D4 Endgame Idea

Regarding potential farming spots, just have it where some places have a better chance of dropping a item. For example, if you want gear with fire resistance, you could farm in a fire area as there’d be a better chance of said gear dropping. If you want a weapon with crushing blow, then farm at an area with lots a blunt type attacks. Now you wouldn’t need to actually go to these areas to get said items, it’s just that these areas would give you a better chance.

Now regarding endgame ideas; I wouldn’t mind they bring back something akin to the trial rifts that were once a part of early Diablo 3 RoS; along with some changes of course.

i must confess … i really feel bad about that diablo4…

i watched some videos, and read somethings about it, feels like we gona have same novel again… more failure i mean.

14 hours into the match, the support Monk and support Barb agree to call it a draw.

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Shocker. Never heard this from you before.

@Oblivion, that would be good too. No specific enemy, but an area(s) in general.

We don’t disagree that much then, because that is exactly what I meant by only altering how much you are rewarded. Some activity might drop a bit more runes. Some enemy family or area might drop more wands. I just don’t think any rewards should be exclusive to an activity or area. Having that potential to get anything is important for an arpg imo. And exclusive rewards take away a lot of freedom in what you can do in endgame. I don’t want us to end up only doing one endgame activity because it is the reward we need most, and it can’t be gained elsewhere. Like GRifts.
Nor does it feel good to do bounties just because they offer an exclusive reward. If everything can be gained everywhere it will be more clear when some endgame activity just isn’t liked enough to be used, and altering droprates is a lot easier than making up some unique reward to “force” people with.


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Yeah, now i understand better what u mean and can totally agree u. What u said in your last posting is what i wish us for d4.
cheers :slight_smile:

Ive never played POE so I’m not sure what labyrinth is. I like king of the hill :wink:

Labyrinth is a large maze like dungeon with traps and bosses. You have to navigate your way through it and they change daily. No deaths allowed or you start over. This is a very rudimentary explanation because it would take a wall of text to fully explain.

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It isnt even nearly as exciting than losing your life. All they would need to change the lore a bit.

If you have two “lives”, and lose one, then you don’t actually lose your life though?

Seems like it defeats the purpose
Like cheat death.

Its just how they make it. I think lifes should be tradeable. Bad player loses his own, good player keep it and trade it for something good. They could do 1-shotting, and add a bit more depth to the game.

Whats wrong with cheating death, its dark fantasy after all. This kind of games are “life vs death” kind of stuff from my understanding.

Being unable to die is not very dark fantasy.

Unless you get double 1-shots.

Grim Dawn has something similar. They’re special end-game dungeons, unlocked with rare keys, one life only, no respawn. There’s a combination of trash and bosses that progress in difficulty as you progress through the dungeon, and ultimately some of the best gear in the game may drop from the last boss.

A couple of thoughts:

  • The devs have already committed to randomly-generated keyed dungeons. It’s unclear whether those would be leveling instances, end-game instances, or both. Depending on how these are implemented, there may be some concept overlap.
  • Diablo typically does procedurally-generated maps. Grim Dawn’s “elite dungeons” (my own made up name because I can’t remember what Crate called them atm) are pre-defined and don’t change from run to run. They released several with each expansion, each dedicated to its own segment of the lore.
  • I personally would prefer less randomness in an end-game skills challenge like this so that you’re not promoting fishing.
  • It would need a unique, Sanctuary-approved name. While much of Diablo lore roots in the mythology of bronze-age Babylon and the surrounding region, we definitely want to keep the IP pure: similar, inspired by, but not directly lifted from RL history/lore.
  • These dungeons can/will be rendered obsolete with each new expansion and it’s new levels and power gain. Either Blizz would have to rescale/rebalance them (and their loot) for each expansion to keep them as viable end-game, or make new ones. Proactively planning for a WoW “Timewalking”-like event or mechanic where you could play through old end-game content and get current expansion end-game challenge and rewards is something they’ll want to do.

Edit: A final thought:

  • I personally despise one-shot kill mechanics. Too much visual effects on the screen, a spike of lag, and you’re dead. It’s the polar opposite of fun, especially if you’re using a rare key for a chance at end-game loot.
  • I have no problems with monsters hitting hard. These kind of dungeons should probably have some soft (or even hard) DPS checks and survivability checks as you progress to the last boss. The game as a whole should encourage you to balance attack and defense, and not just build every character to be a glass cannon. These should be challenging and require good gear and smart tactics while avoiding cheesy, stupid mechanics.