D4 Devs, please don't listen to the community

Funny for you to say that because “most of the D2 essences” were removed from the D3 for a good reason later.

D3 haters said the same thing since 2013, yet in 2019, D3 is still alive. You guys are not a very good prophet.


D3 has nothing unique about it. Its a PoE clone in most aspects so once D4 comes out and PoE2 comes out its going to be mostly dead. It might live for a while but it wont live for over 20 years. Plus D3 is still being updated and changed heavily once that stops its over. Sorry to tell ya.


Why do you lie? I know all the details. I played D3 from launch. I just listed the truth fact by fact above and you ignore it.

The things they removed from D3, such as the auction houses - never existed in D2.

D3 is a poorly designed game. Removing all forms of trading was part of their attempt at fixing the issues D3 has. But all it had done is introduce a new set of issues, where people max out way too fast and get bored easily. Doing nothing but grinding monsters is boring.

D3 is boring and if D4 is anything like D3 it’s going to be a disaster for Blizzard.


Cant agree more with this man. I keep saying this to people and they don’t seem to understand. People are arguing for the new stat system they are coming up with and I’m saying to be very skeptical of it. Any time you try to solve a problem by creating a new system as some fix all, it almost always creates the same problems and more unforeseen ones.


This is the first time I see a poster think D3 is PoE Clone. Usually people who will think that PoE is D2 HD. Again, you guys are not a very good prophets because I have been hearing the same line since 2013.

Oh, I didn’t lie.

They removed D2 trading, D2 crappy drop rate, D2 difficulty systems, D2 glorified stat stick system, and D2 boring PvE endgame. It is more like you are the one who chose to ignore those things.

D3 classic is indeed a poorly designated game because it took the rubbish idea from D2. I am glad that they are able to sort out in the end, and actually create a good game like current D3.

Hey, just like D2 endgame but D3 is just better.


D2 & D3 are pretty different.
But some things we can agree upon:

  1. We don’t want another D2.
  2. We don’t want another D3.
  3. Some ideas the community suggests are good.

The third is true because contradicting ideas are thrown, and at least part of them are good.
But you should note that the ideas are not always “Do like d2!” or “Do like d3”, but some alteration to the current idea the devs have (Take this for example: “Effect & Focus” - Runes, Power Imbues & Sockets: Mechanic suggestion)

So I don’t think telling the devs: “Don’t listen to the community” is the right thing, but rather: Filter the ideas with consideration!
So we, the players, get the best end result. :heart:


I’d like d2 remastered in all honesty and it was a little heartbreaking to hear they scrapped it for D4 but I honestly hope that w.e they do works. It just doesn’t give me faith that none of the original people involved with D2 are still around and the company is the way that it is now.


D3 came out May 2012.
PoE came out Oct 2013.

How in the world is D3 a clone of a came that came out after it?


That is the only explanation.


Because PoE and D3 look almost identical to eachother. Serisouly open two streams of each game. I don’t mean say that D3 copied PoE while I’m sure they both did in some regards(why wouldn’t you take something good and add it to the game); I mean that PoE seems to be the better of the two and because they are so similar most people will just play the better game. Poeple still playing D3 will mostly all go to D4 and I doubt that the PoE people will come start playing D3… Most people who started playing PoE did so because it looked more like D2. Which ultimately its not its MUCH more like D3.

fun fact: David Brevik would have ruined D1(and probably D2) if left to his own devices.


You contradict yourself in your own comment, try harder next time.

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Agreed but he and the other people involved made it great. He like everyone else has terrible ideas and great ideas but the man had tons of experience that cant be pulled from any longer which is a shame. I don’t think anyone wanted claymation…

Lemme make it easier to understand. PoE and D3 are almost identical. It doesn’t matter who copied who the fact is they are extremely similar. People who play PoE aren’t going to play D3 they are either going to play D4 or PoE2. D3 will die. Nuff said.

D2 end game has trading and pvp, which are additional things to just killing monsters. It might not have rifts and crap, but D2 was made back when people still used windows 95.


Unfortunately it is difficult to compete with the boss’ handing out the paychecks. Little do the bosses know that if making a quality game became priority 1, profit would register off the charts.

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Can’t wait for all the people to be riding unicorn mounts and have massive devil wings on their backs. Seriously micro transactions in D4 is reason enough to be skeptical of the design choices going forward.


D2 fan boy are you still in the Time Warp?


Someones having fun. Nah when I heard it was scrapped it was more along these lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm7vnOC4hoY

I don’t mind microtransactions when they’re cosmetics. I think the biggest turn off for me in D3 even after I stopped playing it was the absurd increase in numerical values. Watching my younger brother play d3 on the xbox and seeing absurd numbers like 100,00 damage. Totally unnecessary. Reading these forums, 500 BILLION TOUGHNESS? what on earth is the reasoning behind this? Power gamers extract and discern from the mechanics, not some artificially inflated numeric value. I don’t “feel stronger” because all of a sudden instead of the game revolving around semi-calculable numbers, it disastrously got amplified to an silliness.

Microtransactions are better than a subscription fee I think. It seems to be the way most modern gaming platforms are conducting profitability. I am confident that microtransactions won’t enable pay to win aspects, so if in doing so it eliminates or alleviates rather pay to play, whatever floats your boat. Different strokes for different folks.