[D4 feedback] Let's talk about mob design [EXTENDED version]

Hello everyone, as mentioned before (and as is seemingly obvious) mob-design turns out to be a greater and greater (and quite important topic) both for discussion, but also (more importantly hopefully) for FEEDBACK on D4

Namely, noticed that there were QUITE A FEW similar topics that don’t seem related to Mob-design but they are (in quite a large manner), for example things like Immunities, or Cooldowns, or Hitstun…

For starters, you may (or may have not :D) seen this topic before… But probably not :stuck_out_tongue:

TL-DR: think most (if not ALL) of those 3 topics mentioned just above are actually relatively tightly related to Mob-design… Either way in that post there are (afair a few at least :thinking:) valid points (at least hope haha :D), but still:

Not linking it for the reason of saying all things said/mentioned there are necessarily must-do, but rather as a mention for a “living proof” that I’ve had this topic in my head and it’s been “bothering” me for quite a while :smiley:

Last few days I’ve been doing some “drawing board” and table-documenting on stuff that I’d like to share (along with some “useful paradigms” to think about)

TL-DR: awhile ago shortly mentioned the “4 step algorythm” to design mobs in which the necessary “steps” were the following:

1 - Add a “passive” bonus based upon the region the mob’s currently placed
2 - Add a “passive” bonus based on the characteristics of the mob family (not type, family, type is skeleton, family is undead for ex)
3 - Add a typical behavior/ability based on the mob type (sometimes passive bonuses too)
4 - Add bonuses/characteristics on that mob (based on rank, i.e. regular, archer, caster, brute/champion, elite, e.t.c.)

BUT something was still “missing”, so therefore I think I’d like to talk about 2 more/additional (optional) steps for the algorythm:

5 - Mob mutations
6 - Tag system

Mob mutations seem to be a “thing” that makes the mob have some kind of “extra” layer, for example a skeleton with heavy armor, or a skeleton with super giant 2 hand polearm… Tag system on the other hand is a “simplified” version of adding an “elite” affix onto an individual mob (could be groups, could be one at a time), for example let’s say a Human/caster mage has a Wave-of-Force like ability to gain some “distance”, well, that mage now got twice as tricky if it also has an “Illusionist” affix on it, or maybe even 2 (Illusionist + Thunderstorm for ex. :P)

NOW, seemingly the “algorythm” has been complete, I’d like to present/share a tabled presentation for mob-data I’ve been working on (and grouping) lately along with yet another (hopefully less mess of a one this time) some extra of those “paradigms” that should’ve been better summarized in the intro-post above :P)

P.S., seems like this document may be “alive” for 7 days on the INet, trying to find some other ways to more permanently share if interested in mob types/concepts further :slight_smile:


So there you go, this is the “version 1” of this post (and document), but should probably be quite enough to understand the PoC (proof of concept) and how I think would probably be the best approach to implement things regarding the broader/quite-larger-actually topic of mob-design

What do you think of it, how do you like it so far ? :slight_smile:

P.S., speaking of the “devil” this has also been posted on the internet somewhere recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-lPwFG5Arw&pbjreload=101 so if you don’t like the TL-DR of mine can at least watch a VoD (but I warn you, seems like they focus WAAAY too much (IMO at least) on visuals :P) :smiley: