D4 graphics are unpleasant/not good looking

Diablo 4 has good graphics technically and on paper but in practice (in real life) looks really mediocre and boring and worst of all unpleasant at times. Like the game reminds me of Path of Exile in a lot of ways and that game came out like 10 years ago.

It’s the art style/direction they chose. Everything looks the same so far. maybe it’s just the first “act/area” that was shown in beta but still disappointed. Even the early snowy areas were the worst I’ve seen in Diablo so far. i much preferred the arreat summit and ice caves in diablo 2 and 3.

I played/tried it in Xbox Series S just in case anyone is curious to know. I am hoping that there will be some graphics options/toggles/etc for the consoles.


You’re welcome


thanks but I’m not allowed to post in that forum without purchasing the game.

Similar to diablo 2 resurrected. If you only have console versions you’re not even allowed to post in General Discussion. You’re only allowed to post in console discussion which means way less people will see your posts. It’s silly.


D4 sorceress and rogue female class looks so WOKE and horrid it makes you wonder if Blizzard really made these character models or they outsourced it to some kid in high school and told him “make me something cheap and woke”


XD kekekekekekek!!! That is not what I was expecting to read

I was able to do it, right now, without having played the betas or pre-purchasing the game

D4 definitely has a great graphic quality.

It is art direction and darker color scheme that I don’t really like it.


Yes, to me the colors are just overly muted and greyed out. Extremely poor palette choice. Looks really bad. In comparison Poe2 looks quite amazing.

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LMAO it literally has WOKE cosmetics and character faces.

It’s like a joke compared to Lost Ark

Yeah, seems they responded to the critique that D3 was “Too bright and colorful” by having D4 use ~2010 era video game color scheme which is to say “Brown, brown and more brown”

Like, guys, it’s possible to have dark and gritty without just making everything brown. Just look at Grim Dawn. Splashes of colour to contrast the bleak and desolate backdrops.


Sure let’s have Whimsydale maps and dungeons in D4

… and blondes with big b##bs

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Hmmm…I think you need to change your glasses.

Good joke OP - D4 is definitely not perfect, but it looks great!


lol at perfect have you seen the character models and customization garbage preset?

A free to play game like Lost Ark puts this company to shame when it comes to character customization

But then Koreans aren’t woke

This is 100% the outcome of people crying over D3 not being dark enough and too colorful, with honorable mention to the rages that occur to this day over the intentional joke of the pony level. I’d further say this extends into the common complaint I’ve seen over dungeons being bland and feeling repetitive.

Overall, I spent more than my fair share of time here in the past trying to point out that a lot of people demanding more darkness didn’t exactly know what they were even asking for. Edgelords at best. Anti-D3 reactionaries at worst. Chopping off everything that isn’t an earth tone is pretty much a self-fulfilling prophecy of visual mundanity.


Agreed. I made a thread inquiring if D4 was considered woke. It generated a ton of great discussion, but it eventually was flagged by users as troll and it got removed. My account was placed on temporary hold. Unbelievable. This fanbase is insufferable. Ah well, time to move on from Blizzard games.


Be careful someone might be watching. :point_down:

Do not post about moderated threads.

“Post that are moderated have a reason behind the moderation. It’s up to you to read the forum Code of Conduct and these guidelines to determine what you did wrong, learn from your mistake, and attempt to post again without breaking any rules. If you have been subject to account action, you should receive an email detailing the suspension or ban to the Battle.net account associated to your forum posting account.”

You mean the notoriously vague/ambiguous/convoluted code of conduct? The thing may as well say “Don’t do something wrong” or something equally vague. Or the fact that people have been banned simply for disagreeing only to have a supervisor overturn the ban. The CoC should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

Now, I think given your post history, you knew that but were maybe trying to be funny?

They just cant handle truth and youd be letting them win. If you enjoy D4, play it.

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Some people can say whatever they want and nothing ever happens to them. Other will get flagged just because people do not like them. They should do something about false flagging.