[D4] Do early access launch issues = refunds?

Perhaps it’s you who should pull, not your finger but, your head out of that body part you’re referring to? (Sorry for being rude :flushed:).
I’m sure the folks at Blizzard are doing the best they can and are working hard. This goes for both D3 and D4. It’s naive to think that a game, or any other product, will be to everybody’s liking.

I did not buy D4. The question is still valid.

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It would be even more valid in the other games & technology page

LOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, I’m sure nothing motivates Blizz workers more than losing their paycheck because they signed up to work for a terrible company in a high COL area.

2023, Feb 17; Blizzard workers furious after ‘demoralizing’ Q&A meeting - https://www.polygon.com/23604013/blizzard-entertainment-mike-ybarra-qa-meeting


Oh you are quite the comedian.

You know that:

  1. people are taking things personal and are scared
  2. trolls are hunting for food

When asking a question:

  • is taken as a threat
  • looks like a buffet

Do you really think the fat boy from Long Island is working hard? There is no way to please everybody, but please enlighten us… show us with hard evidence that the D2, LoD, and D3 crowd was overwhelmingly demanding a MMO or MMO-lite successor to D3. Show us with hard evidence that fans of the Diablo franchise were demanding a damn phone game. Nobody was like “if they don’t make a damn Diablo game that I can play on my i-Phone then I [insert threatening action/activity here]”. Nobody was like “if they don’t make a Diablo MMO then I’m going to [insert threatening action/activity here]”.


I’d refer you to…

Discussing Diablo IV is not discussing Diablo III.

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Blizzard Support - Refund Diablo IV or Diablo IV In-game Purchase.

“as long as you haven’t played for more than two hours.”

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Pretty much everyone at work is playing D4. No one I’ve talked to has anything bad to say about it. The most common response asking how they like it is that they are shocked at how smooth and not buggy it is. People are calling in sick to play in droves.
So my experience is that real people in the real world love D4 and people who don’t are stinky Internet trolls. :stuck_out_tongue:


LOL. That’s the best you can do? Personal attacks against people who don’t like the game?

I’ve had 4 crashes now (hard freeze), the skill button bug once. Unless you are playing a ‘perfect’ build, you are screwed, even on tier 1 vs bosses. Nilcar is unbeatable. Had the rare butcher spawn last night and was pretty much screwed straight away - when a boss moves twice your speed and you only have a evade spell (teleport) once every ~10 seconds, and he has a high speed rush skill, and pretty much nearly 1 shots you every hit, you’re screwed. The bosses in D4 are unbalanced. Blizzard went the PoE route and then some. It wasn’t a good thing to copy from PoE.

I shouldn’t have to play a narrow build to succeed at a game - if that is the case, then the game lacks diversity and is VERY badly balanced. Fact.

I already know that I won’t be able to beat the big bosses, the first time in a Diablo game for me. I did the original Diablo on hell/hell diff solo (hard yakka). I’ve done D2R on hell/hell diff. I’ve done D3 to bits (typically top 10 HC DH on PS4 globally until Blizzard balanced the s6 impale build so much weaker than GOD DH, m6 MS and N6 traps - hell, even UE MS is a stronger build now than s6 impale). Kind of hard to compete when your build has been screwed by crappy devs and is 5-10 GRs weaker. But hey, I’m already seeing the same crap with D4 - Blizzard incapable of balancing the game.

The game looks alright, although it’s ripped off PoE in terms of looks (but hats off to Blizzard, they have done a much better job of making the graphics look good!). UI on PS4 is horrid. Crashes. Weird bugs with the game. Bad game balance.

It’s NOT my cuppa tea. I’m pretty much going to quit playing and spend my time playing games that I enjoy. I bought the digital copy (no other choice, since Blizzard, AFAIK, doesn’t make a hard copy). If I did own a hard copy, it will be sitting on my shelf unplayed and unloved. I think that about sums up my feelings on the game.

Just because I don’t like the game doesn’t make me (or others) a troll. It may float your boat, that doesn’t mean that it has to float everyone else’s boats. If you enjoy D4, great. Hats off to you. I don’t. Personally, the game is getting a 2.5/10 rating from me.

So despite all your tirades about how terrible and horrible Blizzard is you did buy D4… and of course everything is wrong with it!
I’ll end by quoting you:

Anyways. I hope you can find some kind of guide or guidance in how to tackle the difficult parts and start enjoying the game.

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If I’m counting togeather the time I played during closed endgame beta, open beta, server slam, initial launch, and only had 2 freezes. I wonder if I’m just lucky, or some of you are realy unlucky, have bad internet, or try to play on a system that doesn’t meet the requirements?

Yeah, it couldn’t just be that Blizzard released a really buggy product, right? Are you aware they had to release a patch to address issues for players whose SSDs were too fast?

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So they were unlucky which i covered. Also never said or implied the game is perfectly optimised. It’s clearly not. But atleast they are constantly fixing problems, asap.

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You implied some of the issues were due to people having under spec PCs.
The bug / patch I mentioned was due to people have over spec PCs.

Your obvious forum troll would be better posed to the Blizzard team. If you have a problem, open a ticket.

That’s like the “Hold ALT and press F4!” gag. Nice joke :joy:

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Just trolling per usual M.O of said poster. Obviously hasnt even tried the game.

Notice @Avalon bothered to make a thread about D4 in the D3 gen forum. See here:

Paging the pseudo forum cops:

Looking forward to your criticism posted in the above thread.

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I know, I thought it was kind of ironic considering he’s one of the same guys who do the “D4 forums, that way” replies when someone else does this.

Yeah, it’s funny when the same person group of people doing it, it’s apparently ok but anyone else, it’s “D4 forums, that way”. Notice who liked the post? :joy: