™t like the idea of herb picking, you can pretend itā€™s a loot drop.

Which comes from combat.
Not that I want the whole ā€œbreak down useless items for crafting matsā€ thing from D3 to be repeated in D4 either.

As long as they are, and the monsters are of an appropriate difficulty, then everything is fine.

Iā€™d still prefer the examples further above though, with monsters/bosses aggroing you because you picked flowers.

Think about it this way. Did you click on armor/weapon racks? Did you open chests? Did you open the silk sacks? Did you check the library bookshelves. Did you break the breakables? etcā€¦ None of those really involve combat. You did it for the rng, and the reagents.

That flowers in WoW are deadly!

No. The campaign mode is exactly for novice players. It should be easy to complete.

Yet I donā€™t go to farm these specifically aka I open chests when they are close to me wherever I pass through for example.

Farming and collecting for potions and buffsā€¦ Hmm why notā€¦ I like it.

A bot that does not fight back will die at least :smiley:
But that is just a matter of balancing. They could be deadly.

Armor/weapon racks, chests etc. are placed in the middle of enemies. Combat is involved. But yeah, not enough. The games could use some mimics.
That is kinda why the treasure goblins in D3 are nice. They run around, and try to make opening the ā€œchestā€ more combat intensive.

Iā€™m still trying to see this alleged little red bush that the player can interact with. All I see is a red blood splatter?

Can someone take a screen grab and highlight what Iā€™m supposed to see?

Yeah, cant really tell that it is a plant either, but you can see the icons on the map. And its position fits with the red/green plant close to the broken cart/rock.

I see now. I was on mobile. I just put the resolution to HD and can see it clearly.

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Plus there are mini-map icons. You can see 3 of them.

I still think this is just a quest. Kinda doubting theyā€™ll put herbalism in a Diablo game. May as well throw in fishing too.

The said no to fishing in the Q&A. but i donā€™t thing gathering materials for crafting is a bad thing.

Not, not at all. They could just as easily create plant like creatures that drop reagents, without having to go the WoW herbalism route.

To each their own. Iā€™d have no issues with it.

It would have been tracked and showing to the right if itā€™s a quest. This is crafting materials 100%.

Oh my, what should the reward for an 80 year old be?


If we were looking at a complete game, you would be correct. D4 hasnā€™t even hit Alpha yet.

Seems like an evolutionary idea. Potions in d3 were limited to 1 u had set at the time. Different potions that can be consumed for different scenarios would be welcome. Also, considering key dungeons seem to be a difficult end game option. Gathering mats and prepping with potions seems like a welcome addition.