D4 female Druid

Which is always weird since those body sizes were not non-existent in those “times”.

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I have no idea i didn’t live then xD

Right. Who had enough coin, could buy enough food. And if I were a Druid I could probably hunt down forest animals to eat, and then chill and meditate while on shrooms.


If food is scarce, and life is hard, who want to look thin and have muscles? That might indicate that you do manual, physical labor in your day job. That would just be embarrassing!
Being, uh, very well fed, would likely be a status symbol in Sanctuary.

Maybe the druid main characters is the heir to some druid clan. Having lead an easy life, until demons start flooding their homeland, and everyone suddenly expect their future leader to, eh, actually lead them. Bummer.

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I mean what do we expect from some one, who lived their entire life studieing, meditateing, and thinking about natures balance. When in combat they cast spells, call animals, and shape their body into killing machines. They didn’t needed to exercise their muscles, that much. And their tribe probably did everything for their members, to not starve and be healthy.

She’s comical. They picked a negative stereotype to virtue signal their diversity.


They do come from the same stock as Barbarians though.

Well than we could agree on that they should give us the option to choose body types in character creation.


Would be nice but I doubt they will do that. Too much work fitting all the armors.

Yes well I don’t realy care about character looks. A fat Druid or Sorc or Wizz is as good enough for me as skinny one. I just can’t see why some people lost their :poop: over a little fat.


i think it’s a bit more complicated than that
since the existence of media we have been shown and identified with fit and “perfectly” shaped characters and idols. and it’s definitely important to give other body shapes a spotlight. but many people simply cant get out of their habit which was just developed by all the other games. leaving out dwarves. they have always been short and thicc.
show me a pokemon game where you can play a chubby kid. how many humanoid but curvy champions are there in league of legends? it’s obvious that game developers cater to an idealized idea of how people want to look like. even more extrem when it comes to women. since big men are at least more accepted than big women.


More accepted among the male players at least.

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My wife always asked me, why do I choose to play female characters so often rather than male ones? It is simple. Many games you end up in 3rd person fooling behind the character and getting a rear view. Simply, I would rather watch a female from behind rather than a man. In fact it feels a little off to me watching a man’s butt, through the game.
So if you are building player characters, I would rather see good looking ones than not. Male or female. Just my taste. This is fantasy stuff after all. Why would anyone decide they would rather be out of shape or overweight in a game?


I am not sure if we can do that, but we will get a LOT of customization for the character selection. Of course, we can play either gender of each class as well. They are not locked like D2 was. It is like D3 in that way. From the June 2021 Quarterly Update that focused on Character art.

Diablo IV has more in-depth customization for your characters than we’ve had in any previous Diablo games. You will be able to change the face of your character, the hairstyle, the facial hair (beards and eyebrows), and add jewelry (nose piercing or earrings), makeup, and body markings such as tattoos or body paint. You will also be able to change the color values of your character’s skin, eyes, hair/facial hair, and body markings. Some elements will be class specific, to support the classes’ unique backgrounds, but many will be shared between classes allowing more possibilities to mix and match.

That is usually the issue.

Blizzard has a LOT of body types in the various games. Always has. Tauren (a popular Druid class in WoW) are rather beefy.

In my head, it makes sense to have enough body mass to shape shift into a powerful animal. A tiny little druid I would expect to shift into a fox or something vs a bear/stag/wolf.


But in Diablo we see characters in a birds eye view. And if armour is going to stay realistic, we will not see much sexy curves of the female characters. And it’s Okay!

Yeah I know and As I said I don’t realy care about what shape or size will my Druid be, it’s totaly beliveable, and fine whit me.

Pauldrons bigger than your head are not realistic, or practical. Form fitting armor is historically accurate for both men and women. So are some of the most bizarre things you can imagine.

It’s been done in many games before.

Yes, having the graphics set up to scale the armor with whatever body builds the player comes up with has been done. Blizzard does not tend to do that though.

Someone who does 3D modeling, animation, and art/armor would be best to ask about why that is challenging to do well. My very limited understanding is that getting the armor looks to display properly on all models in all animations is not simple. The more complex the armor, the more that becomes true.

I guess if they picked like 3 body frame though, then that could work.

Definitely true. But Blizzard has also struggled with making armors fit on static character models in WoW. My undead main in WoW had bones sticking through the armor for at least a decade.
The moment you have different hair styles etc. you are also going have weird clipping issues for that.
I dont really care whether we could select different body types, just like I would be completely fine with not being able to select anything else about our characters (hair etc.), but if it is something people might deem important, maybe having clipping issues here and there is a completely fine tradeoff. We probably wont see it anyway, due to the isometric camera.

For some reason it’s being done in many MMORPGs but never in arpgs
Probably because mmos don’t have as many armor models

I want a thicc druid gf tbh