D4 Endgame Idea

Let’s post some endgame activities while the mods are sleeping!

Tower of Bablyon - Challenging static or random tower. Solo or 5 players. So dangerous not even Lillith would dare to step foot in this den of evil. Special portal/key from world boss required to enter the Tower. 1% drop rate or so.

Floors. up to 100 in this sequence.

  • 1-4, Regular Mobs
    1. Miniboss
  • 4-9, Elite Mobs
    1. Boss.

Make it fun, interesting and a shared community goal to figure out how to beat it by having hidden mechanics… For instance maybe for 1 boss you need to break elemental immunity of some kind to do damage, maybe you need special type’s of armor’s that does reduced damage from a special attack of boss depending on floor, that would 1 shot you without it. You get the point, make it a gear check but with hidden elements to figure it out and progress.

Rewards: Small chance to drop a Babylon cosmetic, mount or a crafting item? Up to you!

Maybe it’s part of the expansion?

Babylon Expansion

  • 1-2 new characters
  • New leveling area with quests/ New boss
  • Some new items/set for each class
  • Tower of Bablyon

Let me know below how dumb this idea is before the mods delete it! Happy Saturday!


i dont think they want to include a building from real world history/lore in their world
they keep talking about how sanctuary is its own world

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Ya that’s understandable, couldn’t think of a name for it since I don’t know the lore or story for D4.

Sounds boring for me.

Like a GRift just with up to 100lvls and special areas with monsters.
Everbody will skip lvl 1-4, 11-14, and so on, because the droprate of regular monsters is too low.

Do u rly called this Endgame?

Like i said, its not more as a Rift with more lvls and at all very similair i think about key dungeons.

But the towers name sounds good.

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It’s a tower you can’t skip any floors, you don;t want to because of the crafting gear, cosmetic or mount it drops, higher chance on boss tho. It’s not even close to grift, since you need strategy, different gear, maybe even different build depending on the boss. Each one will be harder the further you go. It’s more like uber except all 10 will be different and unique in how to kill them or how to avoid getting killed from 1 hit.

oh no
1 shot mechanics are at the wrong place here :x


If they turned the game into 1 extra life game, they could do 1-shotting. We play with 2, out of sudden one is gone.

Time to make new character rip :x

why would i play hardcore?

I will give u my ammy with +25 lightning res, now it will be 2 hits

If they only did the same with Azeroth, instead of polluting it with real world holidays, breaking the immersion…

Mods don’t delete threads just because they’ve got bad ideas in them.
If they did the forums would certainly have a lot less threads.


Imagination isn’t dumb my friend!

Here you suggest a tower as a special dungeon event, a schematic wouldn’t be that hard to produce. Any building or complex architecture could fit.
There’s mobs to kill and the difficulty scale with the floors, how would you manage it to make the low level floors entertaining. Remember the GR trials, there was multiple waves of mobs which was just absolutely boring. It was a good idea with a little issue about scaling.

Endgames could have many different options in order to match systems & specs. Depending on character’s stats, skills/talents, gears, something could be done in different ways.

I like this point, this simple statement can easy get interesting for a lot of players and can lead to multiple concept.


That’s the very first thing I thought when I read the word Babylon. It serves no place in the world of Sanctuary.

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I like your comment Vypwulf and i thought about what u said.

That is said good, the tower as a part (from much more) of Endgame.

So let me imagination.
The low lvl/lvl with regular monsters could give us a bonus for mf, which we can use by the middle or endboss. Scaling with killed regular Monsters in lvl 1-4kill.

So we had a reason to clear that lvls and not to skip/run fast trough it. But on the same time the freedom to do it.

Another Option could be to give that regular Monster lvl/stages better drop rates for spezific loot.

Lvl1 for normal armors
Lvl 2for normal armor but socket
Lvl 3 for magic armors
Lvl4. for magic armors but socket
Lvl5 miniboss
now change item but same system
Lvl6 for normal head(dont remember the eng word for it)
Lvl7 normal head with sockets
and so on.

the lvl4 regular Monsters should be more dangerous.

Optimized for each main class
Because some Monsters are easy to kill for Barbarians but hard to kill for Sorcs. So it should be static at all, but different for the main classes. 5x static envoirments must be developed for each class one.
But it would feel very deep i hope. And we will e exited to find a key for and join it.

In low lvl should be the easiest monsters.

Sorry for my grammar!


Is this reminiscent of the Labyrinth in POE?
Which was one of the few things in that game I liked, so rip it off and improve it considerably.

Make it king of the hill, no PVP, just a number of players that when killed are out of the event. One player ends up left alive so is king of the hill.

I think endgame modes should be fairly simple in their concepts. The depth should come from the interactions that can happen. Replayability should come from its randomization.

Also, all endgame should use the same difficulty settings. So if key dungeons have 10 difficulty levels, so should Boss arena, etc.
Further, all endgame should offer all different kinds of rewards. No gem lvling from one activity, materials from another etc. All offers the same reward, and only how much you are rewarded should be altered.

  1. Key dungeons.
    Random map layouts, Random enemies. Each key have 3-4 affixed in some categories, like:
    Goal affix: what you end to finish the dungeon, such as kill a OSS, save 3 prisoner, find 5 chests behind locked doors etc.
    Dungeon affix: changes something g about how the dungeon functions, like traps, only getting flooded etc.
    Monster affix 1 and 2: changes something about monsters.
    No direct timers should exist in key dungeons, but a dungeon getting flooded would of course serve indirectly as a timer.

  2. Boss arena
    Fight a random boss is an arena. It has 1-3 random affixes. At higher difficulties you fight 2 bosses.

  3. Campaign Plus
    Reset and replay the campaign at increased difficulty. As static content it should offer lower rewards than most other endgame, except for challenge dungeons. It should never feel like you had to replay the campaign to be efficient.

  4. Overworld content/exploration
    Combining these into one, as they are part of the same gameplay loop.
    Fill the overworld with randomized content, such as; world bosses, rare bosses, enemy camps, chests, treasure goblins, treasure maps, quests/events, secrets, portals to small one-off maps with a Boss, and so on. All in all, a bunch if content you can run into while traversing the overworld.
    This should also replace the bounty concept. The various bosses, quests etc should of course use some of the same enemy randomization as in key dungeons and boss arena.

  5. Challenge dungeons
    A few handcrafted dungeons each major patch. The dungeons are completely static
    Offers very low regards for that reason. The main purpose is leaderboard competition, where people can fine-tune their characters and strategies to the specific challenges. And of course, you use your own characters for this.

  6. Endgame Journey
    Tying all of endgame up in a progression system.
    Think a very expanded season journey. It consists of 1-200 big and small challenges, varying from very easy to incredible challenging. Each challenge gives between 1-5 points. So I total maybe you could get 500 points. The journey is per character. Not account wide! These are a paragon replacement and can be spent on various bonuses to your character. With a 500 point cap, the should be at least 1000 points worth of stuff you could spend them on, so you couldn’t get everything.

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I prefer the opposite. Much static in the underworld.

Sorry man, but again i prefer the opposite. So each region/dungeon is special and it is worth to take a ride/travel to that special place.

U want a good sword? Go to a dungeon at the arreat.
U want a magic wand? Go to a dungeon in Kehjistan.
Need some stuff for the necro? Search in the jungle.

That not means, that u couldn’t find a magic wand in other areas. But the chance to find it at a specific region should be a lil bit higher. Depends who lived there.

Hmm… thinking about who lived there is a good point to change the regions. So it could be hard to find a magic wand in areas where much sorcs live. They grabbed it all away before. .but when u go as sorc to the arreat, the chance to find it there could be higher, because the barbarians live there and they dont use/needs magic wands. Maybe we find there (as sorc at the arreat) a good barbarian, who needs to go in the jgl for a better two handed weapon and we go together. The Monsters in the barbarian tower are dangerous for sorcs but easy for barbs. But the monsters in the jgl tower are easy for sorcs (us) and hard for barbarians (him). So we hlp each other and going to be friends.

I do agree that dedicated drops lead to more replayability
It could potentially lock you in an area for quite a lot of time, looking for a specific drop
But on the other hand, never having a destination and always just going with the overall best or your own comfort zone farming spot can become very stale


I think there can be some but limit it to the whole zone instead of a specific enemy. Unless we are talking about something like the keywardens in D3. You can have a unique partial to the Scosglen Durids. So that can be drop only in that zone but no where else. I think that kind if targeting is fine. That way you can farm the activity in that zone they way you want.